Terence de Marney

Terence de Marney

Рождение : 1908-03-01, London, England, UK

Смерть : 1971-05-25


Terence de Marney


All Neat in Black Stockings
Old Gunge
A small comedy drama about the life and sex adventures of an amorous window cleaner, in the hip and swingin' London of the '60s.
Separation concerns the inner life of a woman during a period of breakdown – marital, and possibly mental. Her past and (possible?) future are revealed through a fragmented but brilliantly achieved and often humorous narrative, in which dreams and desires are as real as the ‘swinging’ London (complete with Procul Harum music and Mark Boyle light show) of the film’s setting.
Old Man
Separation concerns the inner life of a woman during a period of breakdown – marital, and possibly mental. Her past and (possible?) future are revealed through a fragmented but brilliantly achieved and often humorous narrative, in which dreams and desires are as real as the ‘swinging’ London (complete with Procul Harum music and Mark Boyle light show) of the film’s setting.
The Hand of Night
A tourist travelling through Morocco discovers an ancient curse and must choose between light and dark.
Doctor Who: The Smugglers
Joseph Longfoot
The TARDIS arrives on the coast of seventeenth century Cornwall — much to the astonishment of Polly and Ben. Pirates led by Captain Samuel Pike and his henchman Cherub are searching for a hidden treasure, while a smuggling ring masterminded by the local squire is trying to off-load contraband.
Emergency Ward 9
Drama set in a men's hospital ward, written by Dennis Potter. Characters include a cunning bronchitic Londoner, a strapped-up Pole and a dying man who just wants a cup of tea.
Death Is a Woman
Narcotics agent Dennis goes undercover in the Mediterranean Islands to investigate a smuggling operation, and gains the confidence of a woman who works for the ringleader. But Dennis ends up arrested for murder when the crime boss turns up dead.
Умри, монстр, умри!
Американский ученый приезжает в деревеньку Арнгейм к любимой девушке, где обнаруживает странные мутации у животных и растений. Через некоторое время ему становится понятна связь таинственного источника радиации и обитателей древнего замка.
Confessions of an Opium Eater
Scrawny man
Vincent Price stars in this early '60s adaptation of Thomas De Quincey's thriller about an opium addict trying to solve a mystery in San Francisco's Chinatown.
The Return of Andrew Bentley
Amos Wilder
White magic practitioner Amos Wilder kills himself after securing his nephew's sworn promise to guard his body against evil spirits. The nephew must never leave his uncle's mansion, to protect the shire from the return of black necromancer Bentley, cast back to Hell by Wilder.
On the Double
Sergeant Colin Twickenham
American GI Ernie Williams, admittedly weak-kneed, has an uncanny resemblance to British Colonel MacKenzie. Williams, also a master of imitation and disguise, is asked to impersonate the Colonel, ostensibly to allow the Colonel to make a secret trip East. What Williams is not told is that the Colonel has recently been a target of assassins. After the Colonel's plane goes down, the plan changes and Williams maintains the disguise to confuse the Nazis about D-Day.
Секрет пурпурного рифа
После того, как Роберт Кристофер и его корабль таинственным образом исчезли в Карибском море, его два брата - Марк и Дин - отправились в Сент-Китс, чтобы начать собственное расследование.
Majordomo (uncredited)
72 год до Рождества Христова, эпоха жестоких завоеваний и безраздельного владения античным миром. Захваченные имперскими центурионами территории служили для римских хозяев источником получения все новых и новых рабов. Одному из них суждено было бросить вызов машине порабощения. Проданный в рабство еще ребенком Спартак прошел тяжелый путь лишений и истязаний, который только закалил его и сделал великим воином. Этот человек стал предводителем грандиозного восстания рабов, вошедшего в историю человечества.
Мой пистолет быстр
Jean (as Terence De Marney)
Частный сыщик Майк Хаммер расследует убийство симпатичной бродяжки Рыжей, у которой при знакомстве он заметил на пальце необычное кольцо, исчезнувшее после её смерти. Хаммер узнаёт, что кольцо является частью нацистской коллекции драгоценностей, которая была похищена в конце Второй мировой войны полковником американской разведки Холлоуэем. Поиски приводят Хаммера к Марии — подруге Рыжей и стриптизёрше в ночном клубе, французскому немому уборщику Жану, а затем и к соблазнительной вдове Нэнси Уильямс. Между тем полковник Холлоуэй нанимает Хаммера, чтобы тот нашёл и вернул ему пропавшую коллекцию.
Pharaoh's Curse
Sgt. Smolett
Archaeologists in Egypt find one of their crew has been turned into a blood sucking mummy after they have unleashed a three thousand year curse.
Двадцать три шага по Бейкер Стрит
Sergeant Luce
Слепой писатель Филипп Хеннон удивлен разговорами, в которых его обвиняют в похищении людей и убийствах. На самом деле это происки полиции, которая не верит его показаниям и хочет вывести писателя из себя. Хеннон начинает собственное расследование вместе со своей невестой и секретарем. Преступник хочет его убить, и пробирается в его дом, но слепой писатель делает в комнате полную темноту, чтобы уровнять шансы. В конце концов, Хеннон избавляется от убийцы и может спокойно жениться на своей невесте…
Mad at the World
Pop (as Terence DeMarny)
A neighborhood is terrorized by group of young juvenile delinquents called The WolfPack. When a young father's infant child is seriously injured because of the WolfPack, he decides that the police aren't working fast enough to catch the ones who hurt his baby and sets out to infiltrate the gang himself and mete out the punishment they deserve.
Серебряная чаша
Грeчecкий cкульптoр Бaзиль из Aнтиoхии призвaн ближaйшими cпoдвижникaми Хриcтa cдeлaть ceрeбряную oпрaву для cвятoй чaши Ииcуca (Cвятoгo Грaaля) и изoбрaзить пo ee oкружнocти лики aпocтoлoв и caмoгo Ииcуca. Для этoгo скульптор eдeт в Иeруcaлим, a зaтeм в Рим, чтoбы зaкoнчить рaбoту. Тeм врeмeнeм, бecчecтный шaрлaтaн и прoтивник Хриcтa — Cимoн Вoлхв пытaeтcя убeдить тoлпы в тoм, чтo oн — иcтинный Бoг, иcпoльзуя для этoй цeли oбыкнoвeнныe трюки и фoкуcы…
No Way Back
Johnnie Thompson
A gangster's girl loves a one-eyed boxer who is framed for robbery.
Dual Alibi
Mike Bergen
A French PR man (Terence de Marney) and his girlfriend (Phyllis Dixey) steal a lottery ticket from twin trapeze artists (Herbert Lom), prompting murder.
Wanted for Murder
Scenario Writer
The son of a notorious hangman is gradually becoming insane and he finds himself unable to resist the urge to strangle women to death.
Wanted for Murder
Theatre Play
The son of a notorious hangman is gradually becoming insane and he finds himself unable to resist the urge to strangle women to death.
They Met in the Dark
Code Expert
A Royal navy Commander is tricked by a pretty girl who is working for the Nazis. She tricks him into revealing some military secrets and he is court martial. He vows to track her and her accomplices down.
This Is Poland
In the film, used the chronicles of war, fragments preserved in London prewar Polish films (landscape, architecture, industry), Allied supplies from Narvik, chronicles from France and material participation of Polish troops in the Battle of Britain. The film consists of two parts. The first part presents the image of Polish pre-war - an idyllic landscape, folklore, rich culture, growing industry. Part two represents the Nazi aggression, the heroic Polish soldier fighting on different fronts.
I Killed the Count
Det. Sgt. Raines
Scotland Yard Detective Inspector Davidson is trying to determine who murdered the much-hated Count Matton. The dilemma isn't that the Detective is suffering from a lack of witnesses but that four different people have come forth to confess to the killing, each of them with plenty of motive and opportunity.
Born That Way
Richard Gearing
A Scottish woman tries to take her brother-in-law's wild living children in hand.
The Immortal Gentleman
Harry Morton / Hamlet / Romeo
In the early seventeenth century William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson and Michael Drayton meet in a Southwark tavern and begin discussing the other customers who remind them of characters from Shakespeare's plays.
Heroes of the Mine
A British drama film directed by Widgey R. Newman
The Eternal Feminine
Michael Winthrop
Backstage drama in which the love of a young actress for her crippled husband triumphs.