Hans Scheib


Póker de ases
Director of Photography
Forja de almas
Director of Photography
Film based on the life of the priest Andrés Manjón.
Rápteme usted
Director of Photography
Áurea Diamantina, a movie star who has quarreled with her husband, stays at a grand hotel where, in order to get free publicity, conspires with her manager to simulate a kidnapping. Meanwhile, her jealous husband hires a private detective to keep an eye on her.
Song of Aixa
Director of Photography
Abslan and Hamed, two cousins of very different character and lives, whose families have put an end to old quarrels, become rivals for the love of the young and beautiful half-breed Aixa.
La marquesona
Director of Photography
"Marquesona" is the central figure of a flamenco picture made by a group of artists who go from town to town with their art. Rosa, "marquesona's" daughter meets a gentleman with money, Eduardo, with whom she escapes, abandoning her mother as his father did years ago. The "marquesona" decides to go ahead and give more impetus to her art and gets great successes again. Later, Eduardo Rosa and will see the theater where she works with the intention of seeking forgiveness.
Los cuatro robinsones
Director of Photography
Four friends pretend a cruise to escape their wives and go clubbing, but they are forced to go through face-saving shipwreck, becoming castaways.
Los hijos de la noche
Director of Photography
A marginal group celebrates Christmas Eve singing and dancing in the street while a millionaire celebrates the feast offering a great dinner to his friends. The millionaire receives a telegram from his sister in America who announces her visit after more than twenty years without seeing each other…
Mariquilla Terremoto
Director of Photography
Mariquilla lives with his uncle in the village of Las Canteras, where she is beloved for his grace and cheerful nature. Her uncle wants her to debut in the theater, but her nervousness and shyness make her performance not a success.
Director of Photography
История олимпиад от Античности до 1936 года от Лени Рифеншталь. Спорт, как средство формирования человеческого тела, красота которого является неотрывной частью общей красоты природы. Режиссеру и операторам были предоставлены для съемок всевозможные средства: подводные камеры, дирижабли, воздушные шары и т. д.
Женщина, которая желанна
Director of Photography
Молодой человек из семьи сталелитейных баронов по имени Анри Лебланк собирается жениться на очаровательной дочери богатого и малоприятного господина. Этот брак призван поправить пошатнувшиеся дела семьи. Невеста молода, прекрасна собой. Жить бы да радоваться. Однако в первый же день своего медового месяца Анри встречает в поезде прекрасную незнакомку, которая молит о помощи. Рядом с ней ошивается подозрительный тип с угрожающим видом и манерами. Молодожён ставит ради незнакомки под угрозу всё - семейную жизнь, будущее сталелитейной империи и бросается за ней в ночь в никуда...
The Last Night
Director of Photography
A film by A. W. Sandberg.