Allen Jung

Рождение : 1909-08-08,

Смерть : 1982-09-12


Star Spangled Girl
A pair of 60's hippies fall in love with the girl next door, who is exactly the kind of square that they are fighting against.
Мистера Хрунди Ви Бакши пригласили сниматься в кино. Он был слегка рассеян и случайно наступил на рычаг, что привело к взрыву дорогостоящей декорации крепости. Приглашение на ужин, которое так же случайно пришло на его адрес, приводит Бакши в дом директора пострадавшей киностудии. В этом шикарном особняке с бассейном и садом начинается «замечательная» вечеринка, о которой никогда не забудут все её участники.
Пятое измерение
Агент американской разведки совместно с китайской коллегой и с помощью пояса, позволяющего путешествовать во времени, пытается помешать китайскому преступному клану импортировать в Лос-Анджелес материалы для создания атомной бомбы.
Blood and Steel
Japanese Commander
Native girl helps US Seabees free her villagers from Japanese troops.
Пурпурное сердце
Это история экипажей американских бомбарбировщиков, взятых в плен во время первого авианалёта на Токио. Во время показательного судебного процесса, судьи обещают проявить снисходительность к тем заключённым, кто согласится выдать военные секреты. Однако японцы недооценили храбрость своих заключенных.
Around the World
Bandleader Kay Kyser takes his troupe of nutty musicians, goofball comics and pretty girl singers on a tour around the world to entertain the troops during World War II.
Behind the Rising Sun
Capt. Matsuda
A Japanese publisher urges his American-educated son to side with the Axis.
Night Plane from Chungking
Lieutenant Tang
Without lights and in a driving rain, a bus is lumbering along the muddy Assam Road en route from Chunking to the Indian border. Passengers include a European of unknown nationality, a missionary a French officer, and a White Russian. There is also an ancient Chinese lady on an important diplomatic mission to Indian and her traveling companion. The trip is halted when Japanese planes bomb the road and hit a munitions truck and kill many Chinese soldiers. The Chinese commander puts the wounded soldiers on the bus and directs it to a nearby secret airport where the officer in charge is an American attached to the Chinese Air Force.
Миссия в Москву
Japanese Diplomat (uncredited)
Хроника впечатлений о Советском Союзе американского посла Дэвиса, его встреч со Сталиным, и его общая точка зрения на отношения Советского Союза и Соединенных Штатов.
G-men vs. the Black Dragon
Fuji - Escaped Japanese Spy [Ch.2]
Japanese spies attempt to subvert America's war effort; G-Men attempt to thwart their plot.
Guadalcanal Diary
Japanese Officer (uncredited)
Concentrating on the personal lives of those involved, a war correspondent takes us through the preparations, landing and initial campaign on Guadalcanal during WWII.
China Girl
Two-fisted newsreel photographer Johnny Williams is stationed in Burma and China in the early stage of WW II. Captured by the Japanese, he escapes from a concentration camp with the aid of beautiful, enigmatic 'China Girl' Miss Young. The two arduously make their way back to friendly lines so that Johnny can deliver the vital military information he's managed to glean from his captors.
King of the Mounties
King of the Candian riding police is up against Japs and Nazis who are about to invade Canada. They just want to clear the way with a new futuristic plane called "The Falcon" first, but that's not gonna happen if Kig has his way.
Somewhere I'll Find You
Sam Porto
Brothers feud over a girl they both fall for while covering World War II.
Murder by Television
Ah Ling
James Houghland, inventor of a new method by which television signals can be instantaneously sent anywhere in the world, refuses to sell the process to television companies, who then send agents to acquire the invention any way they can. On the night of his initial broadcast Houghland is mysteriously murdered in the middle of his demonstration and it falls to Police Chief Nelson to determine who the murderer is from the many suspects present.
She Learned About Sailors
Rickshaw Driver
Shanghai nightclub singer Jean falls in love to a sailor, but after his ship left Shanghai, he is of the opinion that he cannot support her in the States, so he writes her in a letter, that he will not see her again, but two practical jokers intercept it and write another with an opposite content. Jean comes to the states, but her sailor doesn't acknowledge her, but the two don't give up trying to bring Jean and sailor back together.
Маска Фу Манчу
Coolie (uncredited)
Британский археолог сэр Лайонел Бартон намерен отправиться в Монголию, чтобы найти гробницу Чингизхана. Разведчик Нейланд Смит предупреждает его, что он должен добраться до сокровищ гробницы раньше, чем злодей Фу Манчу, которому меч и посмертная маска Чингизхана нужны для того, чтобы поднять восточные народы на борьбу с западной цивилизацией и уничтожить её.