Sophia is a philosophy professor in Montreal and has lived as a couple with Xavier for 10 years. Sylvain is a carpenter in the Laurentians and must renovate their country house. When Sophia meets Sylvain for the first time, it’s love at first sight. Opposites attract, but can it last?
Bastien and Chloé spend the summer vacation with their families at a lake cabin in Quebec. Despite the age gap, the two teenagers form a singular bond. Ready to overcome his worst fears to earn a place in Chloé's heart, the holiday becomes a turbulent pivotal moment for the young boy.
Executive Producer
Жарким летним днем на берегу озера два брата и сестра впервые сталкиваются со смертью.
In a countryside house where they are meant to explore the troubles in their sexuality, three women spend days and nights apprehending their inner demons. A serene German therapist and a kind-hearted social worker supervise them, help them and try to maintain the fragile balance of the group. During 26 days, in the midst of summer, Geisha, Léonie and Eugénie will have to refrain from breaking down, tame the whispers from present times and consider the future.
After the impressive Gulistan, Land of Roses (VdR 2016), the Kurdish filmmaker Zaynê Akyol returns with these conversations with imprisoned members of the Islamic State, alternating their words with aerial views of the countryside. An unexpected look at a far-reaching current political issue and a film whose subject matter and rhythm create an impressive cinematic object.
Éloi, whose father was killed in a hunting accident a year ago, is called to take part in a strange tribute ceremony in the country. There, immersed in a disturbing world of strange mystical codes, he learns that his father was tracking a huge buck with awe-inspiring antlers alongside the “Indian”. After several outstanding short films, Aurtenèche delivers a first feature that obliquely references the legend of Saint Hubert, who encountered the Almighty while hunting a stag. A cryptic thriller, hidden manuscripts, the quest for self-knowledge, psychotropic drugs: La Contemplation du mystère boldly shifts between moods and genres.
Executive Producer
May 20, 1980. After his father's passing, Raymond Tremblay, tax investigator, begins to suspect the funeral home of fraudulent activities. Accompanied by his daughter, little Lucy, he decides to go investigate in his native Saguenay against the backdrop of a referendum on Quebec's sovereignty.
Executive Producer
В 23 года Надя принимает противоречивое решение покинуть профессиональный спорт и покончить с жизнью, требующей постоянных жертв. После последних соревнований в Олимпийской деревне Наде предоставляется возможность вкусить первый глоток свободы. Но по мере ее погружения в неизвестность у нее возникают сомнения: кто она на самом деле?
Когда в Америке вспыхивает Гражданская война, семья французских поселенцев вынуждена покинуть свой дом в Миссури, чтобы бежать и вернуться в Париж. Их сопровождает бывший наемник, чье беспокойное прошлое вскоре настигает его.
Fourteen-year old Juliette lives in the country with her father and her older brother. When Juliette was younger, her mother left the family to pursue her career in New York; from that moment, Juliette started to gain weight. Today, she’s not obese, but she’s clearly the heaviest girl at her high school. But that doesn’t stop her from being vivacious, funny and unrepentantly rebellious. Juliette has big dreams: she wants to throw the best parties, move to New York to live with her mother, and date the most gorgeous guy in her school, an older boy who is about to graduate. In short, she wants everything she can’t have—which sometimes makes her forget to appreciate those who really love her. We follow this brazen and endearing girl during her hectic last few weeks before summer vacation, and watch as she does some growing up—but not too much.
35-летняя Софии вынуждена жить со своим братом Каримом. Их добрые отношения оказываются на грани, когда Карим впервые в жизни по уши влюбляется. Чувствуя себя преданной, София задумывается о смысле своей жизни.
В Европе свирепствует война, и главный герой Филипп пытается спастись от нее на западе Америки. В пути с ним случается много необычного и пугающего.
Неизлечимо больной писатель Луи возвращается домой после длительного отсутствия, чтобы рассказать семье, что он умирает.
A young married woman from Montreal's Orthodox Jewish community finds freedom from the strictures of her faith through her relationship with a young man who is mourning the death of his estranged father.
Associate Producer
Яркая и взбалмошная вдова Диана забирает из интерната сына-подростка и полна решимости начать новую жизнь. Со Стивом они бы жили душа в душу, но вспышки гнева импульсивного сына то и дело подрывают шаткое равновесие в семье. На подмогу приходит скромная заикающаяся соседка Кайла, и в доме на время воцаряется идиллия, но как долго это продлится?
Head Down casts an atypical view on the solitude, melancholy and marginality in the daily life of three girls.
Associate Producer
Ночной клуб, рейв, вспышки света, бешеный ритм. Полуобнаженные тела, руки, губы, головокружение… В какой-то момент они потеряли контроль и оказались в одной постели. Что они смогут сказать друг другу утром? Как трудно раскрыть душу тому, кому с легкостью даришь тело.
A young quebecer descends into alienation and depression.
Depuis une sérieuse dispute avec son frère Fred, qui lui servait de modèle, Viviane, photographe professionnelle, a mis en veilleuse ses ambitions artistiques. Or, le hasard lui fait rencontrer Guillaume, un jeune mécanicien dont la photogénie naturelle l'inspire. Réticent, ce dernier se laisse convaincre de poser pour Viviane qui, retrouvant son énergie créatrice, fait de lui le sujet d'un projet d'exposition. Bientôt, l'artiste constate que le jeune homme, qui vit toujours chez ses parents, porte les stigmates d'un douloureuse expérience familiale, qui le rend asocial et autodestructeur. Tout en cherchant à percer le mystère de Guillaume, Viviane tente un rapprochement avec son frère.
During a beating in the forest, a troubled young girl announces to her mother that she intends to leave the family home.
Montreal, one night. Joseph, a solitary and taciturn taxi driver, is involved in a disturbing incident with a cyclist after agreeing to replace a colleague.
Claude and Martin, two police inspectors, arrest Philippe, a withdrawn young man, and question him about the murder of his father.
Executive Producer
Not available.