Mari Carmen Alvarado


Mar de luna
Story of impossible love between a knight and his sister. From them born a son who is repudiated by the gentleman, who takes him to live with monks in a monastery. When the boy grows up, escapes from the monastery to see the world and especially the sea. On the way he meets a peddler who teaches him to function in life.
I Get Off at the Next Stop, What About You?
A divorcing couple remembers the best years of their lives.
El día que nací yo
A gypsy who sells fish in a market, sings on weekends in a tablao. One day, a professor, exiled in Cádiz for her political ideas, offers the cantaora a job.
Yo soy ésa
Carmen Torres, a famous and renowned singer, lives the fame aware of what it implies, but Jorge Olmedo, her shadow partner, succumbs to a world in which drugs and poker games reign. Husband and wife travel to Seville to see the premiere of "Yo soy ésa", a film in which both see their lives captured long ago, a dose of reality that will help them realize that they no longer love each other the same.
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Señora 2
Основанный на воспоминаниях Элеутерио Санчеса "Луте", молодого осужденного убийцы, ставшего легендарным в Испании благодаря побегу из тюрьмы в 1960-х годах.
El embarazado
Réquiem por un campesino español
Hypocrisy and betrayal are the two dramatic pivots in this effective, emotionally gripping tragedy about the life and death of Paco (Antonio Banderas), a Spanish peasant who had been fighting against the feudal landowning system that kept farmers impoverished. Paco's life is told in flashbacks by a priest (Antonio Ferrandis) who is seen officiating at an anniversary mass attended by three wealthy landowners and no one else. The priest recalls Paco's baptism, his communion, his marriage ceremony and then his work for the peasants as he advocated and led them in a land-reform movement. The rest of the story will rest heavy on the priest's conscience, as he looks out at his empty church.
El donante
Tato Montini (Andrés Pajares), a popular radio show host and ladies man, agrees to donate his penis for a transplant after his death. He dies, goes to Heaven and discovers that even in afterlife he would have still needed his penis.
La hoz y el Martínez
Sábado, sabadete
Un rolls para Hipólito
Hipólito, a factory janitor whose workers are on strike, is choosen as spokesperson for your workers' complaints to the principal. He, who is not willing to budge, decides to earn the concierge, naming his personal secretary.
Двое лучших друзей вынуждены выйти на улицу заниматься проституцией и вести криминальную жизнь. Сестра одного из них, она же подруга другого, пытается избавиться от беременности. Наивность друзей, их желание вырваться из порочного круга не может простить мафия, с которой они достаточно плотно связаны.
Фильм о жизни людей в Мадриде 1942 года, сразу же после окончания гражданской войны в Испании. Главная тема фильма — контраст между поэтами, живущими почти в нищете под гнетом режима Франко, и победителями войны, зарождающимся классом людей, делающих деньги на нелегальном бизнесе.
Cristóbal Colón, de oficio... descubridor
Paco the Infallible
Madre Chica 1ª
In Madrid of the 20's, many women were hired as wet nurses for middle class families. Milk is paid very well, so women are turning to the honest services of Paco, glazier by trade, which completes his monthly salary getting pregnant the clients who pay for it.
The National Shotgun
A catalan manufacturer of intercoms travels to Madrid, accompanied by his mistress, to attend a hunt that he has organized. Its main purpose is to mix with people of high society to improve their business. All seems well until the owner of the farm shows full authority over James, who is the real organizer of the meeting. The celebration is diverse characters who live next to absurd situations.
Deseo carnal
¡Susana quiere perder... eso!
Acto de posesión
Conocida de Berta
Raquel's not able to have children, so she and her boyfriend manipulate another young woman into bearing his child.
Tales of the White Sheets
Medieval erotic comedy in which a young man, played by Manolo Otero, comes to a town where he pretends to be tooth-puller and physician. This man is able to invent any potion to quench the sexual thirst of locals.
Cebrian, a blast furnace worker Asturian, being held at the Civil Guard barracks. There has to be accountable for the disasters in a day of party with two friends.
Caperucita y Roja
(as Carmen Alvarado)
Alcalde por elección
(as Carmen Alvarado)
Family Portrait
Cecilio Rubes, a businessman engaged in the manufacture of baths and toilets, tries to remain neutral in the imminent Spanish civil war. But the attitude of Cécil, his only child, a spoiled boy who grows without respect their parents, will forced him to face the cruel reality of the facts. Jumping back and forth in time, we are shown his present and his past through his wife Adela and Paulina, the mistress of father and son.
Make Crazy... Not War
(as Carmen Alvarado)
Lola Reyes is a singer who is succeeding and, therefore, is besieged by everyone. A group of homosexuals are the only ones authorized by his possessive mother to be her friends. Lola falls for a painter, and he falls for her, so her gay gang make him pose as one of them for the mother to authorize the friendship.