Amelle Chahbi

Amelle Chahbi


Amelle Chahbi


Entre ses mains
Clara, a lawyer in Annecy, leads a serene but monotonous life with her husband Damien and their two children. One night, she falls under the spell of a mysterious sculptor, Stéphane. This one torrid night will have dramatic repercussions for her and her family...
Kevgad & Friends au Fridge Comedy
Self - Comedian
Hosted by Kyan Khojandi, in sixty minutes, sixty artists follow one another on stage. Which means they have sixty seconds, and not one more, to hold the spectators' attention and draw them into their world. The witticisms fuse, forming a veritable fireworks display of witticisms and funny situations, to the delight of viewers, but also of guest comedians.
Madame Chefraoui
В центре сюжета — судьбы троих друзей, которые служили вместе в Алжире в 1960 году во время франко-алжирской войны. Судьба забросила их на линию фронта и то, что они там пережили, навсегда оставило глубокие шрамы в душе. Вернувшись на родину, никто их них не вспоминал о пережитом. Спустя 40 лет прошлое, которое мужчины пытались забыть, ворвалось в их жизни и перевернуло все с ног на голову, заставив взглянуть давним призракам в лицо.
J'ai dix ans
Simply Black
Amelle Chahbi
A failed 40 year old comedian wants to organize the first Black protests in France but meeting with other French celebrities of the Black community will make it a whole new adventure.
Montreux Comedy Festival 2019 - Gala so chic !
Do you want to laugh but with a touch of French élégance ? Yes, it exists and it's hosted by a Belgian, in Switzerland !
Все включено
Поссорившись с невестой в аэропорту, Бруно улетает один на неделю в отпуск на Карибы по программе «все включено». Но плохие новости никогда не приходят по одной: по нелепой ошибке он вынужден делить свой номер с закоренелым холостяком и ловеласом Жан-Полем Сиссе, у которого свое представление об отличном отдыхе. Лето будет жарким!
M'rire Festival : Gala D'ouverture
И смех, и грех
Чтобы спастись от увольнения, продюсер-неудачник должен найти ​группу, ​которая соберёт полный зал Олимпии. На него снисходит озарение, и он организует весьма оригинальный бойз-бэнд: католический священник, раввин и имам. Смогут ли разные представления о мире стать помехой на пути к вершине музыкального Олимпа?
Why Do They Hate Us?
Why Do They Hate Us?
Amelle Chahbi
Take-Away Romance
Amelle and Noom are two young thirties are total opposites and that fate will bring. Serious She manager at Starbucks, and dynamic IT dilettante, smart, and apprentice comic. Both victims disappointments in love, they swore that it does take longer. So how do when despite all these opposites attract? A game of seduction then sets up for our greatest happiness. But all is not so rosy, families, friends, colleagues get involved, wars are declared, quarrels explode. Caught between the roots of their education and the fire of their feelings, which side will they choose? The love he will triumph? One thing is sure, they will make us have a good loads of fun and excitement ...
Take-Away Romance
Amelle and Noom are two young thirties are total opposites and that fate will bring. Serious She manager at Starbucks, and dynamic IT dilettante, smart, and apprentice comic. Both victims disappointments in love, they swore that it does take longer. So how do when despite all these opposites attract? A game of seduction then sets up for our greatest happiness. But all is not so rosy, families, friends, colleagues get involved, wars are declared, quarrels explode. Caught between the roots of their education and the fire of their feelings, which side will they choose? The love he will triumph? One thing is sure, they will make us have a good loads of fun and excitement ...
Take-Away Romance
Amelle and Noom are two young thirties are total opposites and that fate will bring. Serious She manager at Starbucks, and dynamic IT dilettante, smart, and apprentice comic. Both victims disappointments in love, they swore that it does take longer. So how do when despite all these opposites attract? A game of seduction then sets up for our greatest happiness. But all is not so rosy, families, friends, colleagues get involved, wars are declared, quarrels explode. Caught between the roots of their education and the fire of their feelings, which side will they choose? The love he will triumph? One thing is sure, they will make us have a good loads of fun and excitement ...
Le crocodile du Botswanga
Leslie Konda young talented French footballer spotted in his teens by Didier , a small-scale agent who was able to take under his wing , has signed its first contract striker in a large Spanish club . At the same time, his growing reputation and its origins Botswanga , small, poor state of Central Africa, earned him an invitation by the President of the Republic in person Babimbi Bobo , a football enthusiast, freshly installed in power after a coup military state. Leslie therefore went for the first time in the country of his ancestors accompanied by Didier to be decorated by the President Bobo which quickly turns out, despite his great humanist discourse be a megalomaniac and paranoid dictator under the bad influence of his wife .dropoff window Hardly have they landed Bobo enters into a sordid deal with Didier put pressure on his player so that it plays for the national team : Crocodiles of Botswanga ...
Хочу как Бриджет
Жозефине почти тридцать и у неё большая попа, которая, по её мнению, является главной причиной отсутствия личной жизни. Девушка отчаянно пытается бороться со своей пятой точкой липосакциями и антицеллюлитными мочалками, но всё тщетно. Единственным утешением является то, что она живёт с Брэдом Питтом — именно так зовут ее кота. Но последней каплей станет известие о том, что её сестра выходит замуж. Не в силах смириться с тем, что все вокруг нашли себе половинок, Жозефина придумывает роман с бразильским хирургом, к которому она якобы улетает за океан. И эта маленькая легенда превращает её жизнь в большое приключение со счастливым концом.
Twice Vincent thinks he has found the woman of his life. Twice his ideal woman left him for the same man: Denis. Now Vincent is pursuing a happy love affair with Anna, but he fears that history is about to repeat itself. He tries to understand his adversary. Just what is it about him that makes him so irresistible to the opposite sex - his taste in gaudy shirts or the fact that he teaches wrestling as if it were a philosophy?
Amour Sur Place ou à Emporter
Les Barons
Les Barons ont une devise : "glander plus pour vivre plus". Chaque être humain naît avec un crédit de pas. Chaque pas effectué te rapproche de la mort. Nous, les Barons, on le sait dès le départ.
Le Jamel Comedy Club envahit le Casino de Paris