Wolfgang Suschitzky
Рождение : 1912-08-29, Vienna, Austria-Hungary [now Austria]
Смерть : 2016-10-07
A tribute to a humble but great man in the film industry.
Kay Mander kept training and social issues to the fore in the 1940s with her innovative documentaries. Mander, now living in Kirkcudbrightshire, recalls her life and work, with clips from many of her films.
Director of Photography
Comedy featuring interweaving stories of seven households caught up in a property chain on moving day, each one dependent on the other.
Director of Photography
A british colonel and his wife decide to remain in India after the departure of the British raj in the 1940s.
Director of Photography
Harry and Sue Lewis met in the 40s as teenagers living in the Bronx. He was an aspiring architect, she was the most beautiful girl in school, and both had a fondness for bran muffins. They fell in love, got married, moved to Los Angeles, and had two kids. While struggling with his midlife crisis, Harry receives an invitation for his high school's reunion back so he takes Sue and their teenage kids on a cross-country car trip back to the Big Apple. Will they see in the Bronx what they expected? Will the good memories from their past help rekindle their fading love? Is it too late to dream?
A depressed middle-aged man, revisiting the seaside resort he often vacationed at as a child, encounters a highly optimistic and carefree young woman who attempts to reason him out of following through on his suicidal thoughts.
Director of Photography
В Лондоне объявляется оригинальный убийца — его жертвами становятся театральные критики, а сами убийства выглядят словно сошедшими со страниц Уильяма Шекспира. Полицейские начинают подозревать в преступлениях некоего Эдварда Лайонхарта, эгоцентричного актёра, недавно совершившего самоубийство из-за того, что очередная награда обошла его стороной. У подозрений полиции есть все основания, ведь тело Лайонхарта так и не было найдено.
Director of Photography
When Elsa's three mischievious cubs begin wreaking havok on the nearby villages, Joy and her husband are forced to move them hundreds of miles to a game preserve.
Director of Photography
A man having marital problems with his shrewish wife picks up a young, pretty and pregnant hitchhiker. Before he knows it, he's in over his head and mixed up in violence and murder.
Director of Photography
Лондонский гангстер Джек Картер приезжает в родной Ньюкасл на похороны брата Фрэнка. По версии полиции брат изрядно выпил и попал в автокатастрофу. Картер же считает, что его убили. Он начинает собственное расследование. Почти сразу он встречает жесткий отпор со стороны местной мафии, которая намерена либо отправить его обратно в Лондон, либо убить Картера.
Director of Photography
An anti-short short. On three occassions a man overhears a car accident while relaxing in his room. He reacts with less and less concern to each crash.
Director of Photography
Sloane, a handsome, sexy and completely amoral young man, joins Kath's household as a lodger and proceeds to manipulate her and her brother, Ed. He is recognized by Kemp (Dadda) as the murderer of Kemp's former employer, whereupon Sloane murders Kemp. Sloane's "just desserts" are not what one would expect.
Camera Operator
Sir Anthony Blunt talks of Claude Lorrain exploring the painting of Italian classical landscape by which he interpreted the poetic themes of Virgil and Ovid.
Director of Photography
Кто сказал, что лучшим другом человека является собака? Для одинокого лондонского клерка Грэхема лучшим другом стала купленная в зоомагазине выдра, ради которой он даже бросил неплохую работу и уехал в холодную Шотландию.
Camera Operator
Barclays Bank documentary about computers in the UK and how they might be used in the future.
Camera Operator
A documentary feature detailing the engraving of the original plate for this celebrated print; the artist's experimental use of different papers and methods of inking, and the later re-working of the plate.
Director of Photography
В самую обычную девушку по имени Кэрол вселяется дух некой Айши. Будучи бывшей королевой затерянного города в Северной Африке, Айша рассчитывает, что Кэрол сумеет стать её преемницей.
Director of Photography
«Улисс» — сложное полистилическое произведение, повествующее об одном дне (т. н. Блумсдэй: 16 июня 1904 года) дублинского обывателя и еврея по национальности — Леопольда Блума. Этот день Лео Блум проводит в издательстве, на улицах и в кафе Дублина, на похоронах своего знакомого, на берегу залива, в родильном доме, где он знакомится со Стивеном Дедалом, молодым учителем в местной школе, в притоне и, наконец, в собственном доме, куда он поздно ночью приводит изрядно выпившего Дедала, лишившегося крова. Главной интригой является измена жены Блума, о которой Блум знает, но не предпринимает против неё никаких мер.
Cooking is a kind of loving, features Jean Shrimpton
Director of Photography
Playing in a graveyard, a young girl is brought face-to-face with the adult world.
Director of Photography
The compère of a seedy strip club struggles to keep one step ahead of the bookies to whom he owes money.
Director of Photography
Comprising train and track footage quickly shot just before a heavy winter's snowfall was melting, the multi-award-winning classic that emerged from the cutting-room compresses British Rail's dedication to blizzard-battling into a thrilling eight-minute montage cut to music. Tough-as-boots workers struggling to keep the line clear are counterpointed with passengers' buffet-car comforts.
Director of Photography
A young female designer is on the brink of an affair with a married male executive at the company where she works. The film tells the story of their illicit lunch hour rendezvous.
The dog Bara train from it is a small puppy to become a useful working dog. It is owned by a Norwegian farmer who, together with his wife, settles in a rugged and isolated mountain terrain. Only used as a post dog, but also to look for casualties in the mountains.
Director of Photography
Cradle of Genius is a 1961 Irish short documentary film directed by Paul Rotha on the history of the Abbey Theatre. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.
Director of Photography
Describes the activities of the Appleby-Frodingham Steel Company in Scunthorpe, the largest unit in the United Steel group.
A GI deserter frames a girl for killing a blackmailer, and holds her captive while seeking gems.
Director of Photography
Birthright, which presents the work of the Family Planning Association, is a valuable record of the organisation of contraception and fertility services before the introduction of the contraceptive pill. But, more than this, in its filmmaking style it conveys much about the social attitudes of this era, and the spirit in which those services were conceived and delivered.
Camera Operator
A BAFTA award nominated documentary paying tribute to the World Health Organisation on it's tenth anniversary in 1958.
Director of Photography
Fender is a lowly clerk in the warehouse of clothing manufacturers Ranting and Co. His one ambition is to have an overcoat of his own. Refused one by the cold hearted Ranting he asks a tailor friend, Morry, to make him one instead, but dies of cold before he can take delivery of it. Unwilling to give up his only desire even in death, he returns as a ghost to persuade Morry to steal him the overcoat he so coveted in life.
Director of Photography
The 80th issue of the long running industry cinemagazine. Includes the articles: 'Anthracite Field', 'Time Out', 'Bowhill On Top' and 'Ideas Man'.
Director of Photography
Блестящий британский режиссер-документалист Пол Рота дебютировал в полнометражном кино фильмом «Нет места для отдыха». Снятый в Ирландии, фильм представляет собой слегка вымышленное исследование странствующих рабочих этой страны. Жизнь ремесленника Алека Кайла рушится, когда он случайно убивает человека. Кайл проводит оставшуюся часть фильма, скрываясь от охранника Маннигана, государственного служащего, который полагается на инстинкт, а не на научные методы, чтобы поймать преступника. Ни разу не пытаясь вызвать сочувствие к своим персонажам, режиссеру Роте удается убедительно детализировать ужасные условия жизни и работы кочевых ирландских рабочих.
Director of Photography
The 24th issue of the long running industry cinemagazine, featuring the articles: 'Holiday Camp', 'Beside the Sea', 'Up River' and 'Pitmen's Derby'.
Director of Photography
Dover made over: this quirky and pointed public information film reveals how the heavily-bombed and shelled Kent town was being replanned after the war. The filmmakers cleverly and entertainintly capture our attention by opening on travelogue cliches that they quickly undercut. It's not white cliffs and rolling hills they want to tell us about. It's present-day Dover - remaking itself in the crisp freshness of a postwar spring.
Director of Photography
The nice young couples rent dilapidated rooms from mean landlord & lady until the appeal to the rent tribunal gets their rent cut by six shillings.
Director of Photography
Короткометражная лента Пола Рота, рассказывающая о сельском хозяйстве и передовых методах в обработке и сборе продовольствия, увеличивающие его объемы. Современные методы позволяют избежать голода в тех районах, где от нехватки продовольствия ежегодного гибнут люди. Большим откровением для зрителей становятся образы послевоенной Европы и голодного Востока, потерпевшего убытки из-за нарушений климата. Правильно тратить мировые богатства помогает продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация ООН (ФАО). Путем содействия развитию сельского хозяйства ФАО пытается устранить проблему голода и нищеты в мире.
Director of Photography
A short film that shows a mill owner that improves working conditions to improve worker productivity.
Director of Photography
A short film trying to stop people in the North of England from worrying about losing their cotton industry jobs.
Director of Photography
Encourages mothers to seek medical advice from the earliest stages of pregnancy and to take advantage of existing maternity services.
Director of Photography
Documentary on the young builders who'll rebuild Britain after the war.
Director of Photography
Attitudes to and treatment of juvenile delinquency in Scotland.
Director of Photography
Вступительный рассказ поясняет, что цель фильма - изучить «мировую политику в отношении еды» с точки зрения её производства, распространения и потребления. Затем фильм делится на три части: «Еда - как это было», «Еда - как это есть» и «Еда - как это могло быть».
Director of Photography
A British documentary on tunneling if a building falls in ruins.