Wang Ziyi

Wang Ziyi

Рождение : 1982-10-19, Beijing, China


Wang Ziyi


Моцзинь: Возвращение в Южно-Китайское море
Hu Bayi
SWAT Mission: Sniper Storm
Pan Yufei
Special police captain Pan Yufei led the team to fight against lawbreakers in order to protect the peace and justice of Hongkong. In one case, the evidence of a citizen, Lao Zhao, adds to the crime and the criminals are punished. As Lao Zhao and Pan are celebrating Xiao Xiong's promotion banquet, Tao Huan, a gun king killer, suddenly appears and brutally shoots not only Lao Zhao and his wife, but also Xiao Xiong, a highly talented student, who has been shot in the brain and turned into an imbecile. Years later, the remnants of the evil forces commit another crime, and in order to catch them all, the special police officers set up snipers in advance, and after mastering their movements, they block the roads and surround them in an abandoned factory.
The Fourth Wall
LIU Lu is leading a dreary and seemingly mundane life, working at a deer breeding farm. A friend, MA Hai, keeps trying in vain to win her affections. It's as if she's isolating and banishing herself from any kind of human warmth or love. MA Hai confesses he knows another LIU Lu and another himself in a 'parallel world'. The more she learns about the other 'her', the more LIU Lu uncovers about the long suppressed memories from her past.
Devil In Dune
The film tells the story of a near future in which the earth is irreversibly sandy, as human emissions and rubbish exceed its carrying capacity. As plants and animals mutate to create the Earth's new masters, the "sand worms", which are slaughtering the planet and driving humans to the brink of extinction, the survivors are left to their own devices to find the only remaining refuge in the deep desert, the "Oasis". An exiled team of wealthy businessmen, scientists, security chiefs, mechanic families and gangsters set out on an adventure to find the Oasis in a special armoured vehicle, but the bloodthirsty insects are hot on their heels.
Annular Eclipse
The killers Ge and Song execute daily killing missions for their "Father" organization, and at the same time, Ge is often awakened by fragments of memories in his head during sleep. During a chase, a déjà vu scene causes Ge Jun's brain to fluctuate, and he realizes that these memory fragments have a significant connection to his past. Ge begins to trace his identity, but Song is also involved accidentally. The two of them realize the true nature of the "Father" organization and discover the truth about the evil "memory transplant" being carried out by the organization.
The Sixteenth Level of Hell
Всемогущий Я
Guang Zai
Санг Ю так устала от попыток не заснуть. Каждый раз, когда он закрывает глаза, демон преследует и убивает его во сне. Однажды ночью Санг понимает, что у него есть особая сила: он может принести сокровища из своих снов в реальность. Почти в одночасье он становится богатым человеком. Но его богатство также привлекает внимание безжалостного гангстера.
The Chainbreakers
An epic drama that tells the history of PLA liberating Tibet.
Ударная волна
Biao Hong
Семь лет назад полицейский сапёр Чун Чойсан был внедрён под прикрытием в банду торговца взрывчаткой Хуна. В тот день банда была полностью обезврежена, но главарю удалось сбежать, оставив в руках полиции подельщиков и младшего брата. Теперь Хун возвращается в Гонконг, чтобы отомстить. Разместив бомбы в крупных общественных местах, преступник вступает в опасную игру с офицером Чуном, возглавившим за это время городской Отдел по утилизации взрывчатых веществ.
When We Were Young
Liang Guoqing
Autumn of 1982, in a small town on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. A story about two childhood friends staying together through the Cultural Revolution.
Плач гор
Han Chong
В отдалённой горной деревушке люди живут старым укладом и традициями. В деревню приезжает семья с детьми, и через некоторое время глава этой семьи, муж и отец, внезапно умирает.
Lee Xiang
Two assistants, Lee Xiang and Kat, start new jobs at the financial firm Jones & Sunn. Lee Xiang is an earnest young man who naively enters the world of high finance with noble intentions. Kat on the other hand has a secret.
The Golden Era
Zhang Meilin
The story of writer Xiao Hong comes alive through memories of her great love affair, literary influence and escape from China during World War II.
Desperate for a real news story, entertainment journalist Mui goes to London to cover an antique auction in order to trace the path of Nine-Tailed Fox, a famous art thief who has eluded capture for decades. Playful, but clever, the Fox decides to use Mui as his partner for his latest heist, a set of pottery horse from the Tang Dynasty. What the Fox doesn't know is that Mui is secretly working with Cheung Ho, a Hong Kong cop that has been obsessed with catching the Fox since letting him escape years ago. The result is a twist-filled pursuit that takes the trio from London to Prague.
Kiu Mei
Лам Квок Куэнь полицейский со стажем, который заботится о своём больном сыне… Но его сын умирает и теперь, Куэнь может вернуться в уголовный отдел, из которого ушел 11 лет назад, чтобы вновь начать бороться с преступностью… Теперь уже, безо всяких оглядок на дом и привязанности, поскольку главный смысл его жизни утрачен.
Слепой детектив
Он — талантливый детектив, вынужденный уйти в отставку после того, как во время выполнения задания потерял зрение. С тех пор он зарабатывает на жизнь тем, что распутывает дела, с которыми не может справиться полиция. Она — многообещающий полицейский агент, терзаемая чувством вины из-за пропажи подруги детства. Потрясенная тем, с каким блеском он раскрывает дело, она просит его помочь разыскать ее подругу. Он соглашается… по только ему известным причинам.
A Complicated Story
Needing money for her brother’s medical treatment, Liu Yazi agrees to become a surrogate mother for a mysterious benefactor. But when the contract is suddenly terminated, she disappears in a whirlwind, taking the unborn child and leaving former acquaintances, spurned lovers and secret admirers seeking her desperately.
Forgetting to Know You
Young Chinese parents Chen Xuesong and Cai Weihang find their marriage eroding as they deal with financial troubles, jealousy and constant bickering. When Weihang finds a photo of Xuesong and her ex-boyfriend, things spiral out of control.
Капитан полиции Чжан Кто из отдела по борьбе с незаконным оборотом наркотиков, начинает допрос наркобарона по имени Тимми Чой после того как он был арестован. Чтобы избежать смертной казни, Чой обязуется раскрыть информацию о своих партнерах. Удастся ли ему запутать следствие и выйти сухим из воды или же ниточка оборвётся на середине…
Призрачные пули
Wang Hai
Классический остросюжетный детектив, где сталкиваются интересы власти, полиции и жителей маленького городка в 30-е годы XX века в Китае. «Пуля-призрак» только предлог для выяснения отношений между продажным правосудием и честными следователями, которые пытаются в этом «змеином клубке» отыскать правду.
The Bounty
Coconut Man / Lee Kin Fai
Former cop Shifeng Cao (Chapman To), now unemployed and living off of his savings, learns of 400,000 HK bounty placed on a wanted criminal. He then makes a trip out to the Lazy Inn Hotel in hopes to track the criminal's whereabouts.
11 цветков
На закате культурной революции в Китае четыре ребенка обнаруживают жестокость мира взрослых.
Cheng Cheng War Flame: Qingshan Cavalry
Cheng Cheng War Flame: Flame Rescue
Cheng Cheng War Flame : From Writer to Solider
Chongqing Blues
Lin Bo
Lin, a sea captain, returns from a 6 month journey when he is told that his 25-year-old son Lin Bo has been gunned down by the police. In his quest to understand what happened, he realizes he knew very little about his own son. He starts a journey back to Chongqin, a city he once lived. He will understand the impact of his paternal repeated absence on the life of his child.
Anna & Anna
Xiao San
Anna & Anna is a movie about a Singaporean arts saleswoman / alpha female and her subdued doppelganger. Anna One (the arts saleswoman) is very successful in her job, and gets posted to Shanghai, where she used to live before. There, by a coincidence, she finds another woman who not only like her but IS her - Anna Two. This Anna has finished her studies, become a painter, and stayed with Oulang, a depressed musician - the life as Anna One's could have been, had she made another decision at one point of her life.