A young department store worker discovers a magical lantern which contains the spirit of Tsuboi, a genie who has just one last chance to help someone on Earth.
A hospital accidentally gives a man Count Dracula's blood while trying to save his life. A year later, he's back from the dead, trying to right the wrongs of his life while trying to resist the urge to become a vampire.
Kiku Nakakawa, the only daughter of an old kimono shop owner in Kyoto, is enthusiastic about karate. To help her friend Michi avenge her brother, she sneaks into a movie studio in Kyoto where a drug dealing syndicate is based.
Ryu, a low life thug, along with his mother, steals a shipment of drugs. Now with his machine gun and a gang of hoodlums, he must face the yakuza and the mafia.
Каратиста-убийцу по имени Джинджи должны сегодня казнить. Его брат с сестрой нанимают другого каратиста-убийцу по имени Терри Цуруги для того, чтобы он спас их брата.