A small Midwestern town is turned upside down as its local sheriff finds himself hunting for a missing young man. The young mans wife is at the mercy of her community and its law enforcement to help her find him and in the process it seems the body count is rising throughout the hunt. The young man finds himself in a state of amnesia and can't recall who he is and how he got where he is. As he tries to discover his own identity he discovers strange things are happening to him and he can not control an evil that seems to be growing ever so rapidly inside him. As the horror that has hit this quiet little community has grown into something that even the sheriff and his people can't seem to stop - the terror seems to be leaving nothing but death in its wake.
Evil wreaks pure havoc and bloody murder upon Leslie Van Hooten, a beautiful young girl, and her unsuspecting fellow grad students as they make their way to her family’s extravagant and yet isolated estate.
Evil wreaks pure havoc and bloody murder upon Leslie Van Hooten, a beautiful young girl, and her unsuspecting fellow grad students as they make their way to her family’s extravagant and yet isolated estate.
A young and in love couple's pursuit into demonology and witchcraft leads them to something more terrifying then they ever could have imagined.
Alley Rat Man
Для Клатча день начинается просто отлично, так как к нему приезжает дочь Кейси, которую он не видел с начала Иракской кампании. Отец готовится к встрече, флиртует с знакомой матерью-одиночкой, болтает с соседями о сносе их общего дома, в общем жизнь проходит в обычной рутине, пока не началось нападение грызунов! В результате укусов крыс жители Манхэттена заразились невиданной болезнью, превращающей их в крысоподобных существ с большой тягой к человеческой плоти. Правительство вводит карантин в городе, изолируя Манхэттен от остального города. Через улицы, которые заполнили толпы голодных существ, Кейси попытается пробиться к своему отцу…
Seven strangers assemble at a lavish dinner party given by an unseen host. Soon, the guests are all driven to lust, murder and madness.
Kelvin Marks
A mysterious drifter causes even more problems for an already dysfunctional family.