Alfred Edel

Alfred Edel

Рождение : 1932-03-12,

Смерть : 1993-06-17


Alfred Edel
Alfred Edel


Schlingensief – A Voice That Shook the Silence
Using unpublished and newly digitalised archive footage and film material, Bettina Böhler has brilliantly assembled this film about the life and work of the exceptional artist Christoph Schlingensief, who died in 2010.
Engine Cough
A short film by Alexander Kluge.
Death of a World Star
A mockumentary directed by Christoph Schlingensief.
Terror 2000
Germany, right after the re-unification. The people are out of control, blind hatred towards immigrants is common sense. In this time, a social-worker, with the mission to bring a Polish family to their destination (an immigration camp in a little provincial town called Rassau), gets kidnapped just as the family. Chief inspector Koern and his girl-friend start to investigate in this matter in Rassau, exploring a world of obsessive sex, mislead lust and an over-whelming irrational love to the German nation, infiltrating anyone's mind. Rascism doesn't start with shaved hair and boots but rather in the middle of society itself...
My Father Is Coming
Vicky, an out-of-work actress, struggling waitress and lesbian has her whole life thrown into turmoil when her father comes from Germany to visit. The main problem is that Vicky has told him she is a successful actress and happily married. She enlists the help of a gay friend to play her husband. Using a large range of characters—gay, lesbian, straight, transsexuals—the film creates a funny and touching view of family dynamics and sexuality.
The German Chainsaw Massacre
Taking place around the German reunification of 1990, a group of East Germans cross the border to visit West Germany and get slaughtered by a psychopathic cannibal family who want to turn them into sausages.
Ministerialdirigent Dinklage
Germany in the 50ies: A love story between an eastern spy and a western secretary who detects him (and her love) ...
100 Years of Adolf Hitler – The Last Hour in the Führerbunker
Hermann Goering
On 30 April 1945, dictator Adolf Hitler, his wife Eva Braun, and prominent members of the Third Reich live out their final hour in the Führerbunker.
Rechte Hand
The Case of Mr. Spalt
Dr. Kohlhammer
The filmmaker René Perraudin made five comedic short films with Otto Sander in the leading role and knits them into a feature film.
Menu Total
A traumatized young man, abused by his father, imagines himself as Adolf Hitler when dreaming of revenge. Schlingensief released this film, which follows no linear narrative structure, at a moment when right-leaning German intellectuals argued for a coming to terms of the country’s relation with its Nazi past. Schlingensief disagreed. (MoMA)
Idiots' Battle
This black and white silent film with music by Helge Schneider, starring Udo Kier as a vampire and Alfred Edel as an Indian chief was commissioned by the Filmmuseum Düsseldorf to inaugurate their cinema organ. The look and feel of the film stems from the silent film era, but the camp style and over use of clichéd characters bears the trade mark of Schlingensief all over. “I love all things kitsch, like opera, and I feel inspired by music. I was interested in silent film but not a great deal”, said the director.
The Assault of the Present on the Rest of Time
A poignant film essay about 'superfluous people' facing up to a moment of crisis in their lives.
Tunguska – Die Kisten sind da
Roy Glas
An early declaration of war on narrative cinema, using a barrage of visual and acoustic elements while at the same time juggling ironically - as he still does - with the term 'avant-garde'. A number of other preferences and obsessions were evident at an early stage, e.g. the mind-numbing habit of having his people stumbling and screaming around: life as a race track. His films likewise feature a lot of theatrical and cryptic outpourings. No wonder that they failed at the box office. No wonder either, however, that Schlingensief was attracted to theatre.
Class Relations
Der Oberkellner
A young man, recently arrived in New York from Europe, becomes swept up in a series of events that are beyond his knowledge or control.
Die Spider Murphy Gang
Günther, Michael, Barny and Franz, real Munich boys, want to make their own music: Rock 'n' Roll Bavarian-style. Will they go under or make it to the top?
The Mikado Project
Police officer
A thriller-comedy by Torsten Emrich.
Das Casanova-Projekt
Herr Edel
Hartmann, a first-time film director is trying to find an actor for the Role of Casanova. Wenn he meets Alfred Edel, the actor's colourful personality spoils Hartmann's vision of a glorious Casanova epic. In the end, the director realizes that all the time he wanted to make this movie to please his mother, so he decides instead to join Edel's way of having fun.
Die Perle der Karibik
Ernst Edel
The Patriotic Woman
Herr Mürke, Staatsanwalt
Gabi Teichert, a history teacher, is unhappy with the way history is portrayed in textbooks and is looking for an alternative, more practical approach to 'uncovering' the past, quite literally digging with the spade and dissecting books with hammers and drills.
Гитлер – фильм из Германии
Stimmen der Leute, Mann der Geschichte 1923
Центральный тезис кинофильма заключается в том, что Гитлер живет в каждом из нас. Кроме того, в его семичасовой кинофреске нацистская Германия изображена как Гигантское зрелище, в котором Гитлер становится главным шоуменом.
Prison Warden
Бруно Строшек, недавно вышел из тюрьмы и подрабатывает в качестве уличного музыканта. Вместе со своей подругой-проституткой и своим давним знакомым, милым старичком, Бруно отправляется искать счастья в Америку. Однако вместо сверкающей небоскребами «американской мечты» они оказываются среди бескрайних и унылых равнин Висконсина.
Hugs and Other Things
Jennifer, Tom and Maria like to have sex together and to rob banks when necessary. Action takes place in typical Bavaria.
Mein Onkel Theodor oder Wie man viel Geld im Schlaf verdient
Страх перед страхом
Patient (uncredited)
Семья Штаудте — представители среднего класса. Маргот после рождения второго ребенка начинает переживать странную депрессию, внушая себе страх перед безумием. Ее муж Курт постоянно занят и не хочет вникать в ее психологические проблемы. Этажом ниже живут родственницы мужа — мать и сестра. Своим вмешательством в семейную жизнь Курта и Маргот и враждебным отношением к последней они только усугубляют ситуацию. Маргот пытается найти поддержку вне семьи…
In Danger and Dire Distress the Middle of the Road Leads to Death
Combining fictional and documentary modes, Kluge's In Danger and Dire Distress... takes a critical stance toward Frankfurt's public sphere and urban redevelopment. Despite the serious formal and political concerns of the film, Kluge's heightened sense of the absurd safeguards a reserve of utopian optimism.
Каждый за себя, а Бог против всех
Logic Professor
До 1828 года Каспар Хаузер, двадцати лет, жил в пещере, прикованный к полу цепями. Со времени своего рождения он ни с кем не общался, не умел ни говорить, ни читать, ни писать, а видел только одного человека, который время от времени приносил ему еду. В один прекрасный день этот человек вытащил его на своей спине наружу, научил ходить, а потом оставил посреди города с запиской...
Willi is 18 years old and lives on the street. Without a goal in his life he walks around the city and meets several people, helping but also cheating him. When he meets a girl, Monica, he realizes that there are people out there whose lives are even more desperate than his. So he's trying to help her (and him) by planning a great robbery on a supermarket's money transporter.
Part-Time Work of a Domestic Slave
Roswitha runs an illegal abortion clinic in Frankfurt to support her student husband and children. When she is forced to close her practice she delves into political and social activism.
Willi Tobler and the Decline of the 6th Fleet
Willi Tobler
Willi endeavors to survive in a world where annihilistic galactic battles rage, by taking a job at the centre of power. But it's the wrong side that he takes in this civil war...
Артисты под куполом цирка: Беспомощны
Dr. Busch
Фильм о мечте дочери циркача, который сорвался с трапеции в попытке поднять под купол слонов, организовать реформированный цирк, где клоуны инсценируют расстрел мексиканского короля Максимилиана.
Die Zeit dazwischen