Brooklyn Sudano

Brooklyn Sudano

Рождение : 1981-01-05, Los Angeles, California, USA


Brooklyn Sudano


Every Breath She Takes
After her abusive husband dies in a house fire, Jules tries to enjoy a fresh start — until the past comes back to haunt her.
Love to Love You, Donna Summer
Executive Producer
The extraordinary story of disco queen Donna Summer through a rich archive of unpublished film excerpts, home video, photographs, artwork, writings, personal audio and other recordings that span the life of one of the most iconic performers ever to shake a room to its timbers. From her early career with Giorgio Moroder in Germany, to later years more focused on spirituality and family life as a shelter from troubles associated with both notoriety and intimate wounds, her story is all the more special for being told in the first person – both singular and plural.
Love to Love You, Donna Summer
The extraordinary story of disco queen Donna Summer through a rich archive of unpublished film excerpts, home video, photographs, artwork, writings, personal audio and other recordings that span the life of one of the most iconic performers ever to shake a room to its timbers. From her early career with Giorgio Moroder in Germany, to later years more focused on spirituality and family life as a shelter from troubles associated with both notoriety and intimate wounds, her story is all the more special for being told in the first person – both singular and plural.
Замуж любой ценой
Три подруги поклялись, что в течение года выйдут замуж. Но каждой из них придется столкнуться со своими проблемами: Триста не может забыть своего бывшего парня, Вивиан втайне влюблена в отца своего сына, ну а Амайя изо всех сил пытается разрушить несчастливый брак своего бывшего возлюбленного. Они все начинают год полные надежд… но вот получится ли у них взойти под венец?
Crew 2 Crew
Lucas joins a break dancing troupe and, traveling the world, finds himself torn between the life he knows and the chance to do something more. Inspired by true events.
Грешники и Святые
Beth Ganz
В разрушенном ураганом Новом Олеане, где все сложнее поддерживать закон и порядок, окруженный неприятностями детектив Шон Райли пытается справиться со смертью маленького сына и рухнувшим браком. Находясь под угрозой увольнения из полиции, он объединяется в команду с молодым детективом по расследованию убийств Уиллом Генцем, чтобы помочь ему разобраться с чередой зверских убийств, поставивиших город на грань войны банд. Райли и Генц быстро понимают, что за всем этим скрывается что-то более чудовищное, чем можно было себе представить.
Five Star Day
Yvette Montgomery
One man's journey to disprove the theory of astrology leads him to answer some bigger question about life, love, fate and destiny.
Turn the Beat Around
An idealist young dancer named Zoe tackles the difficult issue of resurrecting disco dancing in today’s music business. She meets hostility beyond resistance on every dance floor where she spins and twirls. Fortunately, she has at least one ally, a nightclub owner and visionary named Michael who shares her zeal for the long-ago dance craze. With money to burn, Michael arranges for Zoe to test market bringing back disco, even with rival choreographers like Malika. Soon dance takes a two-step in the wrong direction when hard-hearted Malika and Michael start vying to become Zoe’s dance partner.
Один в темноте 2
Эдвард Карнби, исследователь паранормальных явлений, бросает вызов темным силам. Жрица тьмы вырвалась из своей адской темницы! Появившись вновь среди людей, она начинает искать невинные души, чтобы принести их в жертву своему темному Повелителю. Собрав команду, Карнби отправляется на поиски священного артефакта, способного уничтожить демона…
Bobby and Tracy are a young couple who want to get out of the city and start a family. They find a home in a nice community, where people look out for each other. Little do they know the extent to which some are willing to go to protect their little heaven on Earth.
Somebody Help Me
Serena McLane
The screenplay centers on characters Brendan Young and Darryl Jennings who take a trip to the Lake Arrowhead with a group of college friends to celebrate Young's girlfriend's birthday. One-by-one the coeds begin disappearing until a mysterious young visitor arrives and helps them begin to unravel their tangled web of terror.
Rain, a young black musical prodigy, finds trouble and heartbreak when she witnesses her sister's murder by gangbangers. In order to protect her daughter, Rain's mother secretly contacts Rain's biological mother, and Rain learns the truth of her parentage: She is the daughter of a white socialite. Sent to live with her wealthy grandmother, Rain adjusts to boarding school life, where her musical talents flourish.