Michael Forest

Michael Forest

Рождение : 1929-04-17, Harvey, North Dakota, USA


Michael Forest is an American stage, film, television and voice over actor. He holds a BA in English and Drama from San Jose State University, California, USA.


Michael Forest


When the Train Stops
Marshal Preston Booth
Clive Emerson is a young fugitive with a troubled past and a bleak future. When the law catches up with him, he’s taken into custody by U.S. Marshal Preston Booth and begins a long train trip across the American southwest back to prison. Though Booth takes a personal interest in the case when Clive insists upon his innocence, the young man ultimately resigns himself to his sad fate. But little does Clive know that the future waiting for him when the train stops isn’t at all what he expects.
Star Trek: Inside the Roddenberry Vault
Fifty years after the original Star Trek first arrived on television, is there anything about Gene Roddenberry's space opera that hasn't been uncovered? Plenty! On December 13, 2016 fans can experience Star Trek: The Original Series - The Roddenberry Vault, a newly produced multi-part documentary featuring footage from the cutting room floor, long preserved in film canisters by the Roddenberry Estate. The origins of the classic series are explored with new interviews featuring cast and production personnel combined with newly-found deleted scenes, alternate angles, outtakes, behind the scenes moments, and original visual effects elements to tell the definitive story on the making and enduring legacy of Gene Roddenberry's creation.
A retired U.S. senator with a dark secret, an in-school suspension teacher and his captive audience of one, two lost souls' unlikely meeting at a roadside diner, the stomach-churning memory of True Love lost, a father's last will and testament passed on via workshop mix tape. Award-winning writer-director Chris White presents his 5-film, comic anthology on the nature ...
Eurocrime! The Italian Cop and Gangster Films That Ruled the '70s
A documentary concerning the violent Italian 'poliziotteschi' cinematic movement of the 1970s which, at first glance, seem to be rip-offs of American crime films like DIRTY HARRY or THE GODFATHER, but which really address Italian issues like the Sicilian Mafia and red terrorism. Perhaps even more interesting than the films themselves were the rushed methods of production (stars performing their own stunts, stealing shots, no live sound) and the bleed-over between real-life crime and movie crime.
The Scarlet Worm
Judge Hanchet
An aging killer trains a young hired gun in a plot to assassinate a meek brothel owner performing barbaric abortion acts on his prostitutes.
The viewer becomes the eyes of two detectives who never appear on camera as they unravel a mystery on a video screen, watching tapes from twenty-one hidden cameras which have captured a crime in progress. Three gunmen break into the home of gem dealer Seth Collison to steal the Sophia Diamond, a thirty-three carat stone valued at ten million dollars. Five minutes later the gunmen are dead. The case is closed before police find out about the hidden cameras. At eleven o'clock that night, the task of watching the tapes falls to secondary detectives Blu and Scotty. Through their eyes we discover what really went down.
Скуби-Ду и монстр из Мексики
El Chuprecabra (voice)
Задорная компания отправляется в Мексику, чтобы провести там заслуженный отпуск. Но не тут-то было: таинственное гигантское существо с зелеными светящимися глазами терроризирует жителей живописного городка Веракруз: оно распугало всех туристов этого райского местечка! Теперь неутомимым друзьям придется сразиться с гигантскими пернатыми змеями и страшными привидениями, чтобы раскрыть Мексиканскую Тайну, пока загадочный монстр не нанес очередной удар!
Pilot Jack
Герой этой картины, Чак Нолан, — сотрудник всемирно известной службы доставки «Federal Express». Чак — скрупулёзный практик и неисправимый педант. Жизнь Нолана, высокопоставленного инспектора международных отделений «FedEx» расписана по минутам. И этих драгоценных минут катастрофически не хватает ни на личную жизнь, ни на любимую женщину. Однако, безжалостная судьба заставила Нолана иначе взглянуть на отпущенное ему время... Самолёт, на котором путешествует Чак, падает в океан. Инженер, единственный, кому посчастливилось остаться в живых, попадает на необитаемый остров. Здесь Нолану предстоит провести мучительно долгие годы в жестокой битве за выживание...
Тело как улика
Andrew Marsh
Влюбившись в свою подзащитную, обвиняемую в убийстве, адвокат Фрэнк Дилэйн так умело строит речь в суде, что ему удается убедить присяжных вынести оправдательный вердикт. А через день Фрэнк становится невольным свидетелем разговора своей подзащитной с человеком, который помог ей совершить убийство.
Закон Рандаду
Earl Beaudry
Молодой владелец ранчо Кирби Фрай назначен заместителем шерифа в маленьком городе, жители которого недовольны своим стареющим шерифом Джоном Дэнэхером, который ведет давнюю вражду с безжалостным Филом Сандином, сыном богатого скотовладельца и его бандой. Кирби оказывается в центре этой конфронтации...
Глубокий космос
Космическая исследовательская станция терпит крушение где-то в просторах США. Сначала к месту падения подбираются парень и девушка, они же и становятся первыми добычами монстра, засевшего глубоко внутри капсулы. Всё это видел бомж, и он тут же обратился в полицию. За дело берётся крутой детектив МакЛимор !
Кинг Конг жив
Чтобы вылечить Кинг-Конга после падения с крыши Международного Торгового Центра потребовалось хирургическое вмешательство лучших кардиологов. Никто и никогда еще не проделывал операций такого масштаба. Как раз во время того, как огромное, механическое сердце застучало в груди царя обезьян, в далеких тропических лесах Индонезии был найден еще один Кинг-Конг! Но на этот раз это оказалась леди. И влюбчивый Кинг-Конг не смог перед ней устоять. Призывный клич самки оживит его и пошлет вперед, на новые «подвиги», на новые разрушения и схватки с армией…
The Shark Hunter
Donovan (as Mike Forrest)
A crusty recluse on a Caribbean island who is dedicated to destroying sharks gets involved in a hunt for buried treasure.
The Loves and Times of Scaramouche
The adventures of a cad in Napoleonic times.
Послание: История Ислама
Исторический эпос о рождении исламской веры и пророке Мухаммеде.
The Magnificent Dare Devil
Colonel Brauner
A race-car driver must elude the police and two rival criminal organizations as he tries to locate a suitcase full of heroin and absolve himself of murder.
Helen, Yes... Helen of Troy
Ottone and Savio, wanderers from Etruria, find themselves on the shores of Ancient Greece in search of bread and adventures. Pretending to be exhausted, they are rescued by Paris and Helen and taken to the palace of Menelaus. The welcome is propitious to take advantage of the lavish lunches and beautiful women, not even excluded Elena, wife of the sovereign who will be kidnapped by Paris and taken to Troy. When he reaches the palace of Ulysses, which recognizes the two vagabonds, they are driven out and, after other adventures, they reach the palace of Priam
Now They Call Him Sacramento
Amen / Sacramento
After stealing money transported in a train, Sacramento, Big Jim and Tequila arribe to "La Paz" town. They rent a room there in order to hide the money but Sacramento and Big Jim, while Tequila is sleeping, run away with the money. Tequila follow them...
The Dirt Gang
A film crew shooting in the desert is terrorized by a vicious outlaw motorcycle gang (on dirt bikes, no less) who are after the women in the company.
Hector the Mighty
A pimp named Horny Hector operates a brothel on property coveted by Cardinal Giove. The Cardinal comes up with a plan to force Hector into selling him the land by kidnapping Helen, triggering a small gang war.
Death Played the Flute
Nick Barton
Barton's (Michael Forrest) family is massacred by outlaws. Vowing revenge, he sets out to hunt down the killers. Along the way he meets a mysterious, flute-playing gunslinger (Steven Tedd) who claims to know the identity of the killers and agrees to help bring them to justice. But he has a secret of his own.
Master of Love
Bastianazzo (as Michael Forrest)
The wise and experienced maestro in the arts of love imparting his knowledge and techniques to a younger man before he dies.
The Last Rebel
Set in 1865 in southwest Missouri, at the close of the Civil War the film follows the adventures of two Confederate men and a black man who they rescue from a lynching.
Сто винтовок
Сто винтовок нужны повстанцам, чтобы выступить против угнетателей. Ради этой благой цели грабитель-полукровка Яки Джо крадет из банка 6 000 долларов. Но едва он возвращается в родную мексиканскую деревушку, как объявляется Лайдрекер, суровый блюститель закона из Аризоны, который не собирается возвращаться домой с пустыми руками.
Now You See It, Now You Don't
A bumbling art expert, hired by an insurance company to protect a Rembrandt on loan from the Louvre, schemes to steal it.
The Sweet Ride
Barry Green
AA tennis bum (Tony Franciosa) and his Malibu Beach buddies hang out with a TV actress (Jacqueline Bisset) headed for trouble.
The Money Jungle
Haines Conjar
When four geologists who form a combine of five industrial companies turn up dead, the race is on to determine whether the culprit is a group of high-powered industrial interests or the government. A trouble-shooter is hired to find a net of deadly intrigue and treachery. The prize: a field to be leased to private industry by the state.
Mosby's Marauders
Gen. Jeb Stuart
Willie, a young Confederate soldier, joins forces with the bold and boisterous Lt. John Singleton Mosby and his notorious band of Civil War raiders. Befriended by a Yankee and aided by his beautiful cousin Oralee, Willie learns the power of love and war as he attempts dangerous scouting missions across the Virginia countryside. Infiltrating a Union brigade and capturing an enemy General are just two of the challenges Willie courageously faces in the early days of the War Between the States.
Based on a play by Jean Genet, a small-time thief battles with his gay cellmate over a third illiterate, muscular convict.
The Glory Guys
Fred Cushman
Though a fictionalized Western based on George Armstrong Custer's 7th Cavalry Regiment at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, the film is almost a generic war story covering the enlistment, training, and operational deployment of a group of recruits that could take place in any time period.
A House Is Not a Home
Bernie Watson
Story follows the life of Polly Adler, who grew to become one of New York's most successful bordello madams of the 1920s.
Evil king Praximedes convinces superhero Atlas to fight for him, but Atlas eventually sees the king's true nature and turns against him.
Valley of the Redwoods
Dave Harris
Wayne, Jan, and Dino try pulling off a heist of a lumber company's payroll, and everything seems to go wrong right from the beginning, in spite of Dino's expertise. The trio take off for the woods in Canada with Wayne suffering from a wound and the law in hot pursuit. To complicate matters slightly there is a romantic tie-up with Jan, someone too tough and efficient to be easily won over.
Ski Troop Attack
Lt. Factor
An American patrol has to cross behind enemy lines by skis in order to blow up an important railroad bridge. The task is made harder by conflicts between the platoon's veteran sergeant and its inexperienced lieutenant and by constant attacks by pursuing German troops.
Beast from Haunted Cave
Gil Jackson
A gold thief and his gang use a skier's lodge and meet a monster covered with cobwebs.
The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent
A group of Viking women build a ship and set off across the sea to locate their missing menfolk, only to fall into the clutches of the barbarian Grimolts who hold their men captive and worship the sea serpent which overturned their ship.
Смертельный богомол
Photographer (uncredited)
Таяние арктического айсберга освобождает гигантского богомола, находящегося в анабиозе с доисторических времен. Сначала он нападает на военные аванпосты и съедает их обитателей, а затем перебирается в более теплые широты и нападает на жителей Вашингтона и Нью-Йорка. Ученый-палеонтолог объединяет усилия с военными, чтобы найти способ остановить гигантского монстра.