During the Himalayan winter, a bear cannot fall asleep. He thinks too much and is in the doldrums. When a white monkey suggests him going to eat some honey at his aunt to change his ideas, a beautiful winter night opens upon them.
A biography of the Belgian nun Jeannine Deckers, who became a popular singer in the early 1960s and struggled with the contradiction between the church and her true self.
Monique is a single mother who lives with her son Olivier in a town of North of France.She wanted to have a child and the father went away.Besides Monique is taxi driver.Olivier doesn't feel well with his mother.In the school his neighbor Julien begins to ask him about his father: Olivier answers that first that is father is dead , but later that his father is a spy who has a boat. Then Julien asks about his mother, Olivier answers that she is a top: as Olivier has to go meet his mother in a supermarket, Julien and Olivier see a model: Olivier goes to the model and asks her to give him a kiss. She gives him a kiss on the cheeks and Julien believes that the supermarket model is the mother of Olivier.
Судьбы совершенно разных людей подчас переплетаются самым невероятным образом. Гарри — простой клерк, расстался с женой, становится свидетелем того, как из психиатрической лечебницы убегает странный пациент по имени Жорж.Он так же, как и Гарри, одинок — он остался без матери, ему некуда идти и не к чему стремиться. Между этими, совершенно разными на первый взгляд людьми завязывается тесная дружба, которая помогает обоим преодолеть все невзгоды и начать новую, по — настоящему счастливую жизнь.
Due to drug abuse, a 13-year-old boy is placed into a detention center for young offenders. After a week, the judge will decide if he must stay there or go back home. Confronted with the adults, the judge, the psychologist and the social workers, the boy uses his most effective power to rebel against them all: lying.