Jason Krangel


Director of Photography
В поисках уединения на острове в штате Нью-Йорк супружеская пара предпринимает последнюю попытку спасти свои распадающиеся отношения, когда муж начинает регрессировать эмоционально, ментально и физически.
All Rise
The United Nations' International Court of Justice resolves international disputes through dialogue rather than warfare. Modeled on the ICJ, the Jessup is a prestigious simulated court competition that offers a sneak peek at the international leaders of the future. All Rise profiles seven passionate international law students, representing Jamaica, India, Palestine, Russia, Israel, Uganda and Singapore, as they overcome personal challenges and put idealism into practice to face the challenge of the rigorous competition at the dramatic world championships.
Don't Quit Your Daydream
Camera Operator
This is the story of two life-long musicians, and sometimes friends, who road trip through the heart of America recording their third album. Along the way they collaborate with an offbeat cast of strangers who force them to reconsider what it means to live a life dedicated to the art of music.