Michael Hearn

Michael Hearn


Michael Hearn is a Canadian actor based in Montreal, Quebec.


Michael Hearn


Gwen Shamblin: Starving for Salvation
Gwen's Lawyer
Gwen Shamblin, a charismatic with a curated image, became known with her Christian diet program "Weigh Down Workshop", and was accused of exploitation and emotional, psychological, and physical abuse by the church's alleged cult practices.
Любовь, страх и ненависть
Профессор университета Сэмюэл — неисправимый алкоголик, не пропускающий ни одной юбки. Внезапно ему начинают видеться удивительные вещи: то на хоккейном матче вдруг все становится вверх дном, то в ресторане его встречает официантка с головой тигра, то в баре идеальным собутыльником становится не кто иной, как сам Франкенштейн.
The Good Sister
The Good Sister follows a couple who is working to put their crumbling marriage back together, when the wife receives a letter informing her that she has a long-lost twin sister. First thinking that the new family member will bring the couple closer together, the husband then begins an affair with the sister and discovers that she is treacherous and dangerous.
Джон Кеннеди: Пороховой дым
Howard Donahue
Seventy-five percent of the American people still refuse to believe the official story of President John F. Kennedy's death. They do not think he was killed by a lone gunman but by a mysterious cabal that somehow conspired to have him killed. How can this be? How can a crime this famous, witnessed and investigated by so many, remain a mystery? This is what veteran Australian police detective Colin McLaren is determined to find out. JFK: The Smoking Gun follows the forensic cold-case investigation McLaren conducted over four painstaking years, taking us back to that tragic day in Dallas at Dealey Plaza where the shooting took place, to Parkland Hospital where the president was pronounced dead, to the Bethesda Naval Hospital where the autopsy was conducted and to the conclusions of the Warren Commission that have remained controversial to this day.
Senior MI6 Man
Новые приключения Фрэнка Мозеса и его разношерстной команды вышедших на пенсию убийц.