Renzo Lucidi


Rosabella - La storia italiana di Orson Welles
Дон Кихот Орсона Уэллса
Прочитав слишком много романов о рыцарях и героических рассказах, Дон Кихот и его слуга Санчо Панса решили бродить по дорогам Испании, чтобы защитить слабых и совершить добрые дела ...
Street People
A Mafia boss is enraged when he is suspected of smuggling a heroin shipment into San Francisco. He dispatches his nephew, a hotshot Anglo-Sicilian lawyer, to identify the real culprit. The lawyer also enlists the aid of his best friend, a grand prix driver with an adventurous streak.
Two hearts, a Chapel
Aristide receives a big inheritance from his mother, but when he meets a beautiful redhead at the cemetery, his life changes unexpectedly.
Who's Afraid of Zorro
Spain, occupied by the French. Zorro, the intrepid swordsman, has an accident. As a result, his friend, Father Donato, is forced by oath to find a temporary replacement for him.
The Tree of Guernica
The fictional town of Villa Romero is the set upon which the events of Spain's civil war play out. Villa Romero is home to Vandale (Mariangela Melato) a witch, count Cerralbo (Bento Urago) a powerless land baron, and his four sons. Three of Cerralbo's sons are ruthless sadists who pillage the countryside, but the fourth, Goya (Ron Faber), is an artist challenging authority and the church.
Stateline Motel
After robbing a jewellery shop in Canada, two Americans arrange a meeting near the US borders in order to split the loot. One of them has an accident with his car on his way there and gets stuck in an isolated motel until his car is fixed. The owner of the motel, a sexy woman in her thirties, falls in love with him, but her suspicions about him begin to multiply, as the police arrive at the motel...
It Can Be Done, Amigo
An outspoken boy and a gunfighter-pimp save a drifter's life from hanging. The boy's uncle dies, leaving a house and some dry, useless land to the boy. The dying uncle has obtained the drifter's promise to help the boy get what is his. Meanwhile the gunfighter has decided that the drifter should marry his daughter after being with her previously. The two get into a series of brawls and shoot-outs until they arrive in the town and find the boy's inheritance -which turns out not to be as useless as it first appears.
Чудом оставшаяся в живых после нападения индейцев на обоз монахиня встречает угрюмого ковбоя, с которым пытается пересечь пустыню, спасаясь от преследующих их апачей.
Человек по прозвищу Кувалда
После совершения ограбления среди его участников разгорелся спор при дележе добычи. Новичок в банде решил спор в свою пользу. Прибрав все, он скрывается вместе с золотом. Остальные отправляются на его поиски, которые приводят их в один из городков Мексики…
Story of a Woman
Consulting Editor
Karin studies music in Rome and falls in love with Bruno. She learns that he is married and therefore returns to Sweden. She meets David. They marry and have a daughter. David is sent to Rome. Karin meets Bruno again.
Halleluja for Django
After robbing $500,000, the Jarret gang hides in a small isolated western town, where they are waiting for a scout to take them through the desert to Mexico. But the unresolved conflicts between Jarret and El Santo, the brains of the bandits, who has also an eye on Jarret's girlfriend, become a problem amongst the bandits. And there is also an underestimated scalawag named Billy Rum and his friend Mark, who are trying to help the captured citizens.
Возвращение странника
Ехидный незнакомец, лениво прячущийся под гривуазным розовым зонтиком, как всегда сам того особо не желая, впутывается в историю. Забирая себе документы мертвого почтового инспектора, герой и не подозревает, какие кровавые приключения его ожидают, едет в небольшой городок. Там он оказывается впутанным в историю с грабежом дилижанса, совершенным бандой двадцати безжалостных бандитов. Взяв себе в помощь старого проповедника, он разыскивает налетчиков и их тайного союзника…
The Man with the Balloons
Mario is a Milan industrialist who is constantly testing balloons to see how much air one can take before busting.
Poker with Pistols
After losing everything in a poker game and finding himself indebted, Lucas agrees to deliver a wagon to the town of Chamaco for the $5000 payment. He soon finds himself in deep trouble with bandits, the town's local kingpin and a pretty saloon worker.
The Wedding March
Satirical film in four episodes about family and marriage.
Сегодня, завтра, послезавтра
Восхитительная комедия о жизни итальянцев состоящая из трех новелл. Во всех трех фильмах, показав три совершенно противоположных характера, главную мужскую роль сыграл Марчелло Мастроянни. В первой черно-белой новелле режиссера Марко Феррери - он играет роль человека одержимого идеей максимального надувания воздушных шаров. Во второй новелле Эдуардо Де Филиппо - его герой оказывается свидетелем странных любовных игр молодой пары пригласившей его в гости. Молодые выстраивают свои отношения при помощи истерически-ревнивых выходок и выстрелов из револьвера. Завершает трилогию история Лучиано Салче - где он играет коммерсанта, решившего продать свою супругу арабскому шейху. Но... судьба делает крутой поворот, и жена опережает коммерсанта, перепродав мужа в мужской гарем брата шейха...
When the men of a Sicilian village start obsessing over ravishing blonde midwife Jessica, angry females revolt by refusing to have sex with their husbands. As the local priest tries to encourage procreation, Jessica falls for a tricky recluse.
Понтий Пилат
Фильм начинается с суда над Понтием Пилатом. Пилат изображается как человек, желавший мира и процветания народу, которым его назначили управлять. Несмотря на сопротивление Синедриона, он строит акведук, дороги, а склоки и распри верхушки иудейского общества ему мешают, что становится для него настоящей трагедией. Варрава - разбойник, выполняющий за деньги любые приказания, показан…
Taras Bulba
Italian adaptation of the historical novella of the same name by Nikolai Gogol.
The Swordsman of Siena
A 16th-century Spanish overlord hires Thomas Stanswood (Stuart Granger) to protect his, less than eager, fiancee (Sylva Koscina) from rebels. Thomas finds himself drawn to both the fiancee and the rebels side.
Duel of Champions
A Roman nobleman, Horatius leads an imperial legion during the long and bloody war between the Romans and the Albans. A desperate arrangement is agreed on how to settle the war. Three valiant brothers are chosen from each side to fight one last fierce and bloody duel...
Five Branded Women
Five Yugoslav women who consorted with the German occupiers are publicly humiliated and banished by the Yugoslav partisans but they take up arms to fend for themselves.
The Red Cloak
Cosimo de' Bardi is assassinated by a gentleman called the Flemish. Time passes and at some point a masked knight wearing a red cloak enters the scene. He is the son of the killed. These and the Flemish are also rivals in love. In the final duel the Flemish will be eliminated.
Господин Аркадин
Мистер Грегори Аркадин - успешный миллионер, обладающий огромной властью, однако и у него есть тщательно скрываемая ото всех проблема – ему ничего не известно о своем прошлом. Мужчина не помнит, что с ним происходило вплоть до 1927 года, когда Грегори пришел в себя, зная лишь собственное имя.Желая раскопать правду о себе, богач обращается к профессионалу в подобных делах – Ван Страттену, который начинает распутывать таинственные события из прошлого Аркадина. А тем временем люди, знавшие что-то о жизни этого человека до 1927 года, начинают умирать один за другим...
Son of the Hunchback
20 years after the assassination of his father, the son of Lagardère seeks revenge.
Melody of Love
A comedy with lots of Neapolitan songs and shots of the Bay of Naples finds Maria Morelli unable to marry her singing sailor/lover, Giacomo because her father, Don Salvatdore Morelli objects. She can't elope because her father has an heart ailment and uses it to hold Maria. Giacomo misunderstands and takes off on a global singing tour.
Milady and the Musketeers
Very stylish Italian swashbuckler - The Three Musketeers from the viewpoint of Milady de Winter
Ha da venì... don Calogero!
Адаптация знаменитой трагедии Шекспира «Отелло» с вольной трактовкой событий. Развиваясь нелинейно, сюжет фильма начинается с похорон Отелло и Дездемоны и пытается разобраться в событиях, которые привели к этому.
The Pirates of Capri
A group of men calling themselves 'The Pirates of Capri", headed by Captain Sirroco, who is really Count Amalfi, are trying to restore freedom to the people of Naples. The Queen is advised of the pirate's assault of a member of her court and she seeks to escape to Palermo. But, she is advised it would be good politics for her to attend a ball Amalfi is giving for his fiancée, Mercedes, who is unaware of the dual role Amalfi is playing.
Fame and the Devil
Three men consider selling their souls to Satan in order to possess a beautiful woman.
The Flame that Never Dies
Inspired to the real story of the Carabiniere Salvo D'Acquisto. We see how, to save 22 hostages from dead sentence by Nazi, he decided to sacrifice himself.
Black Magic
A hypnotist uses his powers for revenge against King Louis XV's court.
1949 movie version of the Rossini opera
I fratelli Karamazoff
The Barber of Seville
A crafty barber acts as a go-between for a count in disguise and rescues Rosina from marriage with her guardian. An operatic comedy.
The Lovers
After an astrologer has foretold him he will die at an early age if he does not avoid a romantic entanglement, Alessandro Stradella, a well-known composer decides to leave Rome for the North of Italy. Written by Guy Bellinger
This propaganda film was partly inspired by the story of the first Italian heavyweight champion Primo Carnera who, after winning the title with Al Capone’s help in 1933, was beaten the following year by the Jewish Max Bear and then again by the ‘Brown Bomber’ Detroit Joe Lewis in June 1935, on the eve of the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. This match provoked numerous racial skirmishes on the streets of Harlem between the Black community and pro-Fascist Italian-Americans. The film overturns historical facts and here, obviously, it is the white boxer who wins in order to demonstrate the superiority of the “Aryan Italians” over the “sinister Jewish entrepreneurs” and the “savage Afro-American fans in Yankee Stadium”. In the film, these were played by South African prisoners-of-war interred in a work camp, which the German and Italian propaganda ministries had set up near Cinecittà “for cinematic purposes”.
The famous composer's life and his career. His love story with Isabella Colbran, the soprano who was to become his wife and the singer in all his operas up to the unfortunate day she lost her voice.
A crime novel writer is experiencing writer's block while writing his latest book. Then a woman is murdered in his home, and this crime gives him inspiration to finish his novel. Without noticing, he even founds the real culprit.