Magaly Solier

Magaly Solier

Рождение : 1986-06-11, Huanta, Ayacucho, Peru


Orianna Magaly Solier Romero (Huanta, June 11, 1986) is a Peruvian actress, singer and songwriter. She starred in the peruvian film Madeinusa and later on La teta humana, which won the 2009 Golden Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival. As a singer-songwriter, she has released two albums, Warmi (2009) and Coca Quintucha (2015). She was named an Artist of Peace by UNESCO, in 2017.


Magaly Solier


Лина из Лимы
Десять лет назад Лина ради заработка покинула свою родину Перу и устроилась домработницей в Чили. Это позволило ей не думать о деньгах и посылать средства своему сыну Джуниору. На Рождество она должна ехать домой, к своей семье, однако ряд обстоятельств заставляет её засомневаться в этой идее.
Лина из Лимы
Десять лет назад Лина ради заработка покинула свою родину Перу и устроилась домработницей в Чили. Это позволило ей не думать о деньгах и посылать средства своему сыну Джуниору. На Рождество она должна ехать домой, к своей семье, однако ряд обстоятельств заставляет её засомневаться в этой идее.
Hombre perro
Tupac, son of a Colla* mother and a japanese father, lived with his family in northern Argentina until one night someone, or something, broke into his house and violently tookhis family away from him. Tupac is saved by hiding under the bed, he was 5 years old at that time. Tupac always believed that the El Familiar (a legendary demon dog that devours people) was responsible for the tragedy, but, over the years, he discovers, with the help of his friend Nusta that it was not a fantastic beast who took his family, but four men who continue to kill and kidnap other people. Thus, Tupac decides to go after them using traditional weapons and martial arts -which he inherited from his father- to become DOGMAN and get revenge. * The Colla are an indigenous people from South American countries, including Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru.
The Saint of the Impossible
A murder, a police raid and a photo of a mysterious girl; a young mother must piece together her twin son's secret romantic life, in order to find out what happened to them.
Living Unscathed
Two small scammers are abducted by an eccentric millionaire, who kidnaps the woman and leaves the man. The portrait of some of the most powerful impulses of our time: the lack of meaning of life and the idea that the moral status quo can be overcome. But, the forces of social consensus respond strongly and nobody is left unharmed.
The Healer
An alternate state of consciousness is induced in a bitter little girl by her maid so that she can confront and, hopefully, overcome her deepest fears.
Anatolia Paucar
14-летний Сегундо Паукар учится у отца — мастера традиционного народного искусства ретабло — детальных живописных изображений религиозных сцен и важных событий повседневной жизни. По дороге на семейный праздник Сегундо случайно замечает, чем занимается его отец, и это разрушает его мир. В традиционном консервативном обществе Сегундо пытаться замолчать увиденное.
Extirpator of Idolatries
Mother of the boy
The police detective Waldo, of immersed and circumspect disposition and temper, investigates several crimes associated with indigenous rituals that occur in some regions of the Peruvian Andes. There we find a boy and a girl who are about to enter puberty and begin to interact with certain mythical beings, a supernatural belief very common in many Andean villages. A sinister character, pretending to be on a mission of faith, but imbued with religious dogmatism and intolerance, interrupts this peaceful scene as he casts an ominous shadow over these ancient Peruvian beliefs. Although Waldo's boss considers him inferior and distrusts his methods (a form of discrimination), the policeman continues his efforts to capture the "Extirpator of Idolatries.¨ At the same time, Waldo will resolve his own inner conflict which has troubled him all his life.
Magallanes sees his humdrum life turn upside down the day Celina, a women he met in the violent years when he was a soldier with the Peruvian Army, jumps into his taxi in a Lima street. This unexpected re-encounter after 25 years with the dark past that unites them prompts Magallanes to embark on a daring plan to help Celina get money and find his own redemption.
Sigo siendo
A trip through the diversity of black and native Peruvian music.
Alfonsina y el mar (One More Time)
An 80-year-old actress returns to the small Chilean town of her youth to fulfill her father's dream of creating a TV channel in a place which has never known television.
Чудом выживший в перестрелке Кэссиди доживает свои деньки в пыльной Боливии. Осталось ему недолго, и старик решается на последнее ограбление, чтобы заработать денег на возвращение в родные Штаты.
Эмигрантка из Латинской Америки Марсела, столкнувшись с финансовыми трудностями, устраивается на работу сиделкой к пожилому человеку. Кажется, что проблемы решены, но через некоторое время подопечный умирает, лишив героиню заработка. И это то, чего Марсела позволить себе не может.
In the Andes, a Belgian doctor and his photojournalist wife become ensnared in a native tribe's struggle with a mining company.
Молоко скорби
Фауста, девушка из пригорода Лимы, в Перу, скована страхом. И эта боязнь, как гласит местное верование — прямое следствие того, как солдат-проходимец обошелся с ее матерью. Фауста выросла, мать умерла — самое время преодолеть себя. Кроме «болезни» в наследство от матери Фауста получила и «лекарство»: мать научила ее петь, чтобы преодолевать досаду и горе.
A Peruvian teen lusts after his wild sister while the new wife of their difficult, wealthy father tries to hide her lower-class background.
Madeinusa is a girl who lives in an isolated village in the mountains of Peru. This strange place is characterized by its religious fervor, and seemingly odd custom: from Good Friday at three o’clock in the afternoon to Easter Sunday, the whole village can do whatever it feels like.