Pierre Taylou


Wild Things
In total solitude, surrounded by a rugged landscape and inaccecibles cliffs, lies the mansion Vanbeck. One day, Vanbeck decide to hire a governess, Emmanuelle. This, from the beginning, note a rare family atmosphere and sometimes, it is impossible to sleep believing feel footsteps at night, in the old part of the house where the room of Ms. located. Vanbeck, which it is very ill and never leaves the room.
La Pension des surdoués
The Sadist of Notre Dame
Pierre de Franval
Jesus Franco directs and stars in this cut-copy-and-paste-version of one of his own movies. Here, he plays a mad priest going around killing sinful people in the name of God, all while trying to get a book published.
Viol, la grande peur
Luis, un gardien
A newspaper editor wants to sell more newspapers using sex crimes as a way to attract more readers.
Bangkok Porno
Couples en chaleur
Un copain
Поцелуй меня, убийца
После совершения преступления в составе организованной преступной группы один из её членов, Радек, избавляется от всех своих подельников. Впоследствии он женится на вдове одного из убитых им преступников. Спустя некоторое время в адрес Радека начинают приходить письма с угрозами, которые шлёт якобы один из умерших, на чьей жене впоследствии женился Радек.
Shining Sex
Cynthia, an exotic dancer in a upscale resort in Southern France, is seduced by a strange couple, Alpha, a being from another dimension and her human slave, Andros. Alpha places highly toxic matter (which also has hypnotic powers) into Cynthia's sex during love-making. From then on she will be a helpless pawn in a plot to destroy a psychic and a biologist who have become aware of the alien invasion and pose a threat to the plan.
Ladies House of Pleasure
A lovely summer day in Paris. Roger and Martine are on their way to work. "Work" is a euphemism because Martine is a prostitute in Pigalle. She is saving money to buy the house of her dreams in the country. Her husband Roger "works" for the same goal, but in a brothel for women. There, duchesses rub elbows with businesswomen, militant members of women's lib and other female pleasure-seekers.
Paris Porno
Mr. Gaston
A couple from the French countryside/provinces visit their country's capital city. A guide leads them to Paris' seedy side such as sex shops, adults-only cinemas, live-sex-show clubs, etc.
Golden Jail
Chief Inspector
A notorious gang leader named Mr. Winter who specialized in extreme forms of prostitution is forced out of Hong Kong due to increasing gang warfare. He settles down in Paris and starts to kidnap and coerce women into prostitution to rebuild his empire, but his extreme behavior threatens to quickly undo his work.
Midnight Party
Sylvia, a stripper, attends a party where the theme is a mock spy adventure. Unfortunately, she soon finds herself thrust in a real espionage adventure. There are these two playboys that invite her to their midnight orgy. Later, her communist rock star lover shows up in her dressing room and starts shouting anti-capitalist rhetoric. In the mean time, her hypochondriac husband keeps loosing money in poker games. And in between, she talks directly into the camera, trying to entertain us.
Prostitution Clandestine
Le notaire
Claudine, Tania and Sylvia are call girls. They satisfy the wishes of their clients, amateur photographers, scoptophiles, exhibitionists, and sado-masochists.
Потрошитель из Нотрдама
Pierre de Franval
Одержимый священник пытается насильно изгнать демонов из тел своих похотливых прихожанок. Он видит один способ избавить их от грешной одержимости — это убить их…
Les Chevaliers de la croupe
Le valet (uncredited)
Жаркие ночи Линды
Молодая женщина нанимается для ухода за пожилым человеком, который живёт на острове. Когда она приезжает туда, человек предупреждает её, что его дочери опасны... Кинопоиск (с)
The Girls of the Golden Saloon
Un convoyeur
Richard le Noir, disguised as a woman, helps free the local girls of the California town of Harriba Lannana, from enslavement at a local brothel called the Golden Saloon.
Convoy of Women
On the coast of France, the police are raiding the streets and taverns at night in search of girls to send to the colonists in North America. A ship takes these girls to America, where they are placed in carts leaving for territories where colonists and soldiers are expecting them.
Развратная графиня
The Tied Man (uncredited)
На острове живут граф и графиня, чьё хобби – кулинария, а именно – вкусное и сочное человеческое мясо. А на материке живут две подружки – легкомысленная симпатяжка и замкнутая писательница-интеллектуалка. Ну и, конечно, нельзя забывать про связующее звено – гетеросексуальную пару, время от времени промышляющую поставками мяса для графа и графини. И угадайте, кого следующим пригласят в гости в живописный домик на острове?
Девственница среди живых мертвецов
Garden orgy (added scene) (uncredited)
Студентка Кристина из Лондона приезжает в Гондурас для оглашения завещания своего недавно умершего отца среди далёких родственников. Хозяева выглядят и ведут себя весьма странно - периодически пьют кровь или проявляют свои лесбийские наклонности, однако Кристина не придаёт этому особого значения. Вскоре по ночам Кристине начинают снится кошмары, в которых она видит своего отца с петлёй на шее. Кристина, думая, что сходит с ума, решает больше узнать о своём отце и о его родственниках. Немногим позже, всё глубже окунаясь в семейные тайны, Кристина узнаёт, что родственники то и сами не совсем живы, а, точнее, являются привидениями.
Avortement clandestin!
Dr. Smith - an English doctor
Sophie, a young employee, gets raped on her way back from work and realizes some time later that she is pregnant. She does not want to keep the baby but abortion is illegal. Who can she tell? She first keeps her secret to herself but Jacques, her boyfriend, notices something is the matter with her and manages to make her talk. When he learns about her lot, he advises her to let her mother know. First, the distressed Sophie is unable to as she feels too low but, at long last, she does it. Sophie's mother, who immediately sympathizes with her daughter, undertakes to find a way out, why not a in a London clinic?
Tender and Perverse Emmanuelle
After his wife, a concert pianist, is found murdered a wealthy man is suspected of her murder. But as more suspects begin to pile up this mystery might take it's toll on more than one participant.
Agent of Doom
Assistant Director