Ron Chaney


The History of Metal and Horror
A documentary that explores the history of heavy metal music, horror films, and how the two genres have merged together over time.
Кошмар дома на холмах 2
Detective L. Wehage
Нил и Стивен, которым посчастливилось остаться в живых в прошлом фильме, пережив настоящий Ад, попадают в Голивудскую Мемориальную больницу. Тем временем, детективы Коул и Барнс, сотрудничая с суровым экспертом по криминалистике МакГавином, вскрывают могилы и копаются в прошлом, все больше приближаясь к тайне Голливудского убийцы.
House of the Wolf Man
Bela Reinhardt
Five strangers are invited to a castle under the pretense that one may inherit it. Little do they know what dangers await at the House of the Wolfman.
Mach 2
Captain Wallace
A Presidential candidate running against the Vice-President plans a trip to the Balkans to negotiate the release of American servicemen being held hostage. Before he leaves, he receives a disk documenting evidence that the Vice-President has been trying to revive the American economy by causing a war in the Balkans. He plans to show it to both sides in the hopes of ending the situation. However, Secret Service agents hijack the Concorde he is on and kill the pilots. It's up to an Air Force officer, nicknamed "Washout" because he can't fly a plane, to land the Concorde. Written by Leigh Roche
Lon Chaney: A Thousand Faces
Lon Chaney, the silent movie star and makeup artist, renowned for his various characterizations and celebrated for his horror films, becomes the subject of this documentary.
Хэллоуин... Счастливые призраки Америки!
This documentary on Halloween visits haunted houses around the U.S. and presents interviews with horror celebrities.
Lon Chaney: Son of a Thousand Faces
Born Creighton Chaney, this is a biographical documentary on Lon Chaney Jr, the only star to play all four of the classic monsters: the Mummy, the Wolf Man, Frankenstein and Dracula.