Gianrico Tondinelli


The House of Orchids
Three stories set in a specialist clinic designed to liberate it's patients from society's moralistic taboos.
Бархатные ручки
amante di Petula
Описание: Инженер Гвидо Квиллер разбогател благодаря продаже бронированных стёкол для ювелирных магазинов, но разозлил страховые компании и грабителей. Во время погони за возлюбленной, которой он хотел вернуть забытую сумочку, у мопеда отказывают тормоза и он падает в фонтан. В это время едущая на машине семья воров принимают едущего Квиллера с сумкой в руках, за дилетанта укравшего сумочку. После падения Квиллера в фонтан, семья воров не найдя у него при себе документов решает отвезти его к себе домой, где, придя в себя, влюбляется в карманницу. После ему приходится притворяться, что он бедный вор, что бы расположить к себе прекрасную воровку
Pandemonio (Switch)
Depicts the birth of an independent TV station.
China 9, Liberty 37
Johnny Sebanek
Gunslinger Clayton Drumm (Testi) is about to be hanged when he is given a chance to live if he will agree to murder Matthew (Oates), a miner who has steadfastly refused to sell his land to the railroad company. Matthew’s refusal is a major obstacle to the railroad’s plans for expansion.
Goodbye & Amen
As John Dhannay, a CIA agent stationed in Rome, plans the overthrow of an African government, he discovers one of his men has been in contact with agents from the other side. Before he can confront the traitor, the man seemingly goes crazy, sniping several people before taking an adulterous couple hostage in a hotel room.
Пляжный домик
un paracadutista
Лето. Воскресенье. Пляж Лидо-ди-Остии, недалеко от Рима. Множество людей и историй: женская баскетбольная команда; два помешанных на фитнесе солдата; два заправщика с бензоколонки и их подруги; священник и его секрет; бабушка, дедушка и их беременная внучка; молодая пара, пытающаяся впервые заняться сексом. И так далее...
Enter the Devil
After a female art student purchases a life-size wooden sculpture of a crucifixion from an abandoned church, she has a vision of herself being nailed to a cross and soon becomes sexually tormented by the sculpture when it comes to life.
They're Italy's notorious "Ladies of the evening" catering to the strange cravings of their kinky, high-paying clients. But suddenly, the girls of the street find themselves being stalked by someone with desires even they can't satisfy. After a series of shocking crimes, the clues lead police to a pornographic film maker and his stable of lovely models and starlets. But can the authorities track down the "Hooker Maniac" before he strikes again?
Silence the Witness
De Luca is killed by Marchetti's chauffeur. Marchetti ordered the murder because he was to be accused by De Luca. The two have a car accident while going home to get an alibi. There is a witness, Sironi, who calls the police. But when the police arrive the car has gone and so have the two men. Inspector Santi and young judge Novelli look into the strange case. Marchetti, however, is a powerful man and Sironi and his family begin to be obsessed first by threats then by assaults.