Jon Hall

Jon Hall

Рождение : 1915-02-23, Fresno, California, USA

Смерть : 1979-12-13


Jon Hall was an American film actor known for playing a variety of adventurous roles, as in 1937's The Hurricane, Invisible Agent and The Invisible Man's Revenge and six movies he made with Maria Montez. He was also known to 1950s fans as the creator and star of the Ramar of the Jungle television series which ran from 1952 to 1954. Hall directed and starred in two 1960's sci-fi films in his later years, The Beach Girls and the Monster and The Navy vs. the Night Monsters.


Jon Hall


The Sidehackers
Director of Photography
Motorcycle racer Rommel seeks vengeance against JC, a madman who murdered the sidehacker's fiancee.
The Sidehackers
Executive Producer
Motorcycle racer Rommel seeks vengeance against JC, a madman who murdered the sidehacker's fiancee.
Hollywood My Home Town
Ken Murray narrates his 16mm home movies shot over 35 years in Hollywood.
The Beach Girls and the Monster
Director of Photography
A young girl is killed at the beach in Malibu. Professor Otto Lindsay suspects that it is some form of mutated fish. However, his son Richard, who was a good friend of the girl, thinks that it is a madman who has a grudge against Richard and his friends. Soon the list of victims grows.
The Beach Girls and the Monster
A young girl is killed at the beach in Malibu. Professor Otto Lindsay suspects that it is some form of mutated fish. However, his son Richard, who was a good friend of the girl, thinks that it is a madman who has a grudge against Richard and his friends. Soon the list of victims grows.
The Beach Girls and the Monster
Dr. Otto Lindsay
A young girl is killed at the beach in Malibu. Professor Otto Lindsay suspects that it is some form of mutated fish. However, his son Richard, who was a good friend of the girl, thinks that it is a madman who has a grudge against Richard and his friends. Soon the list of victims grows.
Forbidden Island
Dave Courtney
Tropical island underwater scuba diving swimming murder thriller, in which divers and thieves search for a sunken treasure.
Hell Ship Mutiny
Capt. Jim Knight
A ship's captain in the South Seas battles a villainous pearl trader who uses island natives as slaves for his business.
A Star Is Born World Premiere
Live television broadcast of the world premiere. Described by various participants as the biggest world premiere in memory, even bigger than the Academy Awards.
White Goddess
Dr. Tom 'Ramar' Reynolds
Not a feature film but episodes of the TV series "Ramar of the Jungle" edited together and released as a feature.
Last Train from Bombay
Martin Viking
An American diplomat risks his life to save an Indian prince from an assassination plot designed to ignite a war.
Brave Warrior
Steve Ruddell
In Indiana of the early 1800s, conflict once again arises between the United States and Great Britain over territory and boundaries. Each side endeavors to gain the support of the Shawnee Indian tribes in the area. Governor William Henry Harrison enlists the aid of Steve Rubbell, whose friendship with the Shawnee chief Tecumseh goes back to childhood. Tecumseh's leadership of the Shawnee is contested by his brother, known as The Prophet, who sides with the British. Tecumseh, who grew up as a childhood playmate of Steve and of Laura McGregor, loves Steve as a brother and hopes to marry Laura. But Laura is in love with Steve. Laura's father, Shayne McGregor, secretly leads local support of the British against the Americans, even though it risks the life and love of his daughter. Everything comes to a head at the battle of Tippecanoe.
Hurricane Island
Capt. Carlos Montalvo
Ponce de Leon searches for the Fountain of Youth, but it's not an easy quest, thanks to bad weather, a treacherous lady pirate, warring Florida tribesmen, and a ship's cargo of man-hungry, marriage-minded maidens.
China Corsair
A stranded U.S. ship's engineer (Jon Hall) helps a Eurasian beauty (Lisa Ferraday) with coveted antique jade.
When the Redskins Rode
Prince Hannoc
A French spy (Mary Castle) flirts with an Indian chief's son (Jon Hall) amid war in 1753 Williamsburg, Va.
On the Isle of Samoa
Kenneth Crandall
After committing a robbery, a man is inspired to confess by a lovely native girl he meets on a small island.
Deputy Marshal
Deputy Ed Garry
A lawman takes on gangsters attempting to steal property wanted for a railroad.
Jenny and her six-year-old son, Tommy, are flying over the Belgian Congo when they are forced to bail out and become separated. Jenny lands in a dense jungle and is rescued by a safari headed by two wild-animal collectors, but Tommy is not found. He has amnesia and is lost, but is adopted by Zamba, a huge gorilla. He lives happily with his new family. Jenny comes back with a searching party, and Zamba, the gorilla mother, is determined to protect Tommy from his real mother.
The Mutineers
Nick Shaw
Mobster Thomas Nagle and his gang take over a ship to use running guns and counterfeit money into Lisbon.
The Prince Of Thieves
Robin Hood
After fighting in the Crusades alongside Richard I of England Sir Allan Claire is returning home to marry his betrothed Lady Christable. Accompanied by his sister Lady Marian Claire, the two are intercepted by Robin Hood and his band of Merrie Men. Recognising a friend of King Richard, Robin informs them that Lady Christabel is the be married to another against her well in the interest of politics and her father's fortune. The three team up to rescue the fair lady.
Michigan Kid
Michigan Kid / Jim Rowen
A former U.S. marshal rescues an instant heiress from an outlaw's gang.
Last of the Redmen
Major Heywood
A family-oriented adaption of James Fenimore Cooper's "The Last of the Mohicans." As the French-Indian War rages across the untamed territory of the Great Northwest, the embattled wilderness gives birth to a legend -- the proud legend of "The Last of the Red Men." August, 1757, General Montcalm and his Iroquois alalies are on the war path -- and General Munro fears for the lives of his children as they travel to join him at Fort William Henry. Although Munro dispatches a letter urging them to take refuge at Fort Edward until the road is safe, an Iroquois scout intercepts the warning. So Major Duncan Hayward, handsomely portrayed by Jon Hall, is unaware of the danger as he escorts Alice Munro (Evelyn Ankers), her sister Cora (Julie Bishop), and her young brother Davy (Buzz Henry) from the sanctuary of the fort. When their guide Magua, a vengeful Iroquois played by Buster Crabbe, betrays them, only one man can save the travelers from his savage trap. Starring Jon Hall and Michael O'Shea.
The Vigilantes Return
Marshal Johnnie Taggart
Marshal Johnnie Taggart (Jon Hall) , posing as an outlaw named "Ace" Braddock, comes to Bannack, Montana to restore law and order. But he is recognized by Kitty, co-owner with Clay Curtwright of the infamous Bull Whip saloon. But "bad-girl" Kitty keeps her mouth shut. When Johnnie's pal Andy reports a stage holdup, Curtwright's henchman, Ben Borden, talks the sheriff and Judge Holden into suspecting Johnnie. Johnnie reveals himself to Judge Holden as a government marshal, and the judge voices his opinion that Curtwright is the leader of the road agents, but voices it in the presence of his granddaughter, Louise Holden. The Judge doesn't know that Louise is in love with Curtwright, and she tips him off as to Johnnie's real identity. Curtwright frames Johnnie for a murder and arranges for the crooked sheriff to promote a lynching and Andy and Kitty help Johnnie escape jail. Johnnie rounds up vigilantes and heads for a showdown at the Bull Whip saloon
Men in Her Diary
Randolph Glenning
Singer/Dancer Peggy Ryan neither sings nor dances in this comedy in which she plays a secretary, whose life has no romance because she devotes all of her time to her attractive older sister. But she does keep a diary that contains some fact and many fictional entries. One such is read by the wife of her boss who promptly sues for a divorce. Virginia Grey stars in a musical produced by Hall and sings (possibly dubbed) "Makin' a Million" and "Keep Your Chin Up." No spoiler to add that Ryan gets a boyfriend and Hall and Allbritton are reunited before this one runs it course.
Древний Египет во времена правления фараона Хефрена (2532 год. до н. э.). Молодая, миловидная Найла становится королевой древнеегипетского царства Кемис, когда её отец погибает при восстании рабов. Переодевшись простолюдинкой, она ищет неуловимого повстанческого лидера Херуа. Но из-за предательства сама попадает в плен и рабство.
San Diego I Love You
John Thompson Caldwell IV
A harried daughter tries to keep her wacky family together while trying to sell her eccentric father's latest invention, a collapsible life raft.
Gypsy Wildcat
In an unspecified Renaissance kingdom, no sooner has Anube's gypsy tribe encamped near Baron Tovar's village when Count Orso is found murdered. The wicked baron blames the gypsies and imprisons them all in his castle. Meanwhile, a mysterious stranger on a white horse has hidden the murder arrow and won the heart of gypsy belle Carla, to the discomfiture of her erstwhile fiancée Tonio. Baron Tovar is also fascinated by Carla...especially when he notices her heraldic pendant.
Месть человека-невидимки
Robert Griffin
Роберт Гриффин, считавшийся пропашим во время экспедиции в Африку за бриллиантами, пять лет спустя появляется у дверей дома своего бывшего компаньона Джаспера Херрика и начинает требовать свою долю прибыли. Однако Херрик выставляет старого товарища вон. Загоревшись идеей мести, Гриффин принимает участие в научном эксперименте профессора Друри и становится невидимым, а стало быть, почти неуязвимым.
Старая королева «народа Кобры» похищает собственную внучку, чтобы та вернулась на родной остров посреди Индийского океана и отняла бразды правления королевством у своей сестры-двойняшки, жестокой и кровожадной верховной жрицы.
Леди в темноте
Randy Curtis
Лайза Эллиотт - успешный главный редактор модного журнала, выпускаемого Кендаллом Несбиттом. Эллиотт состоит в серьезных отношениях с Несбиттом. Они хотят пожениться, они не могут, поскольку проживающая отдельно жена Кендалла отказывается дать развод. У Лайзы недавно начались головные боли и странные дурные сны. Вдобавок ко всему ей приходится иметь дело с менеджером по маркетингу Чарли Джонсоном, который сильно ее раздражает и гордится этим. Лайза соглашается пройти сеансы психоанализа у доктора Алекса Брукса...
Али Баба и 40 разбойников
Ali Baba
Войска монголов захватили Багдад. Ими был убит Халиф Багдада, а его сын бежит в пустыню и встречается там с легендарными 40 разбойниками. Случайно он узнает тайну слов «Сезам, откройся» и находит несметные сокровища. Разбойники усыновляют беглеца. Проходит десять лет, юноша взрослеет и становится вожаком разбойничьего войска. Под именем Али Баба он совершает дерзкое нападение на монгольских захватчиков города иосвобождает свой народ от их гнета, а помогает ему в этом его возлюбленная красавица Амара.
White Savage
A native boy plays Cupid for a shark fisherman and a South Sea Islands princess.
Арабские ночи
Шахерезада, одна из величайших вымышленных героинь в мировой истории и литературе, захвачена злым халифом, а главный герой должен защитить ее.
Невидимый агент
Frank Raymond
Во время второй мировой войны внук Джека Гриффина, самого первого человека-невидимки, использует формулу своего деда, чтобы тайно проникнуть в фашистский штаб и украсть секретные военные планы Гитлера.
Eagle Squadron
Hank Starr
An American joins the British Royal Air Force just before Pearl Harbor is attacked, and falls in love with a beautiful English girl.
The Tuttles of Tahiti
After a long absense from the island, Chester Tuttle returns to Tahiti to find that little has changed. His large family, particularly his scheming Uncle Jonas, would rather dance and romance than earn a living. When Jonas loses the family plantation in a cockfight, Chester saves the day by towing in a large ship abandoned at sea and claiming the salvage. But opening a joint bank account in the name of the Tuttle clan may not have been a wise decision.
Aloma of the South Seas
A young South Seas native boy is sent to the U.S. for his education and returns to his island after his father dies to try to stop a revolution.
Kit Carson
Christopher "Kit" Carson
Frontiersman Kit Carson fights off Indian attacks on the trail to California.
South of Pago Pago
Sent by cutthroat pirates to turn Kehane’s head while they loot his island paradise of a fortune in pearls, Ruby instead falls for the young chief. Together, the two save Kehane’s people and their island home from the rapacious picaroons but at the tragic cost of their own future together.
Sailor's Lady
Danny Malone
Sailor is going to marry his girlfriend when he returns, but she becomes foster mother to baby whose parents are accidentally killed. The baby is accidentally left on board a visiting battleship.
Прекрасная Марама любит Теранги, горячий темперамент, которого вечно вызывает неприятности со стороны коррумпированного губернатора острова. Взаимоотношениям этих персонажей добавляет жару налетевший ужасный ураган…
The Girl from Scotland Yard
A female agent tacks down the cause of mysterious explosions.
Mind Your Own Business
Scoutmaster Davis
Nature reporter Orville Shanks retreats to the woods for material for his "Our Wild Friends" column and to volunteer for his favorite cause, the Boy Scouts. When Orville's editor, Crane, orders him to spice up his column, Orville's wife Melba writes a gossip column using animals as metaphors for people. Crane loves Melba's article and gives Orville a raise, and the column becomes a hit.
The Lion Man
El Lion
A young British boy whose father was murdered by a treacherous Aran sheik finds himself in a position to exact revenge as an adult.
Winds of the Wasteland
The arrival of the telegraph put Pony Express riders like John Blair and his pal Smoky out of work. A race will decide whether they or stageline owner Drake get the government mail contract.
The Stagecoach Race
A re-edited, digitally colourised and re-scored version of vintage black and white Western 'Winds of the Wasteland', complete with contemporary, pulse pounding music. The re-edit brings 'Winds of the Wasteland' down to a 22 minute short version. The arrival of the telegraph put Pony Express riders like John Blair and his pal Smoky out of work. A race will decide whether they or stageline owner Drake get the government mail contract.
The Amazing Exploits of the Clutching Hand
Frank Hobart
15-Chapter Serial about a scientist that discovers a formula for making synthetic gold and the people that want it.
The Mysterious Avenger
Lafe Lockhart
Texas Ranger Ranny Maitland's father is feuding with his neighbor Lockhart. Pretending to be on Lockhart's side in the feud, Ranny goes to investigate. Meanwhile is father is murdered and Lockhart arrested.
Мятеж на Баунти
Tahitian Native (uncredited)
Английский флот XVIII века отличался жесткой (даже жестокой) дисциплиной. Малейшие провинности наказывались плетьми, более тяжелые проступки карались смертной казнью. Доведенные до отчаяния матросы поднимали бунты и пытались освободиться от гнета. 1789 год. Экипаж британского корабля «Баунти» под руководством жестокого капитана Блая наполнив трюмы, отчаливает от берегов Таити. До этого дня в течение шести месяцев команда корабля подвергалась физическим и моральным издевательствам со стороны капитана и его приспешников. Изнурительная работа и отсутствие пищи вынуждают моряков поднять бунт. Зачинщиком мятежа становится матрос, аристократ Кристиан Флетчер. Ссадив с корабля капитана и преданных ему людей, «Баунти» взял курс обратно на Таити, именно там Флетчер и другие мятежники решили провести всю оставшуюся жизнь…
Чарли Чен в Шанхае
Philip Nash
Когда на банкете в честь Чарли Чена убит известный чиновник, детектив и его сын Ли объединяются, чтобы разоблачить сеть контрабандистов опиума.
Here's to Romance
Kathleen Gerard, a high society wife fed up with her husband's artistic "protegées", decides to take one of her own in Nino, a promising tenor, patronizing him to study in Paris. He and her girlfriend are perfectly happy until the Gerards pay a visit and Mrs. Gerard starts to show too much interest in him.
Women Must Dress
Janet's Other Friend
A divorced woman finds success as a fashion designer.
La Hache De La Vengeance
Prince Hannoc