Juanita Quigley

Juanita Quigley

Рождение : 1931-06-24, Los Angeles, California, USA

Смерть : 2017-10-29


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Juanita Quigley (24 June 1931 – 29 October 2017) was an American child actress in motion pictures of the 1930s and 1940s. She had a sister, Rita Quigley, who was also a child actress. Juanita Quigley was billed as "Baby Jane" in several early roles. Her screen debut was as Claudette Colbert's three-year-old daughter in Imitation of Life (1934). She went on to play featured parts in several films, including The Man Who Reclaimed His Head (1934) and was Jean Harlow's niece in Riffraff (1936). Quigley became a familiar face to moviegoers of the era, but major roles for children so young were few and she often played bits as well as featured roles. She was one of the most popular child stars of her day, and was Universal Pictures' youngest star in 1934. Quigley was briefly involved in the Our Gang film series. In 1940, she was the guest-starring lead in The New Pupil when cast as Sally, who briefly takes Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer away from Darla Hood. Two years later, she reprised the character in Going to Press (1942), the only time in the MGM era where the female lead was played by someone other than Darla Hood (who had recently left the series) or Janet Burston. Quigley acted alongside her older sister, Rita Quigley, in Whispering Footsteps (1943). Her last major role was in National Velvet (1944), in which she played Elizabeth Taylor's sister. Quigley made only a handful of small appearances after National Velvet, her last being in 1950. At the age of 20, in August 1951, she became a religious sister in the order of the Daughters of Mary and Joseph, teaching at Precious Blood Catholic School. After several years in her convent, she left the vocation and married. Inaccurate documentation exists that Juanita made an uncredited appearance as an extra in the locally filmed Porky's II: The Next Day. At the time of this filming, Juanita lived in Pennsylvania pursuing her post-convent career full-time. Juanita was retired and was an intensely private person with regard to her past. Most who knew her as a friend were unaware of her previous life as an actress. As of 2016, Juanita lived a peaceful retired life with her son and daughter-in-law in Massachusetts. Juanita Quigley died in Sudbury, MA, on 29 October 2017, aged 86.


Juanita Quigley


Таинственная улица
Harkley's Daughter (uncredited)
На пляже обнаружен скелет. Дело поручено лейтенанту Мораласу, который вынужден обратиться за помощью к криминальным медэкспертам Гарварда. Из фильма можно почерпнуть статистику исчезновений и краж в Америке на тот момент.
Национальный бархат
Malvolia 'Mally' Brown
Англия. 20-е года XX века. Юная Вельвет Браун выигрывает лошадь по кличке Пай в лотерею и решает выставить скакуна в Великих Национальных Скачках с препятствиями. Ее семейство — против идеи, но скоро соглашаются и к счастью юной наездницы именитый в прошлом жокей Ми Тэйлор решается стать её тренером перед соревнованиями. Мать девочки тратит все сбережения, подготавливая Вельвет к скачкам. Девочка стрижется под юношу с целью выдать себя за жокея, по правилам женскому полу запрещено участвовать в скачках. Девочка вместе с любимой лошадью приходит к финишу первой, но её сразу же дисквалифицируют и лишают титула и приза.
The Lady and the Monster
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Whispering Footsteps
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Happy Land
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Assignment in Brittany
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A Yank at Eton
Jane 'The Runt' Dennis
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Going to Press
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The Vanishing Virginian
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The perineal District Attorney and conservative southern patriarch cherishes the old ways and does his best to adjust to change.
Bachelor Daddy
Girl with Pigtails at Movie
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Cinderella's Feller
The story of Cinderella with a children's cast.
The New Pupil
Spanky and Alfalfa both try to impress the new girl at school, much to Darla's dismay.
Синяя птица
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Oh, Johnny, How You Can Love!
In this musical comedy, a traveling salesman gets mixed up with a bratty heiress after she gets in a car wreck as she heads for her elopement. The two begin traveling together and get further mixed up with a fleeing bank robber, a crazy tourist camp, and other troubles. Songs include: "Oh Johnny, How You Can Love," "Maybe I Like What You Like," "Swing Chariot Swing," and "Make Up Your Mind."
Code of the Streets
Frankie Thomas plays Bob Lewis, leader of a gang consisting of Sailor (Harris Berger), Murph (Hally Chester), Monk (Charles Duncan), Trouble (Billy Benedict) and Yap (David Gorcey). The son of disgraced police officer Lt. Lewis (Harry Carey), Bob vows to clear his dad's name, and also to prove that accused murderer Tommy Shay (Paul Fix) is innocent.
The Family Next Door
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Фильм основан на простеньком действии, но сам по себе бесценен музыкальными номерами. После долгого отсутствия подводная лодка приходит к родным берегам. Среди экипажа есть три друга, один из которых женат и не видел жены целых четыре года. Он и не знает, что у них родилась дочь. Когда он с друзьями в увольнение приходит в клуб, жена его не сразу узнает, поскольку брак был скоропалительным, после танцевального марафона, и новоиспеченный муж сразу же завербовался на флот. Пришедших с ним два друга сразу же находят себе девушек, поскольку они все пришли в "Клуб одиноких сердец".
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Straight from the Heart
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In this romance, a slightly crooked and highly ambitious mayoral candidate convinces a woman to help him blackmail the incumbent by using a little baby as evidence in a paternity suit. The girl goes along with it until she learns that the mayor is innocent.
The Man Who Reclaimed His Head
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Имитация жизни
Baby Jessie Pullman, Age 3
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