Director of Photography
In this innovative version of the world famous Christmas story, The Secret of the Nutcracker tells of 12 year-old Clara's magical journey on Christmas Eve to find her father in a World War II Prisoner of War camp. Along with her mother and her two brothers, they long for some word on him, which eventually comes from an unexpected source the mysterious and magical stranger Drosselmeyer, who befriends Clara and encourages her to believe that miracles can happen.
Russian playwright Anton Chekhov is ill with tuberculosis and is cared for by his sister Maria with whom he lives in Yalta. He is desperately struggling to complete his play "The Cherry Orchard." With Maria's help, he is able to continue writing, but when Maria discovers that he has secretly married the Moscow Art Theatre actress, Olga Knipper, she feels betrayed and schemes to prevent him from returning to Moscow. When Chekhov discovers how manipulative Maria has been, they have a major confrontation.
Director of Photography
Молодой нью-йоркский детектив Майкл Сантини, отдыхая с женой и детьми на океанском побережье, он неожиданно узнает в одном из курортников Эдди Майерса — главного свидетеля в процессе по отмыванию денег в крупнейшем Манхеттенском коммерческом банке, который исчез прямо перед судом 4 года назад. Раскручивая «дело века» о гигантских финансовых махинациях, полиции и ФБР приходится идти на любые уступки ключевому свидетелю, который дает согласие работать только с Майклом. Найдется много желающих ликвидировать свидетеля и приобщиться к чужим счетам, вопрос в том — кто кого подставит и какую игру сыграет каждая из команд..?
Director of Photography
Disappointed that her mother has always disappeared at important times in her life, Alison Shaeffer, a successful book editor, decides to track down her mother on a remote island in an effort to patch things up. But family secrets unravel when Allison discovers that her mother is a CIA agent after she accidentally stumbles into one of her mom's covert operations.
A disabled young girl from a disadvantaged home setting develops self esteem and success in life through Special Olympics competition. Based on the true story of Loretta Claiborne.
Director of Photography
Lisa's husband, Bill, abuses her. With her sister's encouragement, she takes their three kids and leaves her husband. Bill keeps interfering with Lisa's attempts at a new life. She gets an order of protection against him, but the police can't do anything else to help her. One night Bill breaks into Lisa's apartment and shoots her. As she dies in the hospital, Lisa asks her sister to promise to take care of her three children. The sister takes the kids into her home, but Bill is still on the loose, an ever present threat.
Director of Photography
Denny Traynor has the idyllic life a loving wife and family, a flourishing career. Seems like life is perfect until some policemen from another break into their home one night and arrest him for a twenty year old murder. Initially, Denny denies the accusations made against him but when evidence is presented that implicates him, he is then extradited to stand trial. When his wife, whose faith has been shaken asks him what happened, he tells her that he did kill the man they said he killed but in self-defense. However, when there is no evidence that supports his claim, his wife wonders if he has told her the truth, and if she should continue to support him.
Director of Photography
Terry is desperate to start a family. Unable to bear her own children, she must rely on adoption, which proves to be a difficult task.
Director of Photography
Drugs, alcohol and controversy mark the author's life.
Director of Photography
After a woman helps prove her brother-in-law is cheating, she begins to work as a private investigator, but when she starts to suspect her husband is having an affair, she has to decide if she should follow her instincts or chalk it up to paranoia.
Director of Photography
A female prosecutor notices a woman in a plastic surgeon's waiting room who looks strikingly like a girl who was murdered more than ten years earlier. An investigation into the plastic surgeon grows more bizarre by the minute, as the prosecutor unravels a ten year old mystery involving betrayal and murder.
Director of Photography
A young psych major uses her wits to expose the deadly intentions of her father's new bride and the woman's conniving daughter.
Director of Photography
When Erica French opts to keep the baby she conceived in high school, she never dreamed that one day she would be fighting for custody against the child's father, Scott Stone. Scott Stone initially fought for custody when Erica threatened to cut off his access to their daughter. Scott continues to try to be a part of his daughter's life, but when Molly first breaks her arm at the playground then Scott's mother finds mysterious bruises on her granddaughter, Scott again fights for custody of young Molly, and this time he wins because the court feels his family can provide a more stable environment for Molly than a public daycare can.
Director of Photography
A mentally-retarded woman under goes an experimental treatment that transforms her temporarily into a genius.
Director of Photography
Юная красавица - итальянская аристократка Серена ди Сан Тибальдо знакомятся в послевоенном Риме с американским офицером Брэдом Фуллертоном. Молодые люди страстно влюбляются друг в друга и женятся. Но мать Брэда, властная и богатая женщина мечтает о блестящей политической карьере сына. Считая Серену неподходящей парой, она заставляет ее отказаться от всех прав на семейные деньги. И после трагической гибели мужа Серена остается одна с маленькой дочерью, с разбитым сердцем и без средств к существованию. Не поддаваясь отчаянию она решает стать фотомоделью.
Director of Photography
A pregnant doctor's life is made hell by the deranged patient to whom she gave a hysterectomy, without the patient's consent.
Director of Photography
One of the final entries in the series of romantic suspense adventures takes Jennifer and Jonathan Hart off to Sydney, Australia, where they plan to purchase a wildlife reserve from Jennifer’s old flame, the handsome and mysterious Elliott Manning.Manning challenges Jonathan, and their old rivalry is rekindled, with Hart besting Manning every time. When Manning begins to behave strangely toward Jennifer, a series of disturbing events reveals that this rivalry is no longer so good-natured, and the Harts find themselves bait in a trap.
Director of Photography
Блистательной красавице, талантливой фотохудожнице Джез Килкуллен в жизни удается почти все. Но после предательства ее жениха, фотокорреспондента Гэйба, бросившего ее в день свадьбы, она боится доверять мужчинам, хотя с легкостью сводит их с ума. И только встреча с верным и надежным Кейси Нельсоном, новым управляющим на ранчо ее отца, все меняет в ее жизни..
Director of Photography
Two teenagers (with single parents) join their families together in order to win the grand prize in a soda company competition by pretending to be the perfect family. The only problem is the CEO of the company must live with them for one week.
Director of Photography
Княжна Зоя Юсупова - наследница богатого и знатного рода. Революция 1917 года сделала ее сиротой и заставила покинуть Россию. Но и вдали от Родины, в эмиграции, Зоя находит в себе силы, несмотря на преграды, которые ставит перед нею судьба, добиться всего, что должно было принадлежать ей по праву рождения..
Director of Photography
Drama about a therapist who, as a neglected wife, tries to spice up her stagnant life by having an affair with a soon-to-be-divorced father of an autistic youngster.
Director of Photography
Ray investigates the murder of a judge.
Director of Photography
Отсидев срок за убийство, Уилл Паркер выходит на свободу в разгар Великой Депрессии. В маленьком городке ему попадается на глаза объявление одинокой Элли Динсмор, которой «требуется работник на должность мужа».
Многое повидавшая на своем веку Элли не ждет от жизни романтических чудес, но постепенно деловитый и обходительный странник становится для нее родной душой и надежной опорой. Ей плевать на скверное прошлое Уилла, и когда его снова обвинят в убийстве, Элли придется сделать все, чтобы защитить честь своего мужа и свою непростую любовь.
Director of Photography
A New York detective tracks a serial killer who injects his victims with poison at Grand Central Station.
Director of Photography
Dr Mark Sloan cannot believe that his former student Dr Drummond, an ambitious cosmetic surgeon, has committed suicide. Assisted by his team of hobby detectives, pathologist Amanda Bentley and junior doctor Jack Parker, Sloan tries to investigate the case. He finds out that Drummond and his senior partner, Dr Stern, had used plastic surgery to create a double of rich banker and benefactor Gantry, who is expected to make a major donation to the community hospital. Does Gantry also plan to have his double assassinated in order to vanish with the money himself?
Director of Photography
A good-natured homeless man and an ill-tempered student become good friends.
Director of Photography
Удачливый бизнесмен Оливер имел все основания гордиться своей семейной жизнью. У него была любящая жена, трое очаровательных детей и красивый уютный дом в пригороде. Но в один роковой день жена Оливера ушла из дома, чтобы начать новую красивую жизнь, не предусматривающую семейных обязанностей. Так ему пришлось стать отцом-одиночкой. Потрясенные бегством матери, дети стали во всем винить Оливера. И он решил переехать в Лос-Анджелес, на другой конец страны, подальше от дома, где все напоминало о случившемся несчастье. На новом месте он знакомится с телезвездой Шарлоттой. У них завязываются романтические отношения. Но сможет ли Оливер вновь наладить свою жизнь, вернуть любовь и уважение детей и, в конце концов, обрести семейное счастье?.
Director of Photography
Just after he turns sixteen, Robert finds out that he is adopted. His parents find to their horror that he was kidnaped from his real parents. They decide to tell him about this, even though they fear they might lose him. Robert runs away to find his real parents. He finds and gets close to them, without revealing his true identity. Eventually he must decided where he belongs.
Даниэль теряет работу и жилье, когда многоквартирный дом, где он живет и работает уничтожен пожаром. Даниэль вместе с семьей переезжает к своему брату. Но долго они там жить не могут из-за скандалов друг с другом. Семья переезжает в приют для бездомных. Даниэль ищет работу электриком, пока его жена работает официанткой, чтобы попытаться свести концы с концами.
Спокойная жизнь в африканских джунглях для Тарзана окончилась с появление группы охотников под командованием мистера Брайтмора, который не только убил его мать шимпанзе Калу, но и похитил его подругу шимпанзе Читу. Охотники не оставили никаких следов, кроме оброненной коробки спичек с адресом: Нью-Йорк, 5-я улица, дом 22. Подпись «Черный зверь». Тарзан решается на опрометчивый шаг – броситься вдогонку за похитителями и убийцами в неизведанный мир под названием Нью-Йорк.
Director of Photography
Religious beliefs clash with the law when an Amish infant is killed in a rural community.
A Vietnam veteran has to fight peacefully with words once more when the Air Force wants to expropriate his ranch for the construction of an air base.
Director of Photography
Водитель грузовика строит специальный восьмитонный автомобиль-монстр, чтобы отомстить банде негодяев, которые лишили его семьи и ушли от правосудия.
Director of Photography
История о полицейском Джо Хирне, который разыскивает мерзавца, изнасиловавшего его жену Мэри. Ситуация осложняется тем, что на женщину напали в тот момент, когда она собиралась изменить мужу с тренером своего сына.
A police cover-up of the murder of two young women at a wild party is complicated by the possible faking of a story by an overzealous young reporter seeking instant newspaper stardom.
Director of Photography
Michael Riley whishes to be 17 again and which comes true. He goes back to the high school where he fell in love with Laura and still be in love with her. Mick is very happy and excited to be 17 again, he finds Laura who is a widow having 2 children and then realizes the reason why they broke up years ago. Laura makes Mick understand that there is no way to go back. Finally Mick is willing to face who he is and has a new start with Laura when he turns back to a middle age man.
Director of Photography
An over-the-hill gumshoe reluctantly teams with worldly retired master thief to solve a string of art thefts and murders.
Director of Photography
Three women are going on a trip that leaves incommunicado with the rest of the world and before they leave; a woman who either has a history or relationship with each of their husbands leaves them a letter that says that she is leaving with one of their husbands. As they wait to return so they could find out who it is, they each remember an important moment in their lives that involves them and their husbands...and the woman.
Director of Photography
Вьетнамский ветеран кончает жизнь самоубийством, спрыгнув с крыши городской больницы. В оставленном письме он сообщает своему другу Митчу о плане захвата центрального парка перед днем ветеранов. Также он оставляет ему карту, на которой отмечены оружие и боеприпасы, разбросанные по всему парку. Митч решает воплотить неоконченный план умершего друга в жизнь…
Set in the "not-so-distant future", the crew of an international space station are set to return triumphantly to Earth, until someone starts killing the other crew members.
An elderly man discovers that his son wants to put him in an old-age home. However, the old man's grandson refuses to allow it, and the man and his grandson wind up becoming roommates at the boy's college dorm.
Photoscience Manager
In the final days of the Old West, a former desperado faces down a now drunken ex-sheriff, who was his long time nemesis.
Director of Photography
Biopic about the great college football coach Paul "Bear" Bryant of the University of Alabama.
Director of Photography
Робби становится участником захватывающей игры. Незаметно для себя он настолько увлекается ею, что не может отличить, где вымысел, а где реальность. Такой поворот событий чуть было ни стоил Робби жизни.
Director of Photography
Хэнк Ричардс, английский журналист, хочет написать статью об известном археологе докторе Кристофере Фалькон. Фалькон отказывается и отправляется в Мексику, чтобы исследовать два священных камня. Камни оказываются частью таинственного сокровища. Хэнк решает следовать за ним. Тем не менее, группа гангстеров прибывает за доктором Фальконом, которая хочет убить его за камни. Хэнк спасает его и тем самым завоёвывает его доверие. Фалькон убеждает его возглавить экспедицию, чтобы получить другие камни в своё распоряжение.
Director of Photography
A 60-year-old artist shares a secret, platonic romance with a 16-year-old girl.
Director of Photography
Environmentally concerned lawyer Abigail Adams works with Professor Roger Keller in his effort to protect baby seals from slaughter.
Director of Photography
An Olympic hopeful marathon runner hopes his success will be the answer to his marriage woes and other personal problems.
A multi-image large-format film showcasing life in Ontario without narration and dialogue. Produced by Christopher Chapman for the Ontario Department of Economics and Development, it premiered at the Ontario Pavilion at Expo '67 in Montreal.