Ann Brody

Ann Brody

Рождение : 1884-08-29, Poland

Смерть : 1944-07-16


Ann Brody


Money Means Nothing
Mrs. Silverman
At Joe's Roadside, a popular but rundown New York roadhouse where the wealthy and not-so-wealthy hang out, a wealthy Manhattan girl and a struggling Brooklyn boy meet and fall in love. She marries him against the wishes of her family, believing that love can solve everything, but she soon wonders if she made the right choice when she finds herself living in a manner, and with the kinds of people, she hadn't counted on.
Грех Норы Моран
Нора Моран, молодая женщина с трудным и трагическим прошлым, осуждена на смерть за убийство, которое она не совершала. Она легко могла бы раскрыть правду и спасти свою жизнь, если только это не повредит жизни, карьере и репутации тех, кого она любит...
Blood Money
Jewish Client (uncredited)
The title refers to the business of affable, ambitious bail bondsman (and politically-connected grifter) Bill Bailey, who, in the course of his work, crosses paths with every kind of offender there is, from first-time defendants to career criminals.
High Gear
Mrs. Cohen
When Mark 'High Gear' Sherrod (Murray) looses his nerve, the race car driver takes a job driving a taxi, but when he befriends a cute reporter and the young handicapped son of a deceased driver, he attempts to return to the track.
Izzy's Mother
Адвокат-идеалист Антон Адам попадает в заголовки газет, когда он успешно преследует известного нью-йоркского рэкетира по имени Гилмерри. Внезапная известность Адама привлекает внимание известного юриста Грэнвилла Бентли, который просит Адама стать партнером его юридической фирмы. Но карьера Адама резко ухудшается, когда его подставляют Гилмерри и сексуальная актриса в сфабрикованном иске о нарушении обещания. Единственная постоянная в жизни Адама - это верность и безответная любовь его секретарши Ольги.
Трое в паре
Mrs. Goldberg (uncredited)
Три школьные подружки подросли и стали представительницами разных социальных слоев населения. «Правильная» — выучилась на труженицу-стенографистку. «Оторванная» — прошла перевоспитание в исправительном учреждении. «Красотка» Вивьен вышла замуж за богача, купается в роскоши и растит сына. Однако, из-за отсутствия трудностей в жизни, Вивьен вдруг «срывается с катушек» и сбегает от мужа с каким-то проходимцем, прихватывая и ребенка заодно. В результате Вивьен очень стремительно скатывается вниз по социальной лестнице и подвергает опасности не только свой трещащий по швам брак, но и жизнь собственного ребенка.
The Heart of New York
Mrs. Nussbaum
A poor New York plumber's wife and children hope to move "uptown" from their lower East Side neighborhood after he sells his new invention.
The Wet Parade
Mrs. Schwartz (uncredited)
The evils of alcohol before and during prohibition become evident as we see its effects on the rich Chilcote family and the hard working Tarleton family.
The Drifter
A man known as The Drifter returns home to his cabin in the woods and winds up getting involved with an escaped convict, a gunfighter, lumber company rivals, mysterious family ties and murder.
Вольная душа
Hamburger Saleslady (uncredited)
Экранизация книги Аделы Роджерс Ст. Джонс. Известный адвокат по уголовным делам Стивен Эш (Лайонел Бэрримор) живет в Сан-Франциско, сильно пьет, терпеть не может членов своей напыщенной семьи и обожает свою своенравную дочь Джен (Норма Ширер). Однажды Стивен блестяще выигрывает процесс, защищая перед судом присяжных от обвинения в убийстве гангстера Эйса Уилфонга (Кларк Гейбл). Вечером Эйс доставляет сильно выпившего адвоката в дом его родственников на день рождения матери. Вся семья в шоке по двум причинам: от вида Стивена и присутствия Эйса. Когда члены семьи высокомерно просят Эйса покинуть дом, Джен в знак протеста уходит вместе с ним, хотя на семейном торжестве присутствует ее жених Дуайт Уинтроп (Лесли Ховард)...
A Royal Romance
Frau Muller
A young writer, John Hale, inherits a fortune and moves into an alleged-haunted castle with his servant "Rusty." He discovers the 'hauntee' to be Countess von Baden, hiding in a secret chamber with her son, whom the court has awarded to her divorced husband.
Child's Mother on Beach
Johnny Mack Brown stars as Paul, who wants nothing more out of life than to take charge of a lighthouse. Falling in love with Sally (Mary Nolan), Paul talks her into sharing his life as a lighthouse keeper. Evidently staring into the beacon once too often, Paul goes blind, and it's quite a chore for footloose Sally to remain faithful. Making matters worse is the arrival of a double-dyed villain (Robert Ellis) who intends to "have his way" with the long-suffering heroine.
Playing Around
Mrs. Fennerbeck
New York girl has a dull boyfriend and seems destined for a dull marriage when she meets a rich playboy who has money to burn and places to go.
So This Is College
Moe's Wife 'Momma'
Scheming coed Babs comes between college buddies Eddie and Biff.
Times Square
Vivid tale of love in Tin Pan Alley.
André Frey, a bohemian artist, woos and wins a rustic Swiss maid, promising to return to her after a visit to the city. The girl, Vroni, finds herself pregnant and is forced by her father to marry Poldi Moser, the mayor of the small Swiss town. Moser and Vroni are happy together, and two sons are born to them. André returns to the village periodically and finally asks Vroni to go away with him. She refuses, and he writes her an angry note. That evening, Vroni and André are involved in a toboggan accident; Vroni is killed outright, and André is fatally injured. Moser finds André's note and goes to him, demanding of the dying man to know which of the boys is in fact André's child. Thinking to protect his own son, André informs Moser that Moser's own son is his (André's) son. Moser swears vengeance on the child but relents when he realizes that he loves both boys equally.
Wolf Song
In 1840, Sam Lash heads west for adventure. He meets up with some Mountain Men, and they head for the Rockies to trap beavers and cats. In Taos he meets Lola, a beautiful Mexican girl from a proud and rich family. They fall in love and he persuades her to elope with him. After they get married, Sam is torn between his love for Lola and his yearn for traveling.
My Man
Mrs. Schultz
Fannie Brand, an industrious girl who supports her brother and sister by working in a theatrical costume house, falls in love with Joe Halsey, a young fellow who earns a precarious living demonstrating an elastic exerciser in a drugstore window. Fannie and Joe set a date to be married, but the wedding is called off when Fannie finds Joe making love to her unprincipled sister, Edna. Fannie auditions for Landau, a theatrical producer, and goes on the Broadway stage. Fannie is a great success, and she and Joe soon find their way back into each other's arms.
Turn Back the Hours
Turn Back the Hours is a 1928 American silent drama film directed by Howard Bretherton and starring Myrna Loy, Walter Pidgeon, and Sam Hardy.
Alias the Lone Wolf
Michael Lanyard, aka the Lone Wolf, is sailing to America when he meets pretty Eve de Montalais. Eve wants to sneak her valuable necklace through U.S. customs so that she can use the money from its sale to help straighten out her brother. The only problem is that there is a gang of jewel thieves on board who are just as determined to steal the necklace.
Why Girls Say No
Mama Whisselberg
A short comedy by Leo McCarey about a jewish father who is worried about his daughter.
Too Much Money
Mrs. Rabinowitz
Millionaire Robert Broadley, in order to curb his wive's enthusiasm for spending money foolishly, inform her that he is now broke and penniless, which might have been a good plan if a friend of his, with some crooked ways, hadn't gotten involved.
Katinka - Princess Rhea's Maid
Eric Fane (Richard Barthelmess) is a composer unwilling to compromise his dream for a steady job back home in the United States. After his studies in Italy, he moves to Paris, where he is forced to write popular songs for money when he stops receiving support from his father. He tires of selling out and, after an encounter with the mob, starts to travel. He begins a madcap journey from Paris to Port Said, Egypt, and to the South Seas, where he believes he has found love with Teita (Bessie Love).
Headin' Home
Mrs. Tony Marino (as Anne Brodie)
The "true story" of baseball great Babe Ruth; Ruth plays himself.
A Woman in Grey
Miss Traill, Companion to Ruth Hope
This 15 chapter serial is considered to be "the last of the adult serials". Produced in Wilkes-Barre, PA., it has crisp editing, fast action, and carefully lit and composed interiors and lush pictorial exteriors. This is a serial of great complexity with the director, the photographer and title-maker always in absolute control. The extraordinary rhythmic momentum of the film is never lost despite the films complex plot turns. This is the best of the surviving serials from the silent era.
Who Goes There?
During World War I, Kervyn Guild, an American citizen who was born in Belgium, is captured with other Belgian refugees by the Germans. Brought before the commanding officer, General Von Reiter, Guild is offered his own freedom as well as that of the other refugees if he goes to London and returns with the officer's daughter, Karen Girard, who actually is his mistress.
The Princess of Park Row
After Baron Alexis swindles the people of Bellaria out of rich mining lands, King Vladimir, who is told by his counselor Kronski that Alexis bought the land in good faith, sends Prince Niclos to America to negotiate a loan on the king's collateral so that the land can be bought and given back to the people.
The Suspect
Mouroff's Wife
The Suspect is a 1916 lost silent film directed by S. Rankin Drew. Set in France and Russia, the plot revolves around the cruelties of Russian Grand Duke Karatoff, known to friends and enemies alike as "the butcher." Sophie, leader of a band of revolutionaries, attempts to assassinate Karatoff but accidentally wounds his son Paul instead.