Недалеко от гавани пропитанного сыростью и окутанного туманом мрачного Города потерянных детей, в замке на берегу моря живет страшный ученый по имени Кранк, преждевременно постаревший из-за полной неспособности спать. По приказу Кранка его подручные-циклопы похищают детей и затаскивают в мрачную лабораторию, где злодей-ученый превращает их сны в свои собственные.
Но из-за того, что дети ужасно его боятся, он видит только их кошмары. В поисках пропавшего младшего брата в Город приходит цирковой силач Уан. Ему помогает храбрая девятилетняя девочка Миетт и ее бригада маленьких бойцов сопротивления.
Капитан Мерфи, его помощник Боб, и их спутники, спасаясь от пиратов капитана Краффа. оказались на мрачном и таинственном Острове Дьявола, который скрывает в себе несметные сокровища. Отважным путешественникам удалось открыть его тайну и найти богатства, размеры которых превысили их самые смелые ожидания.
Prof. Bardenk
Two brothers plan to steal the precious jewel of Nefertiti's eye in a famous exhibition hall, but they are not the only ones who want it. There is a scuffle in which a policeman dies and one of the robbers falls on the dead man.
Spain, under Philip IV (1621-1665). The film is based on a novel by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. The King is stunned to see the naked body of Marfisa, the most beautiful prostitute of the town and Court. After that, he also wants to see the Queen naked. However, the King, despite the opposition and the scandal of the Church, will not stop until he reaches his wishes.
The Count of Capranegra, accompanied by his chamberlain, travels to Soborlskaia to claim the castle of his great-great-grandfather who died in strange circumstances. But to get the fortune he must first pass a difficult test.
Bald Man
Любовь с первого взгляда поразила молодого человека по имени Шон и молодую девушку по имени Крис. И уже через несколько минут прозвучало предложение руки и сердца.
Крис была ошеломлена яростным натиском, но отваги ей не занимать: недаром она работала в туристском бюро, под вывеской которого скрывалась международная секретная спецслужба, занимающаяся поиском фальшивомонетчиков. Впрочем, этого Шон не знал и поэтому в момент свадьбы предвкушал прелести медового месяца в Испании. Крис, наконец-то, уволилась с надоевшей ей работы, и новоиспеченные супруги отправились за океан по путевке подаренной Крис коллегами по работе. Вместо отдыха ей предстоит передать чемодан с деньгами изготовителю клише для печати фальшивых долларов.
Tirso - el mesonero
Theodore, a young Spanish engineer who works as a professor at the University of Oklahoma, returned to Spain to enjoy a sabbatical year. Upon arrival, he discovers that his father killed his mother and, to compensate for the loss, he bought a motorcycle with sidecar to travel together. Father and son arrive in a remote mountain village seems empty, what happens is that all residents are in church every day, because the Mass is a true spectacle. Jimmy and Theodore are discovering the peculiarities of the people, attend the elections held each year to appoint mayor, priest, teacher, bitch ... In addition, the town has come a group of students at the American University of Eaton, a Belgian meteorologists, a dissident group of the Russian Army Choir, invading people's hidden above ...
Hector Doriani (Paul Naschy) is a stage and screen actor who feels himself living in the shadow of his dead twin brother, Alex Doriani, once a famous star of horror movies. Alex’s young son, Adrian, now lives with Hector in an isolated mansion in the countryside. To keep alive the memory of his father, the boy imagines himself visited by the spirit of the dead man, incarnated in a series of classic horror characters from the past. Eric, Alex’s former butler, now also works for Hector. His main role is to locate and bring to the mansion a series of women who are paid large sums of money by Hector to take part in various sadistic sex games. To complicate matters even further, the games always seem to end with the women getting slaughtered in various gruesome ways by a black gloved, masked killer. Also on hand is horror diva Caroline Munro, as Hector’s housekeeper and cook, who is being pursued by a local priest with whom she once had a much-regretted affair.
The blacksmith
The adventures of a couple of scoundrels in the Spain of the 16th century.
Curro (uncredited)
The movie is about a candidate for mayor of Madrid who is immersed in a huge mess during the pre-election night, when a body needs to be disappeared.
In a post-apocalyptic world, a soldier of fortune enters "The Forbidden Land" to find uranium that will help save mankind. However, a rival adventurer is also after the uranium, but for his own ends.
Two half-brothers have to go on a road trip to find their half-sister and receive a huge inheritance.
A young karate master tries to defend his karate school and take revenge on those responsible for his master's death.
Rubén (uncredited)
After the death of Franco, the nostalgic fascist regime attempts to preserve the 1936's order.
Marido secuestrador
Orencio is a humble young man who helps his father in a humble business of a Castilian village. It has girlfriend, Angelita, and is very in love with her. But one day falls in hands of Vindemia, a young something lightweight helmets, who becomes pregnant and subsequently gave birth to five children. Then Vindemia marries with another man and goes to Switzerland. However, years after the superpotent of Orencio see how history repeats itself. And this time does not have very clearly if always lover Angelita will wait for it.
In the Middle Age, a farmer named Mauro is heading to Madrid following the last will of his father.
Friar Tuck
Robin Hood fights the evil Sheriff of Nothingham. Friar Tuck brings his friend Moi Kato, a Kung Fu master. Medival movie meets Italo Eastern.
Gina is a single woman with a good job. From very attractive features, its beauty shines it should not because of their excess weight. Her boyfriend decides to leave her and from that moment her life is shrouded in sadness and monotony. Everything changes when he bursts into her life a very handsome young man called Luis. But it's intentions are not clear, Gina must discover the reasons that really move her wooer ...
Christopher Malcolm
Robert Breidlinger
German comedy/western from 1975
Lord Ferguson
Girls of a corrupt orphanage are being sold by the sadistic matrons to a badly disfigured doctor. His sinister motive is to use the girls as guinea pigs in his experimental brain surgeries.
Robinson Grasso
The White, the Yellow, and the Black (Italian: Il bianco, il giallo, il nero, also known as Shoot First… Ask Questions Later) is a 1975 Spaghetti Western comedy film. It is the last spaghetti western directed by Sergio Corbucci. Differently from his previous western films, this is openly parodic.
Inspector gordo
Javier lives with his mother in a modest apartment. He conducts surveys on the effectiveness of ads. This work provides a humble earning for the two of them. One day he meets Juna at a bus stop. He tries to ask her out, but she refuses. A few days later, they meet again. Slowly a relationship develops, but her plan is to marry someone rich. Javier's wealthy uncle included him in his testament, so Juna talks Javier into killing the uncle.
Conde de Belfort (as Chris Huertas)
The world of prostitution, where women meet men of all kinds. These young women who have often left their families by rebellion, but who find themselves in a universe that they will generally no longer be able to leave
Butch aka Bud
A gangster comedy with music by Les Humphries and the Les Humphries Singers.
Tricky Dicky is after a gold treasure with his companion. He tracks the treasure down in insane asylums, Ku Klux Klan rallies, and finally, the outlaw's hideout.
A young woman was seduced by a high positioned official who is married but when she falls in love with a young man she tries to break the other relationship...
Dr. Laporte
Buddy Piccolo
Банкир Морган нанимает старого авантюриста и когда-то быстрейшего стрелка Запада, полковника Рэндольфа Квинта спасти свою похищенную дочурку бандитом Эспартеро. За которую он с его бандой требует неподъемный для банкира выкуп. Полковник, прихватив с собой для пущей уверенности случайно встреченную парочку разбитных шалопаев, начинает рискованное предприятие. По дороге дополнив свою шайку ещё кучкой разношерстных персонажей, герои с хитрым планом по освобождению заложницы отправляются в логово бандитов...
Action packed later period Spaghetti Western film with a cast of cult and mainstream actors. George Eastman [Django shoots first] , Karin Schubert [Black Emanuelle], Giancarlo Prete [Street Law], Eduardo Fajardo ,[Ricco the mean machine] and others, round out the cast of this western version take off of the 3 Musketeers with a twist. With the tag line “ All for one....punches for all”.. you get action packed fight scenes,[Chen Lee] lends his martial arts to this fast paced story, who really has the stolen gold and where is it?.Loyalty to the musketeer code? Don't count on it!!
With their time machine, the three Supermen try to recover antique treasures and end up in the West and find the most famous treasure of THE BANDIT. But the treasures vanish when they try to take them into their time.
Sheriff Bambi
George Hilton is the infamous highway robber Stefano Pelloni, known as Il Passatore and Edwige Fenech is his opinionated leading lady, Mora, in this slapstick 'comedy'
Bud Wesley
The bizarre adventures of the three gunmen Western grosser, next to a delicate young.
Bud Wesley alias Prinzio Trinidad
In a Wild West town, Miss Nora, a beautiful smuggler, meets Scott, a bounty hunter that goes to Mexico with her for work issues. While they are in Mexico, three smugglers arrested by the military are released by the girl, who used all her seduction skills to get what she wants. But the guerrilla leader realizes the trap and the three smugglers are considered fugitives pursued by the Mexican revolutionaries and by Scott, as the law has put a price on their heads.
Doc Saxon and his gang rob the Crown City bank but are double-crossed by Carrasco, a Mexican bandit, who steals the gold and leaves Doc and Donovan with nothing.
Dr. Badman
Two brothers, one good and the other evil, get caught up in a legend involving the King of Darkness, who comes to his disciples to feast on the blood of a virgin and grant power and prosperity to all of his followers.
Julian is a womanizer who has affairs with several girls at once. To escape the clutches of a cuckolded husband, he is forced to dress as a woman and join a women's professional football team, posing as a famous athlete in Argentina. This is the beginning of a series of deranged adventures.
Gianni Garko stars as the Holy Ghost, a supernatural gunfighter dressed in white and with a dove sitting on his shoulder. With his sidekick (Chris Huerta), the Holy Ghost rescues some farmers from the fortified prison of the evil General Ubarte, then raids the castle again for gold treasure aided by some local prostitutes.
A band of outlaws has assaulted the car that carries the state tax. Oswald, the most powerful man in Montana, is celebrating the success of the robbery as an accomplice steal to him $ 300,000. The sheriff is determined to get evidence against Oswald and to judge. All suspect that Roger seeks the sheriff protection, promising evidence against Oswald.
Комедийный вестерн, события которого разворачиваются в 1880 году во французском поселении в американском штате Нью-Мексико. Белокурая Луиза (Бриджит Бардо) командовала целой бандой, в которой, кроме нее, были еще четыре ее сестры. Как-то раз им приглянулся земельный участок с неистощимыми запасами нефти. Но у этой территории уже имелись хозяева - фермерша Мария (Клаудия Кардинале) , жгучая брюнетка, и четыре ее брата...
Nico Bizanthios
Interpol investigates the freelance killings of drug and porn peddlers.
Director italiano
Cesar Martin, better known as El Duque, is an elegant, charming and intelligent man, who has been obliged to be known by heart the Penal Code, as their profession is the scam. Cesar has another weakness: his beautiful daughter Silvia is always a decent person.
Film inspired on the character from "Don Juan Tenorio".
Director del western
Pat MacMurray (as Cris Huertas)
Reverend Miller arrives in Tucson where he wants to build a church. But on the very day of his arrival a gang carries out a raid on the bank and the people of Tucson, who are suspicious of the new reverend because he carries a gun, immediately blame him for the robbery. The sheriff saves him from lynching by putting him in jail. Then he asks the priest to find the gang and the booty; thus Miller becomes the Reverend Colt. His exceptional skill means that he can shoot hats off people's heads and their pistols from their pockets, but he never kills.
Giro Batol
After the evil maharajah Varauni exterminated his whole family, the brave Sandokan decides to retreat on the island of Mompracem to meditate a terrible revenge against him
A prostitute promises to the Virgin Mary not to practice her trade for a year if she heals her sick child.
Little John
After giving a ride to a man who recently ripped-off his thieving business partner, Sabata and his buddy are unaware that a group of men have been hired to kill them and bring back the loot!
Deputy Smithy
A pair of outlaws are on the hunt for some loot they know is missing from a robbery. Outsmarting and killing anyone who tries to foil their plans.
Bad Jim
После смерти богатого дядюшки братья Монти и Тэд Маллиганы узнают, что им причитается весьма приличное наследство - 300 000 долларов. Но, по завещанию, они смогут получить деньги только в том случае, если смогут прожить под одной крышей не менее полугода. Только вот братья на дух не переносят друг друга…
A rainy day forces Joaquin, Joe Luis and Alvaro to refuge in Martins' house. They also go there two Swedish girls who want love and spanish ham; a nun with hobbies of racing driver; a fat priest; a policeman unable to establish order; and the father of Joaquin, a fortune hunter. In the chaos that is triggered, the five young people discover their common love for music and they form a band.
Lonely Drunkard in Saloon
Bill learns that his father, during the American Civil War, was accused of theft and killed. Convinced of his innocence, Bill discovers the true robbers.
Profesor Sorenson
Cayetana, her boyfriend Paco and Venancio, her foster brother, commit small thefts and, from time to time, spend a few days in jail. Until they meet with Federico, a thief who has traveled abroad and convince them that using European methods success is guaranteed. Paco then decides to act scientifically and seizes a hospital surgical equipment. When they want to realize, poor Venancio is forced to give an injection to a dentistry patient and, even worse, Paco has to pull out a tooth. And all that, before entering the operating room
Fat man in stagecoach
Бандит Прэтт пытается отомстить Тиму за смерть двух сыновей. Спасаясь от него, Тим встречает Гарри, который предлагает ему укрыться от преследования на своей ферме.
Miguel Dicazo
Lucas, typical average Spaniard, shy, gray and repressed, is married to sanctimonious Enriqueta, so he is always aware of other women, although the couple are already parents of nine children, which is why Lucas will do the unspeakable to convince his wife to take the contraceptive pill, something practically sinful for a practicing Catholic like Enriqueta.
An Argentine travels to Spain to begin his studies. During the flight, he causes so much troubles to a flight attendant that she is fired. At home, the ex flight attendant discovers some dresses that belonged to her grandmother and decides to try her luck with an artist representative. There she will find the guy who caused his dismissal. Both fail to act in Barcelona, but the boy's father attended the performance, being surprised, because he believed his son was studying in Madrid.
Однажды красивая, но крайне взбалмошная неаполитанская крестьянка Изабелла встретила капризного испанского принца Родриго Ферранте. Король Испании приказал, чтобы Родриго выбрал себе жену среди семи итальянских принцесс, но он уже был сражен красотой скромной крестьянки. Не зная об этом, Изабелла с помощью ведьм и святых решает завоевать сердце своего принца…
Банда головорезов совершает налёт на поезд. Оказавшийся в поезде первоклассный стрелок Мартин пытается дать им отпор, но попадает в лапы к бандитам. Однако их предводитель не убивает его, а заставляет учить своих людей хорошей стрельбе.
Loud Drunk
Джуди и Алекс — единственные выжившие после карательного рейда на поселение, учинённого по приказу богатого и безжалостного Морана. Девушка становится горничной на его ранчо, а парня приютила семья квакеров. Несмотря на подчеркнутую внешнюю смиренность, Алекс планирует реванш.
Fan #1
The Lecturer, leader of the Feminine League Against Frivolity, tells the history of eroticism and censorship from the beginning of time until the late 1960s.
In 1941, two Polish brothers escape a Soviet gulag. Their only escape route is through the impossible mountains of Afghanistan and the KGB is on their tail.
El Gordo
Джо Навахо — единственный выживший в кровавой резне, устроенной в поселении бандой Дункана. В числе прочих жителей была и жена Джо. Он клянется отомстить за смерть любимой и вступает в схватку с Дунканом и его людьми.
Dr. Kallman
A woman seeks to avenge her father's death using a local dancer, with long poisonous fingernails, to do her bidding.
Ranch owner MacGregor has seven sons and oldest Gregor leads his brothers to Las Mesas, a small town where they want to sell horses. They get into trouble with local people who are related with evil Santillana. After getting imprisoned and losing their horses they decide to go after Santillana's gang.
Otton (segment "Los tres pelos del diablo")
The film is an adaptation of three fairy tales classics of children literature. "The Maiden of the Sea" tells the story of Coraline, a mermaid who wants to be human afte she falls in love with a Sailor Prince. "The 3 hairs of the Devil" tells the story of Tomasin, a young man of humble background, which a seer had a presentiment that he would marry the daughter of the king, who must perform a series of tests to avoid death, and marriage the princess is accepted by the king. "The Wizard of Oz" tells the story of Sylvia, a girl who get lost in the woods with her dog Toto, and along with her friends The Scarecrow, The Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion, have been snatched the brain, heart and courage, respectively. They go the Emerald City to request help from the Wizard of Oz adapting three children’s stories: , The three hairs from the devil and The Wizard of Oz.
Ms. Pendleton is the commander-in-chief of a women's training camp for western spies, recently established in Turkey. CIA agent Leyton receives a mission, to discover and destroy an enemy group operating in the vicinities of that residence. He will manage, with the help, and sometimes extra zeal, of a team of young women recruits.
Deputy Sheriff Vince
Terrorized townsfolk turn into a lynch mob and target a lawman.
When he was 12 years old, Bill Cody, later knew as Buffalo Bill, is rider for "pony express" carrying the mail through the wilds of America. It becomes later caravans guide. When driving one of them meets Luisa, the niece of a priest who tried to evangelize the savage tribes accompanied by a converted Indian. It is a dangerous time because, before the advancing white man, the Sioux tribes are buying weapons from unscrupulous dealers...
A loose retelling of the 13th century Galician legend of the boy Cotolay who helped three pilgrims establish the Convent of San Francisco near Santiago de Compostela.
In 1829, a young man goes to London in search of his uncle, an irate watchmaker, in order to provide him with a home and a job.
Story of a group of settlers and how they had to take refuge in a fort when they were attacked by Indians, as told by the only survivor
Someone is killing people related to a South American expedition. The means of murder are poison darts with rubber spiders attached to them. A writer and some police detectives investigate.
Greece is under the power of Rabirius, from which rise a few patriots led by Axel. He is taken prisoner and condemned to die of hunger and thirst. But his brother Leslio, who fears no one, makes him free. The next step Leslio takes, is to dissolve a group of mercenaries, without listening to his brother, who begs her to join the fight for freedom.
An almost decent girl is a German-Spanish Romance of Ladislao Vajda from 1963. In Spain he was entitled Una chica casi formal on.
A parapsychology student investigates his father's death.