Ken Kazama


Kill Devil
Kill Devil is a Japanese movie about a group of juvenile delinquents in the year 2025. The juveniles are host to a "murder gene", and are sent to an uninhabited island by the government so that they can be rehabilitated. The government studies the causes of the gene, and implants an experiment on the juveniles called a "Tag". The Tag gives the juveniles murder impulses and memory loss, and both boys and girls start to brutally kill each other.
Три эпизода из жизни полицейского Эйдзи Миками. Кажется, что нас ожидает захватывающий боевик с драками и погоней, однако, каждый эпизод называется именем женщины, при этом Миками — волк-одиночка. С кем из них у него сложатся прочные отношения, не знает никто. Что изменилось в его душе за 20 лет службы в полиции, где он закончит свою жизнь, на заснеженных улицах Саппоро или на родном острове, где его ждет престарелая мать, теряющая рассудок?
Леди с оружием: 82-й отдел полиции
Мика Хино - талантливый следователь, которая состоит в одиозном "Отряде аллигаторов". Когда члена правления крупной компании обвиняют во взяточничестве, Мике поручают следить за ним. Через несколько ночей ее цель найдена мертвой возле офисного здания. Предсмертная записка свидетельствует о самоубийстве. Назначение Мики могло закончиться неудачей, но её миссия только началась...
Angel Guts: High School Co-Ed
Three gangsters spend their time assaulting students until their leader feels guilty and saves a young girl from being raped. Following the incident the gang decides he must now prove himself by raping her himself.
Karate from Shaolin Temple
Musashi Yamanaka
The Japanese karate master Muhashi spent some time in Hong Kong studying various Shaolin martial arts styles. Soon the narcotics brigade calls in his help to combat a powerful drug and prostitution syndicate.
Karate from Shaolin Temple
Original Concept
The Japanese karate master Muhashi spent some time in Hong Kong studying various Shaolin martial arts styles. Soon the narcotics brigade calls in his help to combat a powerful drug and prostitution syndicate.
Уличный боец
Senkaku Kan
Каратиста-убийцу по имени Джинджи должны сегодня казнить. Его брат с сестрой нанимают другого каратиста-убийцу по имени Терри Цуруги для того, чтобы он спас их брата.
That Man Bolt
Fred Williamson chop-sockeys his way through this popular blaxploitation adventure as Jefferson Bolt, a Kung Fu expert assigned to deliver a cool $1 million to Mexico City from Hong Kong with a stop in Los Angeles. When Bolt discovers the cash is dirty mob money and his gal has been killed, he heads back to the Far East to get even.
Удар таэквондо
The story is about the Japanese occupation of Korea during World War II. A Korean patriot played by Carter Wong gets into a fight with some Japanese people and is chased into a church. The priest there is captured and tortured. Trying to secure his release, the leader of the resistance, Jhoon Rhee is himself captured and tortured by the Japanese. Carter Wong, Angela Mao and Anne Winton have to now try and rescue him. This leads to an explosive climax with the heroes having to fight the likes of Wong In Sik (Hwang In-Shik), Sammo Hung and Kenji Kazama.
Kamikaze Cop, No Epitaph to Us
Exciting fight of a secret police detective over secret of a diamond.
A Kamikaze Cop
An undercover cop befriends a yakuza underling who through his contacts helps him infiltrate two rival Yakuza gangs. He pits the two rival gangs against each other in hopes that they will cross each other out.