Maude Turner Gordon

Maude Turner Gordon

Рождение : 1868-11-10, Franklin, Indiana, USA

Смерть : 1940-01-12


Maude Turner Gordon


Dowager (uncredited)
16 мая 1770 г. 15-летняя Мария-Антуанетта была выдана матерью-императрицей Австрии замуж за Луи Августа, наследника трона Франции. Супруг не вызвал у возвышенной девушки восхищения: одутловатый и туповатый - он только раздражал юную принцессу. Еще больше расстраивали Марию ехидный, извращенный и больной король Людовик XV и его фаворитка - интриганка мадемуазель дю Барри, почувствовавшая угрозу со стороны будущей королевы. Следуя совету герцога Орлеанского, Мария ищет развлечения в светской бурлящей жизни и состоит в любовной связи с графом Акселем де Ферсеном. Однажды дело доходит до скандала, когда Мария публично на балу оскорбляет дю Барри, ее даже намерены с позором отправить обратно в Австрию, но король внезапно умирает, и Мария становится королевой Франции
Wings Over Honolulu
Mrs. MacEwen
A Navy pilot gets involved in a romantic triangle while stationed in Hawaii.
Personal Maid's Secret
Mrs. Abercrombie
A longtime maid for New York socialites watches from afar as the daughter she once gave up is raised by others. Director Arthur Greville Collins' 1935 film stars Ruth Donnelly, Anita Louise, Margaret Lindsay, Warren Hull, Frank Albertson, Arthur Treacher, Ronnie Crosby, Henry O'Neill, Lillian Kemble Cooper and Gordon Elliott.
A Night at the Ritz
Banker's Wife by Duke (uncredited)
A PR man talks a swanky hotel into hiring his girlfriend's brother as chef.
Living on Velvet
Mrs. Parker
A lay-about falls for his best friend's fiancee. The two of them run away from a life of privilege to one of middle-class normalcy. When an influx of money enters their life, their differences come to light.
Shadow of Doubt
Dowager in Taxi
When a Hollywood producer is murdered, the most likely suspect is a man who is smitten with the victim's fiancee.
Gentlemen Are Born
Society Matron
A well-cloistered and protected-against-reality group of college students get their diplomas in the heart of the Great Depression, and quickly learn that the piece of paper the diploma is written on is worth about eighteen-dollars-a-week in the job-market...for the lucky ones. Some of them fare even worse.
Mrs. Reynolds
A man meets the daughter of his lover and they begin to fall in love.
Любит, не любит
Mrs. Arbuthnot
Танцовщица кабаре, Кёрли Флэгг, становится свидетельницей убийства и вынуждена скрываться от гангстеров в Принстоне. Девушка находит приют в общежитии колледжа. Она одевается в мужскую одежду, делает подходящую прическу и выдает себя за юношу-студента. Кёрли находит верных товарищей в лице студентов Пола и Базза. Они укрывают беглянку. Но, вскоре, в Принстоне появляются гангстеры, которые вышли на след Кёрли. Также приезжают разгневанная невеста Пола, отец Базза, работающий на киностудии, и дочь декана, у которой свои вопросы к происходящему...
Stolen Sweets
Ship Passenger
Wealthy but unhappy Patricia Belmont meets fun-loving insurance salesman Bill Smith (and his fun-loving friends Sam Ragland and Betty Harkness)on a ship cruise and falls in love, much to the annoyance of her high-society, fortune-hunting fiance Barrington Thorne.
Утиный суп
Reception Guest (uncredited)
Чтобы спасти маленькую страну Фридонию от банкротства, богатая вдова госпожа Тисдейл соглашается пожертвовать на это 20 миллионов долларов. Но только при условии, что ухлестывающий за ней Руфус Т. Файрфлай станет лидером страны. Файрфлай — циничный и бесцеремонный диктатор — провоцирует посла соседней Сильвании, и между странами начинается война. Военную «игру» осложняют и запутывают два друга-неумехи, которых посол Сильвании отправил шпионить за Файрфлаем с целью выкрасть его тайные планы сражения…
Sinners in the Sun
Elderly dowager
A New York fashion model finds herself being pursued by a poor but honest garage mechanic and a rich philanderer.
Careless Lady
Mrs. Cartwright
Innocent Sally Brown thinks men are only attracted to experienced women, so she poses as the wife of an unmarried businessman on a trip to Paris.
Mrs. Thorne
Бедная трудолюбивая официантка Китти влюбляется в богатого студента колледжа Дэвида Ливингстона. Мать Дэвида делает всё возможное, чтобы разлучить молодых. Она использует все свои связи и добивается заключения Китти в колонию на основании сфабрикованных обвинений. После выхода на свободу Китти делает карьеру на сцене и очень быстро становится звездой, окруженной многочисленными поклонниками. Однажды она встречает ставшего успешным врачом Дэвида, и прежние чувства между ними вспыхивают с новой силой.
Мата Хари
Madame Durand (uncredited)
В картине Джорджа Фицмориса великая Гарбо играет роковую женщину, внезапно без памяти влюбившуюся в русского офицера, забывшую о своих шпионских обязанностях и погибшую из-за своих чувств. Влюбленная Гарбо - что могло быть притягательнее для зрителя. MGM использовало этот рецепт успеха снова и снова. В качестве её возлюбленного, русского офицера Розанова, выступил Рамон Новарро, единственный актёр того времени, который мог сравниться с ней в красоте. Обидно, что этот блестящий дуэт ни разу более не повторялся на экране. Они продемонстрировали редкую гармонию, особенно в финальной сцене перед казнью.
High Stakes
Mrs. Hennessey
High Stakes is a 1931 American Pre-Code comedy drama produced and released by RKO Pictures. The picture was directed by Lowell Sherman who also stars and marks the last starring screen appearance of silent screen diva Mae Murray. It is based on a 1924 Broadway play that starred Sherman playing the same role he plays in this film.
Therese Blanton
Светский жиголо охотится за богатой матерью и ее дочерью, но пытается найти настоящее счастье со своей девушкой, которая не богата и не находится в «обществе».
Willie's Friend in Restaurant
Вилли - молодой лейтенант из австрийской императорской гвардии - развлекается вечерами, посещая дома с дурной репутацией и игорные салоны. Он встречает Лауру, нежную невинную девушку, и после длительного ухаживания проводит с ней ночь, оставив ей утром деньги. Лаура воспринимает это как оскорбление и, потеряв веру в искренние чувства, становится любовницей Шнабеля - малоприятного, но богатого господина. Вилли думает, что если у него появится много денег, он сможет вернуть Лауру, и решает сыграть со Шнабелем по-крупному.
Lawful Larceny
Mrs. Davis
When Marion Corsey's husband, Andrew, is conned out of a small fortune by Vivian Hepburn, she dedicates herself to recovering the money.
The Florodora Girl
Mrs. Caraway
A chorus girl gets bad advice from her fellow chorines in handling a rich suitor who assumes she is a gold digger.
Alias French Gertie
Mrs. Barton
A safecracker poses as a French maid in order to gain access to wealthy homes. In the midst of a nocturnal search for a cache of valuables, she is interrupted by another safecracker. Narrowly escaping arrest, they decide to pool their talents, but she gets the urge to reform and encourages him to do the same.
Mrs. Ten Brock
Sally is an orphan who was named by the telephone exchange where she was abandoned as a baby. In the orphanage, she discovered the joy of dancing. Working as a waitress, she serves Blair (Alexander Gray), and they both fall for each other, but Blair is engaged to socialite Marcia. Sally is hired to impersonate a famous Russian dancer named Noskerova, but at that engagement, she is found to be a phoney. Undaunted, she proceeds with her life and has a show on Broadway, but she still thinks of Blair.
The Marriage Playground
Aunt Julia Langley
A delightful pre-code cocktail recipe. Take three couples (add gin and tonic), their several divorces and the seven children/stepchildren of their intermarriages and blend thoroughly, and you have a mixture a too-young-to-believe Frederic March will try to straighten out.
Queen of Dalmatia
A vaudeville magician team is broken up when Carlee, an ex--circus performer, becomes infatuated with socialite Hilda Schmittlap. Meanwhile his vaudeville partner, Claire, has chosen a new partner, but her "heart isn't in it" because she is disconsolate over Carlee. Curious about her new act, Carlee attends a performance and sees Claire nearly killed when she fails to substitute fake bullets for real ones. Rushing to her aid, Carlee realizes how much Claire means to him.
Конец миссис Чейни
Mrs. Webley
Миссис Фэй Чейни, вдова богатого австралийца, устраивает благотворительный концерт в своём доме в Лондоне, на котором присутствуют её знакомые из высшего общества. За ней ухаживают престарелый и занудный, но богатый лорд Элтон и обаятельный плейбой лорд Артур Дилинг, а сама миссис Чейни пока что склонна отдать предпочтение лорду Элтону. Среди её гостей также находится и миссис Уэбли, тётушка лорда Дилинга, которая в ответ приглашает Фэй Чейни к себе на приём.
Glad Rag Doll
Aunt Fairchild
She sought to conquer...but found Cupid her master! This is one of many lost films of the 1920s, no prints or Vitaphone discs survive, but the song with the same title and the trailer survives.
Kid Gloves
When a taxi carrying socialite Ruth Darrow drives into the middle of a gun battle between hijacker Kid Gloves and a trio of bootleggers, Ruth is injured. She is taken to a nearby apartment, and The Kid helps to care for her. John Stone, Ruth's fiance and a bootlegger with a respectable front, finds them together and blackmails The Kid into marrying the girl.
Just Married
Mrs. Witter
After many outrageous moments, a young girl marries her former acquaintance, not with her fiancee.
Sporting Goods
Mrs. Stanfield
Sports-loving inventor Richard Shelby develops an "Elasto-Tweed" golf suit then hits the road in hopes of making a few sales. Along the way, he meets Alice Elliott, who mistakes Shelby for millionaire sportsman Timothy Stanfield (Claude King). Forced to go through with the masquerade, Shelby ends up spending what little money he has, and then some.
Cheating Cheaters
Mrs. Palmer
Nan Carey ( Betty Compson ), a shoplifter, is caught by the police but acquitted through the influence of Lazare ( Lucien Littlefield ), a crooked lawyer, who places her with a gang of crooks. Posing as the Brockton family, they move to a seaside home, where they plan to steal the jewel collection of the Palmers, their neighbours. Nan wins the confidence of the family by flirting with Tom ( Kenneth Harlan ), who becomes infatuated and wants to go away with her, but she refuses him. Tom is caught red-handed in the Brockton mansion attempting to steal their jewels while Nan is making a success of the Palmer robbery.
The Wizard
Mrs. Van Lear
A mad doctor sews human head onto gorilla's body.
Mrs. Winslow
"Mismates" is the story of a wealthy youth who, against his mother's wishes, marries a poor girl and is disowned. At first determined to support himself and his wife, he soon craves the accustomed luxury and deserts his wife and child. On false information provided by the boy's mother and substantiated by himself the wife is sent to jail and the child kidnapped by the husband. This is where the drama kicks in.
Born Rich
Aunt Fairfax
When a wealthy young lady leaves the US to visit her aunt in France, her husband falls in love with a "flapper". When the wife returns home, she finds out about her husband's affair. In order to make him jealous, she leads him to believe she has fallen for a jazz musician. However, instead of making him jealous it drives him into depression and he takes refuge in booze and even more affairs.
Homeward Bound
Mrs. Brannigan
A group of seven people find themselves on a ship in the middle of an endless ocean, with no recollection of how they got there. (lost film)
Women Men Marry
Lady Mowbray
When he loses both his wife and child, Montgomery Rogers adopts his servants' little girl and raises her as his own. Completely unaware of her origins, Emerie grows up to be a first class snob. Her socially ambitious aunt takes her to Europe to become engaged to Brooks Fitzroy, an impoverished lord (Cyril Chadwick). On the voyage back she encounters a young man, Dick Clarke who is working for his passage.
Broadway Rose
Mrs. Thompson
Rosalie Lawrence, a dancing star on Broadway, falls for rich Hugh Thompson. His parents disapprove and want him to marry Barbara Royce, so he and Rosalie marry secretly. However, Hugh isn't quite the man he seems, as Rosalie is soon to find out.
Mrs. Leigh
The frothy experiences of a vain little flapper. Her father induces an actor friend to become a gentlemanly cave man and the film becomes another variation of the 'Taming of the Shrew' theme.
The Price of Possession
Lady Dawnay
After Jim Barston is mysteriously killed in Australia, his wife, Helen, lays claim to the estate of Gerald Mortimer Barston in England, asserting that her husband was the missing son and heir. In reality, Jim was the cousin of the true heir, who is also named Jim Barston. Despite having no legal proof, Helen convinces the trustees to accept her claim and is installed as mistress of the manor. Jim Barston appears and proves his identity, although Helen initially believes him to be an impostor.
Civilian Clothes
Mrs. Lanham
During the First World War, Captain Sam McGinnis marries Florence Lanham, a Salvation Army worker in France. When she mistakenly hears that Sam has been killed, she returns home to her wealthy family without mentioning her brief marriage. But Sam turns up, alive but poorly dressed, and Florence is happy to see him but appalled at his clothing.
Away Goes Prudence
Aunt Prudence Thorne
Prudence, a young society woman and aviatrix, is forbidden to continue flying by her fiancé Hewitt and her father. In defiance, she stages her own kidnapping, but Hewitt discovers the ruse and arranges a real abduction to teach her a lesson. His plan backfires, and the kidnappers rob him and capture Prudence. In order to save herself, Prudence pretends to join the gang.
The Oakdale Affair
Mrs. Prim
Refusing to marry her stepmother's choice, Gail Prim leaves her life of luxury, after cutting her hair, dressing in her butler's clothes and stealing money and jewels from her father's safe. Spending the night in a barn, she introduces herself to the thieves already there as the Oskaloosa Kid, a wanted criminal, and barely escapes their struggle to get her loot. Meanwhile, the real Oskaloosa Kid kills Reginald Paynter and throws Nettie Penning, whom Reginald was trying to seduce, onto the highway.
Bringing Up Betty
Mrs. Potter
During a lawn party at his New York home, steel magnate Theodore Morton claims he is bankrupt as a deterrent to Lord Dormer and the Duke of Medonia, two fortune hunters competing for his niece, Betty. After the suitors depart, unscrupulous Carl Gates is informed by his fiancée, banker's secretary Adele Shelby, that Theodore was lying. Carl pursues Betty, who accepts his proposal with the belief that the marriage will benefit her uncle. During a yachting expedition with Carl, Betty falls overboard and is rescued by architect Tom Waring, who is competing in a race. Tom wins with Betty on board, and a romance develops.
The Divorcee
Lady Mereston
Based on the 1907 play 'Lady Frederick' by W. Somerset Maugham, this tells the story of Betsy O'Hara in her pursuit of romance and love.
Just for Tonight
Mrs. Blackburn
The Turn of the Wheel
Rosalie's Aunt
While visiting Monte Carlo with her aunt, Rosalie Dean meets a young man, Maxfield Gray who is ready to kill himself because of his losses at the roulette wheel. She stops him from doing so, and lends him some money to win back what he's lost. He does, but they're only happy for a short while before Max is arrested for the murder of his ex-wife in the States.
The Danger Mark
Kathleen Severn
Scott Seagrave and his sister Geraldine are left the family estate when their wealthy alcoholic father dies. Unfortunately, they've also inherited his problems with alcohol, so they stay at the estate in seclusion. When Geraldine reaches "coming-out" age, Scott throws her a coming-out party. However, one of the men after her hand in marriage, Jack Dysart, tricks her into taking a drink, and she winds up embarrassing and humiliating herself in front of an old family friend, Duane Mallett, whose daughter Sylvia is in love with Jack, even though he's treated her shabbily.
The Lie
Lady Beachworth
Elinor Shale's happiness at being engaged to Gerald Forster is interrupted by the arrival of her sister Lucy, who confesses that she will soon give birth to an illegitimate child. Elinor goes into seclusion with her sister until the baby is born and then tries to find a foster mother. Seeking to estrange Gerald from Elinor so that she may marry him herself, Lucy convinces him that Elinor is the child's mother. After Lucy and Gerald's marriage, Elinor learns of her sister's perfidy and resolves to tell Gerald the truth, but at the sight of their happiness, she relents and returns home.
Mrs. Dane's Defense
Lady Eastney
An Englishwoman misbehaves in Canada, driving a traveling companion to suicide and bearing a secret child whom she whisks away. When she returns to England to receive an inheritance, her bad deeds catch up to her. The film is presumed lost.
The Honeymoon
Mrs. Lane
Immediately after Susan Lane becomes Mrs. Richard Greer, she grows jealous when she sees her husband talking to Marion Starr, one of her bridesmaids. Susan's brother Phil wishes to marry Marion, but is entangled with actress Maizie Middleton. Consequently, Dick Greer agrees to see Maizie, whose troupe is playing Niagara, and attempts to buy her off.
Her Better Self
Mrs. Tyler
Even though society debutante Vivian Tyler (Pauline Frederick) is engaged to Count Belloto (Frank deRheim), she finds herself attracted to Dr. Robert Keith (Thomas Meighan). Keith works amongst the poor, and his wealthy benefactors include Vivian's father (Charles Wellesley). But when Vivian meets streetwalker Aggie May (Alice Hollister), she mistakenly believes that Keith is responsible for the woman's downfall.
Kreutzer Sonata
Rebecca Friedlander (as Maud Turner Gordon)
Based -- loosely -- on Leo Tolstoy, this film starred feted stage star Nance O'Neil but is rather better remembered as Theda Bara's follow-up to the sensational A Fool There Was (1914).