Ilka Grüning

Ilka Grüning

Рождение : 1876-09-04, Wien, Austria

Смерть : 1964-11-14


Ilka Grüning


Martha Lorry (uncredited)
A prison warden fights to prove one of his inmates was wrongly convicted.
Captain China
Mrs. Marguerite Haasvelt
The title character, played by John Payne, is a ship's captain whose embittered behavior after losing his lady love seemingly leads to tragedy. Accused of deliberately scuttling his ship during a typhoon, Captain China hopes to clear himself by signing on as a common seaman on a vessel captain by his former first mate Brendensen. There's no love lost between the two men, and their mutual animosity is intensified when both fall in love with beautiful passenger.
Mr. Soft Touch
Old Woman (Uncredited)
When he learns that a gangster has taken over his nightclub and murdered his partner, returning WWII hero Joe Miracle steals the money from the club's safe and hides in a settlement home, while the mob is on his tail.
Grandmother Rudetzki (uncredited)
Мечты Молодой девушки Леноры Имс сбылись. Она вышла замуж за миллионера Смита Олрига. Однако после свадьбы она понимает, что ее муж безумен. Она уходит от мужа и устраивается на работу в больницу в бедном районе. Там она встречает доктора Лэрри Кинаду и влюбляется в него. Но ее муж не собирается с этим мириться...
Words and Music
Mrs. Rogers
Encomium to Larry Hart (1895-1943), seen through the fictive eyes of his song-writing partner, Richard Rodgers (1902-1979): from their first meeting, through lean years and their breakthrough, to their successes on Broadway, London, and Hollywood. We see the fruits of Hart and Rodgers' collaboration - elaborately staged numbers from their plays, characters' visits to night clubs, and impromptu performances at parties. We also see Larry's scattered approach to life, his failed love with Peggy McNeil, his unhappiness, and Richard's successful wooing of Dorothy Feiner.
Грязная сделка
Подлый напарник Рик подставил гангстера Джо Салливана и упек его в тюрьму. Позже он устроил Джо побег в полной уверенности, что того пристрелят или поймают и посадят уже навсегда. Но Джо везет - он оказывается на свободе, к тому же в компании с двумя красавицами - ловкой подругой Пэт и взятой им в заложницы адвокатом Энн. Теперь Джо предстоит не только расквитаться с подлецом Риком, но и решить важную проблему - с кем из женщин ему следует остаться.
Aunt Klara
An innocent trucker takes it on the lam when he's accused of robbery.
Повторное представление
Broadway star, Sheila Page, shoots Barney, her murderous husband on New Year's Eve. She flees her apartment and goes to her producer, John Friday. When she arrives, it is New Year's day, a year earlier. She has been given the chance to live life over and correct the errors of the past only to find that the end will be the same although the path will be different.
Address Unknown
Grandma (uncredited)
When a German art dealer living in the US returns to his native country he finds himself attracted to Nazi propaganda.
Мадам Кюри
Seamstress (uncredited)
Фильм рассказывает о профессиональной и личной жизни одной из наиболее выдающихся женщин-ученых в истории — Марии Кюри.
Mrs. Leuchtag - Carl's Immigrating Friend (uncredited)
Оставивший родину американец Рик Блэйн, владелец игорного клуба в Касабланке, случайно встречается с покинувшей его несколько лет назад возлюбленной, Ильзой, которая приехала в город вместе со своим нынешним мужем, борцом антифашистского сопротивления Виктором Лазло. По их следу идут немцы, и Ильза пытается упросить Рика отдать принадлежащие ему важные документы, которые позволят Виктору бежать из Касабланки, чтобы продолжить свою борьбу.
Friendly Enemies
Mrs. Pfeffier
During World War I, two German men friends who emigrated to the US and become millionaires agree on most things, with one major difference: one has taken the US side against Germany regarding the war, while the other stays stubbornly loyal to "the old country". His stubbornness results in tragedy for his old friend and a lesson in the consequences of blind loyalty.
Кингс Роу
Детективная мелодрама, в которой одну из главных ролей исполнил молодой Рональд Рейган, еще не ставший президентом США и героем «холодной войны». Паррис и Дрейк, потерявшие родителей — лучшие друзья. Паррис мечтает стать доктором, обучаясь у отца своей возлюбленной Кэсси, а Дрейк видит себя бизнесменом, окруженным прекрасными дамами. Когда они взрослеют, жизнь разрушает их планы...
Dangerously They Live
Mrs. Steiner
A doctor tries to rescue a young innocent from Nazi agents.
Frau Franken
A World War II Hollywood propaganda film detailing the dark underside of Nazism and the Third Reich set between two brothers, Kurt and Erik Franken, whom are SS officers in the Nazi party. Kurt learns and exposes the evils of the system to Erik and tries to convince him of the immoral stance that marches under the symbol of the swastika.
Hasenklein kann nichts dafür
Frau Hasenklein
Melodie des Herzens
Fräulein Czibulka
A young maid from the country looses her job as maid in k.u.k. Budapest, when she stays out too long with her beau, a soldier, who's saving money to buy a horse to open a transport company. After being unemployed for quite a while and her rent is long overdue, the landlady offers her a better job in a nightclub. Meanwhile the soldiers family has decided that her son should marry the daughter of a rich farmer. The soldier finds out about his girl friends profession, and accepts after struggling with himself the match his parents have made. At the day of his engagement his girl friend comes to his hometown with enough money to buy a horse, which leads to a conflict between her, the fiancee, her family, himself and his parents.
The Crimson Circle
Eine Vermieterin
Police battle against a gang of blackmailers known as The Crimson Circle.
Herbstzeit am Rhein
Frau Holm
Family Gathering in the House of Prellstein
A feature-length jewish joke: The heavily indebted Sami Bambus fakes his death, so that his debts are taken over by the greedy heirs, led by the scrounger Prellstein. The putative heir also brings speculators to the scene, and the general confusion can ultimately only be reconciled by the summoned uncle Salomon and by Samis' return from the dead.
Secrets of a Soul
Die Mutter
Werner Krauss, who had played the deranged Dr. Caligari six years earlier, stars as a scientist who is tormented by an irrational fear of knives and the irresistible compulsion to murder his wife. Driven to the brink of madness by fantastic nightmares (designed by Ernö Metzner and photographed by Guido Seeber in a brilliant mix of expressionism and surrealism), he encounters a psychoanalyst who offers to treat the perplexing malady.
Elegantes Pack
Leos Mutter
Des Lebens Würfelspiel
Emils Mutter
a silent movie by Heinz Paul
Безрадостный переулок
Действие происходит в Вене эпохи послевоенной инфляции, с ее расслоением на нравственно циничных богатых и бесправных нищих. В центре — судьбы обедневших женщин, вынужденных продавать себя в ночном клубе и отеле, принадлежащих жене богатого мясника.
Soll und Haben
Madame Sidonie Ehrenthal
The Finances of the Grand Duke
Augustina, die Leibköchin
The likeable and carefree Grand Duke of Abacco is in dire straits. There is no money left to service the State's debt; the main creditor is looking forward to expropriating the entire Duchy. The marriage with Olga, Grand Duchess of Russia, would solve everything, but a crucial letter of hers about the engagement has been stolen. Besides, a bunch of revolutionaries and a dubious businessman have other plans regarding the Grand Duke. With the intrusion of adventurer Philipp Collins into the Grand Duke's affairs, a series of frantic chases, plots and counter-plots begins.
Driven from Home
Mutter Steyer
A lost Murnau peasant-farm film.
Das schöne Mädel
Frau Gött
Die Fledermaus
Rosalindes Mutter
Friedrich Schiller - Eine Dichterjugend
Elisabeth Dorothea, seine Frau
In his film version, Curt Goetz shifts the focus away from the poetic output towards the young Friedrich Schiller himself: on the misery of his soul whilst a pupil of the ducal military academy, his opposition to the strict physical drill and the narrow intellectual confines of the "Karlsschule", his juvenile passion for the works of Shakespeare, Klopstock and Lessing, his anger at unjust authorities, his devotion to women, and finally his inability to cope with financial matters
Das Weib auf dem Panther
The daughter of a famous painter fleeing thieves who believe she knows where one of her father's original paintings is kept, flees and hides out at the residence of a pair of avowed women hating bachelors.
The Treasure
On the surface a straightforward tale of the search for a buried treasure, the film is a textbook example of German expressionism, with the passions of the protagonists conveyed as much through symbolism as action.
Freund Ripp
Die Duenna
Baronin / Baroness
Lorenz Lubota is a city clerk with no direction in life. One day on his way to work he is run over by a woman driving a chariot and he is immediately infatuated with her.
Aus den Erinnerungen eines Frauenarztes - 2. Lüge und Wahrheit
Die Dame und der Landstreicher
Die Kreutzersonate
Wem nie durch Liebe Leid geschah!
Das zweite Leben
Lady Hamilton
The married Lady Emma Hamilton has an ill fated romance with Admiral Horatio Nelson.
Aus den Memoiren einer Filmschauspielerin
Seefahrt ist Not!
Die Erbin von Tordis
Trix, der Roman einer Millionärin
Die Fremde aus der Elstergasse
Die große und die kleine Welt
Christian Wahnschaffe II: Escape from the Golden Dungeon
Escape from the Golden Dungeon is the second part of the two-part silent movie Christian Wahnschaffe.
Die Diktatur der Liebe. 2. Die Welt ohne Liebe
Die Verschwörung zu Genua
Die Bestie im Menschen
Jacques Lantier, the "human beast" of the title, has a hereditary madness and has several times in his life wanted to murder women. At the beginning of the story he is an engine driver, in control of his engine "La Lison". His relationship with "La Lison" is almost sexual and provides some degree of control over his mania.
Lotte Lore
Catherine the Great
The film was an epic portrayal of the life of Catherine the Great of Russia.
Können Gedanken töten?
Maria Magdalene
Monika Vogelsang
Witwe Walterspiel
Rose Bernd
Frau Flamm
An adaptation of the Gerhart Hauptmann play of the same name. A young farmer's daughter is used and abused by the men in her life.
Prostitution II
About a deceptive bourgeois couple that blends their acquaintances into their dubious business.
Wera Cheberiak
Peer Gynt - 1. Teil: Peer Gynts Jugend
Based on Henrik Ibsen's play.
Peer Gynt - 2. Teil: Peer Gynts Wanderjahre und Tod