Rebecca Marshall


Can't Stop the Water
For 170 years, a Native American community has occupied Isle de Jean Charles, a tiny island deep in the bayous of Louisiana. They have fished, hunted, and lived off the land. Now the land that has sustained them for generations is vanishing before their eyes. Coastal erosion, sea level rise, and increasing storms are overwhelming the island. Over the last fifty years, Isle de Jean Charles has been gradually shrinking, and it is now almost gone. For these Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Indians, their land is more than simply a place to live. It is the epicenter of their people and traditions. They now must prepare to say goodbye to the place, where, for eight generations, their ancestors cultivated a unique part of Louisiana culture.
Can't Stop the Water
For 170 years, a Native American community has occupied Isle de Jean Charles, a tiny island deep in the bayous of Louisiana. They have fished, hunted, and lived off the land. Now the land that has sustained them for generations is vanishing before their eyes. Coastal erosion, sea level rise, and increasing storms are overwhelming the island. Over the last fifty years, Isle de Jean Charles has been gradually shrinking, and it is now almost gone. For these Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Indians, their land is more than simply a place to live. It is the epicenter of their people and traditions. They now must prepare to say goodbye to the place, where, for eight generations, their ancestors cultivated a unique part of Louisiana culture.
О друзьях детства — Калейле Исазе Тузмане и Томе Германе и о создании ими знаменитого сайта, позволившего рядовым гражданам напрямую общаться с местными властями. Всего за год молодые предприниматели зарабатывают 60 миллионов долларов, нанимают на работу сотню человек и знакомятся с президентом Клинтоном. Однако рынок ценных бумаг испытывает их на прочность: они сталкиваются со все новыми проблемами, решают технические вопросы, бороздят бурные воды венчурного капитала. Тем не менее, это не подготавливает Калейла и Тома к самому главному — их личному конфликту из-за управления сайтом. Этот конфликт ставит под угрозу не только их компанию и работу, но и грозит положить конец их многолетней дружбе.