Sergio Orta

Sergio Orta


Sergio Orta


The Rash One
Paco is the boy buttons a luxury hotel. Usually do small businesses with the resale of tickets to bullfights tourists. By a misunderstanding is fired from his job. There is no use of his taste and wanders the Victoria Street taverns. Finally discovers his only chance in bulls, easy craft that believes and loves. The reality is very different and has to accept the truth which manifests itself in a very dramatic.
Torrejón City
Tom Rodriguez, a young cowboy, arrives in Torrejón City. However in Torrejón City the unsuspecting Tom is mistaken for the famous outlaw Tim El Malo and the people want to lynch him.
Valentine's Day
Several independent histories in the St Valentine's Day, which they have jointly that a celestial emissary collaborates in solving his conflicts.
Valentine's Day
Director TV
Several independent histories in the St Valentine's Day, which they have jointly that a celestial emissary collaborates in solving his conflicts.
Las locuras de Bárbara
Vuelo 971
Secretario 1
El sistema Pelegrín
Hector Pelegrin, an unsuccessful insurance agent is admitted to the prestigious school Ferran as a gym teacher. The only problem is that he completely lacks the necessary skills for the job. He organizes a game between the football team at his school and another center, a historic rival, resulting in a surprise full of humorous criticism to our society. Pelegrin tries to convince everyone that football is just a sport
Star Scandal
The story of the adventures and entanglements of the son of a famous film producer who is forced to study law.
Based in the Émile Zola novel of the same name, which details the life of Nana, a French prostitute of the 19th century.
Moonlight in Havana
Allan Jones stars as hotshot baseball player Johnny Norton, in Havana for spring training. It turns out that Johnny has a beautiful singing voice, but only when he's suffering from a cold. Enterprising nightclub manager Barney Crane (William Frawley) attempts to inflict poor Johnny with cold germs, resulting in unchecked zaniness whenever our hero recovers sufficiently to lose his voice. The film's 63-minute running time manages to accommodate the drunken comedy relief of Hugh O'Connell and Jack Norton, and an abundance of musical numbers, courtesy of Allan Jones, Jane Frazee, the Horton Dancing Group, the Jivin' Jacks and Jills and Grace & Nicco.
Женщина года
Mr. Yes (uncredited)
В центре истории соперничающие репортеры Сэм и Тесс, которые влюбляются в друг друга и женятся. Однако брак совершенно не успокаивает их накаленные отношения…
Девушки Зигфилда
Native Dancer
Бродвей зажигает огни и на этот свет, как мотыльки, слетаются девушки, в поисках легкой жизни и головокружительной карьеры. Новое бродвейское «Шоу Зигфилда» делает очередной набор участниц и среди других приглашает на работу трех милых девушек: их роли различны, но сцена объединила их судьбы в одну. Сюзен профессиональная певица, живущая со старым эксцентричным папашей-композитором, Шейла — симпатичная блондинка с рабочей окраины, делящая постель с пожилым миллионером, а Сандра — жена безработного скрипача, который не может вырваться из душевного кризиса. С этого дня девушкам надо забыть обо всем, что их тревожит, ведь теперь они «Девушки Зигфилда» — лучшие модели Бродвея. У каждой из них появился шанс изменить свою жизнь и стать суперзвездой грандиозного музыкального представления, но у любого шоу есть финал и для каждой из участниц он не будет одинаков…