Luis Aguilar

Luis Aguilar

Рождение : 1918-01-29, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico

Смерть : 1997-10-24


Luis Aguilar Manzo (1918 - 1997) was a Mexican film and television actor and singer of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema. He was also known as El Gallo Giro, and was noted for his performances in films as El 7 leguas (1955) and El látigo negro (1958). Aguilar was born in Hermosillo, Sonora. He was given his first leading role in the film Sota, Caballo y Rey (1944). He had two daughters (Anna Luisa and Martha Fernanda Aguilar) from his first marriage and one son (Luis Aguilar Doblado) from his second marriage with actress Rosario Galvez. He died on the night of October 23–24, 1997 during his sleep.


Luis Aguilar
Luis Aguilar


This film traces the unbelievable true story of the Calderón family, who built grand movie palaces in Mexico and the U.S., employing thousands to produce incomparable, hugely successful, and often reprehensible populist-genre films that were utterly and uniquely Mexican.
En los cascos de un caballo
Amigo 1
One more of the numerous films of Julio Aldama Jr.
Crimen en Chihuahua
Guillermo Torres
A med student goes on vacation to see his family, only to be gunned down. As the only survivor, he seeks revenge for their deaths.
Midnight Killer
A reporter begins to suspect that the murders he’s been assigned to cover could be the work of his army buddy - now heroin addict - Roy, who suffers from blackouts.
El reloj de la muerte
More Mexican exploitation gold, it is a one hour and 40 minute schizophrenic experience. This is an experience that is surely to be enjoyed by everyone that's into weird and tripppy shit." Also from the review: "Exactly what kind of bad stuff is happening to Alberto? Well first of all, he starts to see bloody dead bodies in his bathroom, his employees turn into hungry zombies, and he's almost killed by Batman, Catwoman and Penguin (seriously)."
Los años de Greta
Elderly woman bonds with other senior citizens for emotional support.
Alto poder
Lola the Truck Driver 3
The Only Witness
A paid assassin who fights a criminal organization in order to find the person responsible of his mother’s death, beginning with the organization’s leader down to the very last one. Then he discovers that the only witness of his mother’s murder is...
El último escape
El muerto al hoyo... y el vivo también
Wacky hijinks in a brothel. Union officials misappropriating funds, a customer dying in bed, some foxy grandpas cutting up on a visit to the big city... it's all hilarious. Or not.
A gozar, a gozar, que el mundo se va acabar
The casual, fun-loving naughtiness of a small town is interrupted when the local priest has an 'end of the world' visitation from Saint Anthony. Or maybe he was just drunk and imagined the whole thing.
Los tequileros
Prohibition-era: Mexican farmer and his two sons get caught up in a smuggling gang, importing contraband liquor to USA.
Programado para morir
Mafia members go after a father and a son who know too much.
Hunting Humans
A guy whose brother was killed and a waitress whose sister was killed run afoul on a psycho killer who gets his jollies running people off the road with his big truck. Overcompensation much?
Casos de Alarma
Don Jesús López Carrillo
Stranger with a dark past infects a small-town girl with HIV, and the contagion spreads out from there. Public health officials get involved...
Los que nunca llegaron
Los tres compadres
Timid smalltown schoolteacher has a look-alike who leads a gang of bandits; when that gang invades the teacher's town, it gives rise to all manner of confusions and complications.
Los galleros de Jalisco
Mexican movie
El sargento Perez
Two buddies from Pancho Villa's regiment go on a mission. Light comedy, romance, songs...
Manuel Saldivar, el texano
Cowboy-justice dude has to figure out who the masterminds are behind a string of murders.
El ausente
Young man returns to his childhood home-town, planning to git the people that killed his father.
La Chamuscada
A sharecropper and his daughter, a swarthy beauty, flee from the hacienda on which they live and join the Mexican Revolution.
Siete muertes para el texano
When the Texan returns to the town, seeking to secure his fortune, the sheriff of the place asks the Texano to come to the aid of a dear friend. Seven frightful ones, on a pillaging expedition, have assaulted the cabana of a hunter and kidnapped his young daughter. When the Texan arrives there, he finds only the hunter who desperately asks for his aid. Both men initiate the ferocious persecution, until one by one they manage to end the seven strangers and also manage to save the beautiful young person.
Duelo en El Dorado
Saloon-owner's a hard guy and none too law-abiding; his twelve year old son comes to live with him and he starts changing his ways... but his past is likely to catch up with him.
Dos valientes
In his home-town, he's a respectable rancher... but out on the range he's a hitman for hire. His son finds out about his double life, and...
El caudillo
A new recruit rises through the ranks of Pancho Villa's army as his leadership skills become apparent.
El silencioso
Taciturn gunslinger 'helps out' a widow lady under siege from bad guys.
Detectives o ladrones..?
Two bumbling bozos with detective licenses get hoodwinked by a pair of jewel-thieves.
El comandante Furia
Mexican feature film
Gallo corriente, gallo valiente
A 1966 film.
The Four Juanes
Juan sin Miedo
Juan Sin Fiedo (Javier Solis), Juan Colorado (Antonio Aguilar), Juan Pistolas (Luis Aguilar) and Juan Charrasqueado join their destinies during the Mexican Revolution.
Los tres salvajes
Ranchera comedy: three guys compete for the farmer's daughter.
Los gavilanes negros
Three masked horsemen vs. crooked saloon-owner and his henchdudes.
Los dos apóstoles
Juan Heredia
Two boys and two girls hook up at the big festival in a neighboring town. Once they get back home they have to deal with their families' plans for them, which may not include their new sweethearts.
Duelo de pistoleros
Four expert marksmen compete in a target shooting competition. Each has a back-story that explains why he really really really needs the prize money.
El fugitivo
Drifter returns to his home town for revenge, but he get caught up in the town's interpersonal dramas.
Audaz y bravero
Two ranchers competing over a woman. Cult actor Noe Murayama plays a mentally handicapped character.
El tigre de Guanajuato: Leyenda de venganza
Man tracks down the five people responsible for killing his father. Semi-sorta sequel to Juan Sin Miedo (1964).
El pozo
Widowed farmer remarries so his children will have a mother. But then...
Los hermanos Muerte
Woman swears to avenge her brother's murder.. Then she falls in love with the murderer, before discovering that he's the one.
Mi ley es un revólver
Masked justice on horseback, again: guy plays it meek & mild in his civilian identity so no-one will suspect him of being Mr. Cowboy Hero.
Escuela para solteras
Luis Álvarez
All-star ranchera fest, rom-com style. Four charros, four eligible young ladies.
Mr. Dólar
Luis Valdés, el licenciado
A Puerto Rican goes to New York to seek his fortune.
El bracero del año
The movie theme is the migration of Mexicans to the United States in search of the "American dream". Piporro crosses the Rio Grande swimming illegally, and lives a series of events that lead him from walking away from the police to winning the award for "Bracero of the Year" for his work in the harvest. Prize that he will lose before returning to Mexico just as he had gone: no money in the bag.
El halcón solitario
Chief of police fakes his death and returns as a masked avenger. On horseback. And stuff.
Un par de sinvergüenzas
Itinerant cowboy learns that his horse can talk. Horse ends up giving him singing-lessons... and...
Un gallo con espolones (Operación ñongos)
Mexican singer responds to ham radio operators' invitation to come to Peru and perform a benefit for a children's hospital.
Agarrando parejo
Two young ladies hire bodyguards. Romance blooms.
The Bloody Revolver
Juan Chávez
Follows an "unlucky" gun across the paths of five owners.
México de mi corazón
Two Mexican-American gals in LA win a vacation in Mexico City in a talent show.
El mariachi canta
Rivalry and romance between the leaders of a male mariachi band and a female one.
Бумажный человек
По новелле Луиса Спото «Банковый билет». Немой Адам зарабатывает на пропитание тем, что собирает на улицах и свалках мусор. Однажды он находит бумажник, в котором 10 000 песо. Магическая сила этой банкноты превращает приятелей и знакомых Адама в хищников, пытающихся любой ценой отнять у него деньги. Эта банкнота могла бы дать Адаму возможность жить по-человечески. Но он на эти деньги покупает у чревовещателя куклу, которая, как ему кажется, может заменить ему сына, о котором он мечтает всю жизнь.
Los expatriados
Luis Valdés, el licenciado
The film, which is an ode to Rafael Hernández's song "Lamento borincano", is a social commentary of the political and social policies of the 40's and 50's which led to the abandonment of what was seen by many as the "pure", "virtuous" life of the finca (farm) for the "corrupting" influence of urban centers like San Juan and New York City.
Vuelven los cinco halcones
Cowboy justice, Five-avenger team up. #2 in series of two.
Atrás de las nubes
All it says in my notes is "Like 'Juan Sin Miedo', only with soldiers." So... Army officer seeks revenge for... something...
El Zorro vengador
Hero on horseback.
Contra viento y marea
Two spoiled rich kids learn to value their father's working-class heritage.
La trampa mortal
Charro western.
La venganza de la sombra
Masked wrestler/cowboy hybrid -- avenging a murdered brother and protecting the homestead.
Cazadores de asesinos
Gritty-western (B&W/1962 style) about bounty hunters.
Los cinco halcones
Five cowboy avengers avenging. Cowboyishly.
Juan sin miedo
One-armed man tracks the people who killed his father.
Tres tristes tigres
Three childhood friends are reunited after twenty years to receive an inheritance.
Mi noche de bodas
Afther their wedding ceremony, Fernanda and Cosme Martínez go to a luxury hotel to consummate. They receive there some gifts and they find one fabulous diamant bracalet with a note for Fernanda thanking her for unfforgetable nights. Cosme feel jelause and Fernanda offended and during their wedding night they go from one place to another to find out the misunderstanding.
Хуана Гальо
Coronel Arturo Ceballos Rico
Анжела Рамос по прозвищу Хуана Гальо после того, как убили её отца и её жениха, присоединяется к повстанцам в борьбе с правительством. Она заручается поддержкой всего города, в том числе некоторых из тех, кто ранее был сторонником правительства.
Young woman manipulates all three of the men of the hacienda, planning to marry the father and play with one or both of the young ones.
La calavera negra
El Ranchero Solitario
La Calavera Negra concerns a bunch of small Mexican town who must contend with a mysterious, disruptive figure known as the Black Skull. Many different people attempt to uncover the truth behind this frightening phenomenon. (Rotten Tomatoes)
El correo del norte
Bandits rob mail from stagecoach. First in series of two.
De tal palo tal astilla
Two couples get their babies confused in the maternity ward. twenty years later, the children are both identical to the father... in the other family.
La máscara de hierro
The Shoemaker
A rancher living alone must deal with a vampire.
Ladrón que roba a ladrón
Two bandits hide from the law by posing as doctor's in a small town without medical care.
Dicen que soy hombre malo
Mistaken identities, courtship woes, invalidated marriages, and sombreros de charro.
Yo no me caso compadre
Neither party pf an arranged marriage wants to comply with their parents' expectations, and he & she both come up with plans to sabotage the proceedings.
La máscara de la muerte
Revolutionary battalion vs. guys in black klansman robes & hoods. Also a wrestler.
El ánima del ahorcado contra el latigo negro
Masked rider leads a posse to defend their town from crimes related to appearances of a hanged man come back from the grave.
Blessed Among Women
Two male cousins inherit a ranch occupied by three female cousins and their separatist aunt.
El zorro escarlata en diligencia fantasma
Masked avenger has three 24-minute adventures.
La diligencia de la muerte
Law officer goes undercover as member of gang of murderous highwaymen.
Me gustan valentones!
While seeking to protect themselves from the aggressions of "Pantaleon" and other men, a landowner marries a Mexican American newcomer. But to his surprise, the man seems to be as brave as her and try to humiliate him constantly until he decides to give out your real identity.
Tan bueno el giro como el colorado
Two rodeo competitors from neighboring towns get all up in each other's business in the weeks before a big local competition. So do their respective manservants and the priests for each one's parish. Lotta competitive ructiousness going on.
I'm flying low
Two hot-shot pilots working for the same company get all competitive and ructious toward each other.
El Zorro Escarlata
Zorro Escarlata
A bizarre Mexican film in which a Zorro confronts horror creatures. It is part of a series characterised by hybrid elements of this kind.
30-30 Carbine
Rom-com set during Mexican Revolution.
El Zorro escarlata en la venganza del ahorcado
Luis, alias El Zorro Escarlata
Witch retrieves the corpse of a hanged criminal and brings it back to life as an unstoppable killing machine.
El misterio del látigo negro
Zorro-type horseback adventure, series-hero programmer.
Locos por la televisión
Nightclub owners try to scrape up enough money to sponsor a variety show on TV to publicize their artists and their venue.
Socios para la aventura
Young nightclub performer, down on her luck, falls in with a portrait-cartoonist who works the streets and a terminally-ill singer-songwriter and goes to live on their houseboat. They consider doing a crime.
Sucedió en México
Woman has plastic surgery and reevaluates her relationships with husband and lover while pretending to be a different person.
El Látigo Negro
Zorro imitation, first in a series.
Música y dinero
Restaurant/nightclub is sinking into bankruptcy and management team pull wacky shit to try to get back on their feet.
Yo quiero ser artista
The Postman Adalberto is involved by chance in the filming of a scene, which gives the film director the idea of including him as an actor, but without his knowledge.
El regreso del monstruo
Luis, alias El Zorro Escarlata
Mad scientist is trying to transplant the soul of an animated, talking skeleton into a living body. Also, there's a monster. Number three of three in Zorro Escarlata series.
La marca de Satanás
Cowboy avenger vs the supernatural.
The Head of Pancho Villa
Rival factions struggle over a box that was entrusted by Pancho Villa to several members of his higher command. Second of three films in series "El jinete sin cabeza."
Под небом Мексики
Небольшое мексиканское селение. Вечерами в таверне собираются жители всей округи, чтобы послушать песни дочери хозяина, Сиелито. Однажды в селение прибыл полк правительственных войск под командованием полковника Вильяра. Он должен предотвратить восстание ранчеров. Вильеру становится известно, что жених Сиелито, Феррейра, руководитель восстания. Полковник намерен арестовать Феррейра. Но Сиелито узнаёт о планах Вильяра и предупреждает возлюбленного. … Восставшие ранчеры побеждают. В схватке с ними погибает Вильяр.
El jinete sin cabeza
El jinete (The Rider)
A mute phantom hero takes on skull-masked killers, a disembodied living hand and a corpse that won't stay in its grave. This is the first in a trilogy of horror/western hybrids that also includes the films La marca de Satanás ("The Mark of Satan") and La cabeza de Pancho Villa ("The Head of Pancho Villa").
Locos Peligrosos
A cellist and a pianist, along with the daughter of the owner of a musical home, form a classical trio. A television producer challenges confronting the modern equipment. Accept and so begin a new career in popular music, so despises his former employer, thus limiting the affair between his daughter and one of them.
Los tres bohemios
Three struggling musicians share an apartment.
Hay ángeles con espuelas
Two brothers butt heads: one's a gadabout charro playboy and the other's a priest.
Pies de gato
Sequel to "Los bandidos de Rio Frio," reopening all the subplots from the first movie to make each of the narrative arcs swing unmistakably to justice.
Los chiflados del rock and roll
Grítenme piedras del campo
Teatro del crimen
In a music hall has committed a murder, the police will also find the murderer.
Pancho López
A couple of people cover up their own mishandling of other people's money by claiming to have been robbed by a masked bandit. When the law comes looking into the situation, it becomes necessary to find someone to impersonate that bandit. Remake of El Tigre De Jalisco (1947).
Here are the eagles!
Two itinerant cowhands hire on at a ranch owned by a woman, end up fighting two bad-hats who rustle la patrona's cattle and set fire to her stables.
Alma de Acero
Luciano Gallardo / Luis Gallardo
Inspired by Alexander Dumas's novel The Corsican Brothers, Alma de Acero presents a delightful spin on the classic story of twin brothers (both played by Luis Aguilar) and their contrasting lives. As a singer in a nightclub, one brother has chosen a life of peaceful simplicity; the other, however, has chosen a troublesome lifestyle that leads to numerous run-ins with the law, forcing the vocalist to risk his own life to save his sibling.
Forbidden Kisses
Guillermo Aceves
Nightclub singer has to choose between marrying again or reuniting with her divorced husband.
Серенада Мексики
Музыкант с двумя вокалистами расстаются со своим промоутером, который хочет только одного из них в качестве сольного исполнителя. Такова завязка сюжета этой непритязательной музыкальной киноленты о жизни певцов и музыкантов. Но не бытовыми зарисовками, не изложением событий (простых, а местами и наивных) привлекает картина. Сюжет в ней служит лишь поводом для исполнения музыкальных произведений. Они и представляют главный интерес. Национальное своеобразие мексиканской музыки прекрасно передают популярные у себя на родине и далеко за её пределами певцы Росита Кинтана, Луис Агилар, гитарист Абель Саласар и остальные исполнители.
No me olvides nunca
Publicist on a movie set invents a romance between two stars, and then they start getting all mushy for real. But one of them's married, uh-oh.
Los tres amores de Lola
Flamenco artist in Mexico draws attention from three suitors.
Los bandidos de Río Frío
Juan Robreño (Pies de gato)
Luis Aguilar heads the cast in this story of a band of outlaws whose exploits are more fun than negligible.
El 7 leguas
Rodolfo, el Cancionero
Horse-trader gets absorbed into Pancho Villa's battalions, becomes a spy.
El charro inmortal
Film clips spanning the career of recently deceased actor-singer Jorge Negrete, with a small amount of documentary footage and some exclusive-to-here tributes.
Yo fui novio de Rosita Alvírez
Saloon singer creates conflict between several potential boyfriends.
To Hell with Women
Small-town elects a female mayor. She suppresses all the time-honored masculine pastimes, and the men rebel.
Chucho el Roto
Humble craftsman runs afoul of a rich girl's father and ends up in prison; the ill-fated romance has repercussions over the course of twenty-odd years and ultimately drives him to a life of crime.
Nuevo amanecer
Mexican feature film
Los solterones
Pop, Bro and Sis all take a vow never to (re)marry after Mom walks out on them.
Oh Pain, Little Pain, Pain!
Carmela is a Gypsy singer who sells lottery tickets. She meets two penniless Mexican brothers and they buy a ticket between the three: if it is awarded, could share the prize and go to Mexico, they to return to their homeland and her for bullfighter boyfriend whom has no news. The fate accompanies them, but, on reaching Mexico, her boyfriend rejects her. This way, she ends up acting in a cafe where reaps many successes.
Nadie muere dos veces
Big-league criminal escapes from jail, tracks down his ex-wife at a seaside resort. She kills him in self-defense, and then a guy who looks exactly like him comes along. Massive complications!
El lunar de la familia
Fernando Mendez's 1953 Spanish-language melodrama El Lunar de la Familia unfurls against the backdrop of a deceptively innocent-sounding family reunion. Two freewheeling, party-happy young men, Luis and his buddy Antonio, catch the train in to San Miguel, on a visit to Luis's grandmother, Doña Luisa, and his sister Esther. Unfortunately for the visitors, Luisa's goddaughter Rosita, is sitting near them in the same train car. She soon catches wind of the boys' wild tendencies, and makes a point of telling Luisa. Furious, the crotchety old woman decides to teach the bad boys a lesson by beating them senseless with her cane and forcing Luis to seek out a proper mate for Esther. Unfortunately, Esther has already fallen in love with Antonio - who could care less.
Genio y figura
Sueños de gloria
Luis de la Mora
Auto mechanic invents a new-improved carburetor; industrial spies steal his invention, romance with a manufacturer's daughter, and he drives a cross-country race.
From the Village to TV
José Antonio Rivera
A young man goes to the capital to prove himself as an opera singer, after being rejected he must find other means to achieve fame
Tal para cual
Mistaken identity farce; two guys each pretend to be somebody else to cover for each other in delicate situations.
Póker de ases
Four brothers try to manage their careers and love-lives under the close supervision of a domineering mother.
Las interesadas
Three young women sharing an apartment take in a man they injured in a car accident; while he's recovering, they also make friends with a homeless man. And then...
Víctimas del divorcio
The 'other woman' tricks her fella into filing to divorce his wife.
Yo fui una callejera
Teenaged slum-girl falls into show-biz by accident and rises to the tuxedos-and-furs class. Gangster drama and heartbreak, so she goes back to her own social class at the end, even though other options were available to her.
La hija del ministro
A young bureaucrat's career takes off when it's believed he's keeping company with the daughter of a higher-ranking official.
Por qué peca la mujer
Working-class girl-next--door type is seduced into a high-glam lifestyle when an oily promoter helps launch her as a nightclub singer; she throws over her decent-simple-guy boyfriend and loses her moral compass.
Cuatro noches contigo
Luis Galán
Traveling salesman meets a young woman who's running away from home, and helps her evade detectives who are tracking her.
¿Qué te ha dado esa mujer?
Luis Macías Valadez
This musical comedy tells the story of two men whose friendship (whose beginning is told in "A toda máquina") is affected by assumptions love triangles and misunderstandings between the two, however, the value of that friendship overcomes all difficulties.
Cuando tú me quieras
A shoe-clerk's aunt and uncle send him to a remote fishing village to retrieve a distant cousin and bring her back to the bosom of the family.
El tigre enmascarado
Luis Landa / El Tigre Enmascarado
Full Spead Ahead
Luis Macías
A drifter lands a job as an officer in México City's elite motorcycle police unit and gets home with a mate of this unit. The mate is in love with a girl, but he and she are always making jealous to each other. The drifter and the mate get involved themselves in a fight to become the winner of conquering ladies and performing unit acrobatic tricks, interfering with their friendship and profession.
El señor gobernador
Newly-elected state governor is challenged by his responsibilities.
Rural captain
Idealistic young police officer deals with corruption in local government.
Yo también soy de Jalisco
A dizzy rich woman buys their horse, and three rubes get involved in the problems and intrigues brewing in her household.
Primero soy Mexicano
USA-educated doctor goes home for the first time in years. Culture shock.
Dos gallos de pelea
Two small-town hell-raisers get so out of hand the authorities have to step in to rein them in.
Tú, solo tú
Small-town guy goes to The City to look up his absent girlfriend. He discovers she's become a sex-worker, so he gets a job at a riding stable and meets a new girl.
Una canción a la vírgen
Showbiz family is stressed when wife gets sick and husband starts paying attention to costar.
El Charro del Cristo
Favored son of a wealthy rural family forced to go into hiding after killing someone in a duel.
Romantic triangle on the hacienda.
Arriba el norte
Husband and wife are reunited after a twenty-year misunderstanding; their grown daughter has her eye on a fella.
Tres hombres malos
Three soldiers desert the Revolution to put a plan into action to reclaim the estate that was usurped from one of them. Plan involves kidnapping the usurper's daughter...
Comisario en turno
Night shift at police headquarters; criminals and victims of all sorts pass through to get their cases sorted out.
La norteña de mis amores
Child whose father was murdered grows up and seeks revenge, also falling in love with a new victim of the same bad guy.
Se la llevó el Remington
El Remington
While tracking down the three men that killed his father, a notorious bad-ass commits other misdeeds, seemingly based on his desire to wreck as many lives as possible. Doesn't really have anything to do with the historical figure known as Remington, though they used his name for the character here.
El último chinaco
1880s-1890s rural adventure on horseback.
El gallo giro
Mom and Pop want him to settle down , but the youngun's convinced he could be a big star singing rancheras; he convinces his folks to give him six months in the big city to launch a career and prove himself.
Una aventura en la noche
Arturo Centella
Film version of the 'hitchhiking ghost' urban legend.
Charro a la fuerza
Mistaken identity farce; heiress has to marry to receive an inheritance.
El muchacho alegre
Boisterous young charro has to prove to his girlfriend's parents that he's ready to settle down and be a responsible adult... but then somebody frames him for a murder and he has more immediate problems to deal with.
Los Cristeros
When the government places restrictions on the Catholic church's autonomy, an armed uprising takes place. Disagreements over the new laws create conflict within the protagonist's family.
Yo maté a Rosita Alvírez
Based on the famous corrido, this film tells the story of Rosa, a young coquette who comes to town only to face two men, Hipolito and Marcos, who fight for her affection. Rosa plays with the feelings of both without realizing that this can end in tragedy for her and for the men. In the village dance passions are unleashed when Hipolito finds Rosa flirting with another man, to make him jealous
Guadalajara pues
Curious film about the Mexican immigrant stunned by the dollar and the English language. The plot deals with a serious social mood, but narrated as a tale of romantic entanglements. Agustin Isunza is a funny former farm worker, whose employers, young and attractive blond Joan Page and Clifford Carr, dazzle the sibling pair starring Luis Aguilar and Amanda del Llano. Miguel Inclan, a rich potter from the area, has put his eye on them to marry their children, Katy Jurado and Raul Guerrero.
Aqui esta Juan Colorado
Post-Revolutionary army battles ongoing insurgencies.Also romances.
La reina del trópico
Andrés Rosas
Caminos de sangre
A crooked lawyer frustrates attempts to clear bandits from the local highways.
Sota, caballo y rey
Theatrical troupe schemes to expose corrupt dealings in local government.