George Lazenby
Рождение : 1939-09-05, Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia
George Lazenby was born on September 5th, 1939, in Australia. He moved to London, England in 1964, after serving in the Australian Army. Before becoming an actor, he worked as an auto mechanic, used car salesman, prestige car salesman, and as a male model, in London, England. In 1968, Lazenby was cast as "James Bond", despite his only previous acting experience being in commercials, and his only film appearance being a bit-part in a 1965 Italian-made Bond spoof. Lazenby won the role based on a screen-test fight scene, the strength of his interviews, fight skills and audition footage. A chance encounter with Bond series producer Albert R. Broccoli in a hair salon in 1966, in London, had given Lazenby his first shot at getting the role. Broccoli had made a mental note to remember Lazenby as a possible candidate at the time when he thought Lazenby looked like a Bond. The lengths Lazenby went to, to get the role included, spending his last pounds on acquiring a tailor-made suit from Sean Connery's tailor, which was originally made for Connery, along with purchasing a very Bondish-looking Rolex watch, and an Aston Martin DB5 car, the Bond car at the time. Lazenby quit the role of Bond right before the premiere of his only film, On her Majesty's Secret Service (1969), citing he would get other acting roles, and that his Bond contract, which was fourteen pages thick, was too demanding on him. In his post-Bond career, Lazenby has acted in TV movies, commercials, various recurring roles in TV series, the film series "Emmanuelle", several Bond movie spoofs, TV guest appearances, provided voice for several animated movies and series, and several Hong Kong action films, using his martial arts expertise.
Himself - Actor
An investigation into the myth of the screen hero and its importance to men, mainly in the Western world. How the professional image is built in Hollywood, how men search for their own identity and how the self is constantly analyzed and compared to the role models appearing on the screen.
Сатирический документальный фильм о Джеффри Мур и путешествия его дочери Амбры через Голливуд, поскольку пара отслеживает знаменитостей и членов общества индустрии, пытаются узнать, что нужно, чтобы стать победителем Оскара.
Это история Джорджа Лэйзенби, бедного механика из Австралии, который, по невероятным обстоятельствам, заполучил роль Джеймса Бонда в фильме "На Секретной Службе Её Величества", несмотря на то, что он никогда не играл в кино в своей жизни. Затем, после того, как ему предложили контракт на следующие семь фильмов про Бонда и миллион долларов, он от них отказался...
General Bullmount
Lt. Ramsey Hunter's life changes when 3 cases hit him simultaneously. A rogue Cop Killer, a beautiful Tennessee runaway serial killer and his corrupt Police Captain boss blackmailing him. But only one of the cases leads him to an ending of universal truth.
A young singer in Los Angeles named Winter Rose (Kim Whalen) is chosen to be the successor to a world-famous star who is retiring because of a cancer diagnosis.
A covert group of vigilantes known as The Order dedicate their lives to eliminating violent threats and imminent disasters, but discover that one threat they face, is being lead by some of their very own.
General Bullmount
Lt. Ramsey Hunter is in for a rough time when he has three big cases at once. A rogue Cop Killer, a beautiful Tennessee runaway serial killer and his corrupt Police Captain boss blackmailing him. But only one of the cases leads him to an ending of universal truth.
Richard Hammond celebrates 50 years of Bond's amazing history with cars revealing the entertaining behind-the-scenes stories of the most iconic cars.
История о трех мужчинах, имеющих общую мечту, - о продюсерах бондианы Альберта Р. Брокколи, Гарри Зальцмана и автора Яна Флеминга. Это история интригует и вдохновляет, и показывает, что стоит за самой длинной в мире франшизой, начиная с 1962 года. Благодаря беспрецедентному доступу к главным актерам и к огромному архиву Eon Productions, это первая картина, которая рассказывает историю изнутри очень необычным образом.
Документальный фильм об австралийских малобюджетных фильмах с рейтингом R, содержащие немало насилия, секса, «экшна» и ужасов. И всё это с австралийской спецификой.
James Bond (archive footage)
A tour of the locations from On Her Majesty's Secret Service.
Campbell Grady
Закончив колледж, Питер получил работу в престижной фирме на Уолл-Стрит с большими карьерными перспективами. Его родители счастливы, наконец-то оправдаются денежки, вложенные ими в образование. А пока Питер еще не начал «пахать» по 120 часов в неделю, трое лучших друзей уговорили его развлечься на горном курорте в Колорадо: покататься на лыжах и сноубордах, а заодно оттянуться на полную катушку с девчонками на вечеринках.
Self / James Bond
Roger Moore presents the ten best sequences ever to have appeared in the James Bond series, and cast members recall their favourite moments.
Leland De Winter
Сексуального менеджера молодой человек убеждает украсть 40 миллионов долларов у его амбициозного отца. Сложный план начинает работать, эротическая связь достигает апогея, но оба участника начинают подозревать друг друга. Избалованный парнишка удовлетворяет похоть с более опытной женщиной? У хитрой "чёрной вдовы" есть коварный план? А жертв всё больше, и скоро у одного из них будут все деньги, а второй будет обманут.
James Bond (archive footage) (uncredited)
Through vintage film clips of past Bond movie epics, and with the participation of several former "Bond Girls" as interviewees (among them Dr. No's Ursula Andress and Diamonds Are Forever's Jill St. John), the documentary traced the evolution of the typical James Bond heroine from decorative damsel in distress to gutsy (but still decorative) participant in the action.
Documentary about Bruce Lee and his unfinished film, Game of Death, produced exclusively for the 2-disc Platinum Edition DVD of Game of Death, released by Hong Kong Legends.
Четверо начинающих воров - Джулиан, Одри, Холли и Кевин, прокалываются на заказном ограблении. Ошибка обходится им слишком дорого: в 1 миллион долларов, которого у них нет. Под угрозой близкой расправы друзья, как будто бы, находят выход, застраховав свои жизни на миллион... Теперь смерть любого из них может спасти остальных!
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"
The story of Harry Saltzman, producer of the first James Bond movies.
Mr. Walker / The King (voice)
Брюс Уэйн боролся с преступниками в образе Бэтмена достаточно долго. Однако ничто не вечно. Когда ему было 55 лет, он совершил свою последнюю вылазку. Постаревший Брюс Уэйн пытается вырвать из лап похитителей дочь своей давней знакомой Вероники Вриланд, но в самый неподходящий момент дает о себе знать старая рана, и застигнутый врасплох герой вынужден взяться за пистолет. Осознав, что чуть было не опустился до уровня своих противников, Брюс понимает, что не может больше продолжать игру по собственным правилам, и решает завершить карьеру борца с несправедливостью. Спустя 20 лет старшеклассник Терри Макгиннис, случайно попав в поместье Брюса, примеряет последнюю модификацию костюма Бэтмена, дающую ему способность летать и суперсилу — и легенда рождается заново: под мудрым руководством многоопытного Уэйна Терри выходит на бой со злом во всех его разновидностях.
Follow the transformation of world-renowned martial arts great Bruce Lee, from his early years as a young student to his final days as a skilled master and screen legend. Rare movie clips and vintage ... read more behind-the-scenes footage illustrate Lee's significant contribution to Hollywood's martial arts action genre. Bonus features include scenes from his unfinished film Game of Death and clips of his television appearance on the series "Longstreet."
Produced and directed by Walt Missingham who, in 1983, became the first non-Chinese to practice Kung Fu at the Shaolin Temple, this authoritative and informative programme uses rarely seen archive footage to trace both the history of martial arts and the phenomenal impact Bruce Lee had on this culture. Narrated by Lee's daughter, Shannon Lee Keasler.
Behind-the-scenes look at more than three decades of the James Bond feature film series.
Himself / James Bond
Jonathan Ross delves into the world of James Bond and meets with new and former cast members who reveal humorous stories and anecdotes in a series of interviews. All the 5 Bonds at the time are featured, though only Lazenby (reflecting in the usual frank, self criticizing manner), Moore and Brosnan granted an interview. Connery and Dalton are featured through some unused footage from LWT's 30 years of James Bond program. The ever faithful Desmond Llewelyn turns up in character as well as some other less related peeps like Christopher Lee, Paul McCartney and the ultimate playboy: Hugh Hefner -- who all give an interesting perspective on the worlds most famous spy.
Leland Stromm
Владельцу транспортной компании угрожают, намекая на двух племянников — близнецов, оставшихся без родителей и живущих у него. И тогда он нанимает двух бесшабашных братьев-качков в качестве телохранителей. Малолетние племяннички дают прикурить нянькам, изобретая всё новые и новые каверзы. Но Питера и Дэвида голыми руками не возьмёшь: в конце концов, они находят общий язык с маленькими разбойниками. Два великовозрастных шалопая находят своё зеркальное отражение в двух юных проказниках.
Death by Misadventure: The Mysterious Life of Bruce Lee exposes the truth behind Lee's death and the cover-up that ensued.
Brig. Gen. J. Johnston Pettigrew
Осень 1863 года. Армия конфедератов продвигается к северу Пенсильвании. Впереди их ожидают вражеские дивизии. Две великие армии встретятся в Геттисбурге. Три долгих дня судьба будущей неделимой нации будет висеть на волоске…
Another Emmanuelle movie, with Sylvia Kristal playing an older lady with memories of a younger life...
Emmanuelle withdraws into a temple in Tibet, where she wants to find to her true self. She's given a mystic substance which will give her youth and allow her to enter the souls of other women. Now she sets out and searches her true love Mario from 20 years ago. When he sees young Emmanuelle, he doesn't believe it's really her, but she retells all the juicy details of her past to prove it to him.
Young Emmanuelle and her friend Coco visit a friend whose sculptor husband is infatuated with one of his plaster creations. Emmanuelle uses her magic to get him interested again, jump starting their love life. Later, Emmanuelle, Coco and Coco's sister, Paula, travel to a wedding in Africa. They miss their plane to Salima and have to travel by boat, where they all vie for the attention of a male passenger. After Paula misses her chance with him, she travels via rowboat to an African tribal village where her desires are fulfilled.
Emmanuelle withdraws into a temple in Tibet, where she wants to find to her true self. She's given a mystic substance which will give her youth and allow her to enter the souls of other women. Now she sets out and searches her true love Mario from 20 years ago. When he sees young Emmanuelle, he doesn't believe it's really her, but she retells all the juicy details of her past to prove it to him.
In the secrete mountains of Tibet, Emmanuelle was chosen to be the incarnation of all women. With one drop a secret perfume she could become young again or enter the soul of any woman. Emmanuelle decides to help the young and rich widow Anasis. With the help of the perfume, she enters her subconscious and steers her into new directions, towards passion and bodily pleasures.
Sensual adventures in Africa and New Mexico for Emmanuelle as she learns a sexy secret of her good friend and former lover, Mario.
While aboard a long distance flight, both young and old Emmanuelle regale a businessman with tales of their sexual prowess.
The lines between past and present are mysteriously blurred when a successful real estate agent develops a strange fixation with a run-down, vacant house that was formally owned by an organized crime family. After he moves in, he is visited by a sexy ghost and begins to unravel the secrets of his former life in 1928... a past where passion and greed collide in the violent world of gangsters.
Jack Wyman
A crazed escaped mental patient holds 2 couples hostage and terrorizes them in a Malibu beach home during a stormy night.
A Nazi scientist, wanted as a war criminal, develops a spider serum that turns people into fascist Nazi zombies. A pair of investigators who have devoted their lives to hunting down Nazi war criminals set out to stop him.
The Grand Knockout Tournament (colloquially also known as It's a Royal Knockout) was a one-off charity event which was shown on British television on 19 June 1987. It followed the format of It's a Knockout (the British version of Jeux Sans Frontieres), a slapstick TV gameshow which was broadcast in the UK until 1982. The event was staged on the lakeside lawn of the Alton Towers stately home-cum-theme park. However, the event used its own specially created immersing set, meaning that the location was not very recognisable in the TV broadcast.
Himself (archive footage)
An hour documentary on the history of Bond for the 25th anniversary of the film series.
Drew Stargrove
Лэнс собирается отомстить за смерть отца, погибшего от рук коварного злодея Велвета фон Рагнера. Велвет задумал уничтожить Лос-Анджелес, лишив его воды. С помощью сексапильного агента Данджи Диринг Лэнс преследует фон Рагнера и разрушает его планы.
Lee Van Cleef and Timoty Van Patten are back in this "sequel" to their last "movie" about a ninja and his apprentice battling evil wherever they go. In reality, it's two episodes of failed TV show 'The Master' repackaged as a movie. Also featured in an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Self (archive footage)
Человек-Легенда. Где он родился, кто были его родители, жена и дети. Раритетные кадры о его первых шагах и лучших поединках в кинематографе.
Создание его собственного стиля Кунг Фу «Джет Кон До» и тайна его загадочной смерти, полная домыслов и предположений.
When THRUSH steals a nuclear weapon and demands a ransom delivered by Napoleon Solo, UNCLE recalls him and his partner to duty.
Prince Almalarik
Prince Almalarik is a royalty building an extensive harem of European beauties. When his latest acquisition named Sara convinces him to abandon polygamy, the other wives conspire to get rid of the unwanted competition.
Джек Флауэрс, американский воротила, пытается нажить состояние в 1970-ых годах в Сингапуре. Он мечтает открыть бордель, и вернуться в Штаты богатым человеком, чтобы вести роскошную жизнь. В конечном счете начинается война во Вьетнаме и Джеку предоставляется возможность организовать бордель для американских солдат, отпущенных в увольнение…
Roger Tory
While the prestigious Cannes Film Festival goes on around him, American movie producer Jesse Craig struggles to develop a pitch-worthy thriller about a terrorist plot. Before long, Craig becomes concerned that a shocking act of real-life terrorism already may be underway. Meanwhile, radical actor Bret Easton works in cahoots with a group of extremists to coordinate the hijacking of a trio of passenger planes in a devastating, multi-city nuclear attack.
Capt. Gallagher
The Pig has a plan to eradicate some people with a freeze bomb that instantly freezes people to death. It is up to Detective Ash to stop him and protect the woman with the secret to the ice bomb embedded in a microdot under the skin of her forehead.
The Architect (segment "That's Armageddon")
Безумно веселая комедия, в которой умопомрачительная плотность юмора — десять шуток-гэгов в минуту. И так — от первого кадра до последнего. Это солянка из всего сразу. Объекты безжалостных издевательств авторов — политические, экстремальные и прочие телешоу, новостные программы с нелепыми прямыми включениями, передачи вроде «В мире животных» и «В мире приключений», прогнозы астрологов. А также фильмы — кун-фу, катастрофы, боевики, драмы и даже классический Голливуд — ничего святого! И, конечно, реклама, как невинная, например, пропагандирующая чудо-лекарства, так и неприличная, в подробностях излагающая содержание эротического блокбастера «Чудо-девчушки из католического колледжа»…
Two beautiful fashion models work undercover as secret agents.
John Brandy
John Brandy (George Lazenby) is an ex-cop on holiday in Singapore with his girlfriend Ginger (Diane Craig) when he hears an old Perth banker friend of his, Frank Newman (Ken Goodlet), has committed suicide. He travels to Perth and discovers that Newman killed himself after being drugged at a party and found himself in a pornographic film; he was blackmailed and embezzled money to pay off his tormentors, but when the film was distributed anyway he decided to take his own life. Newman and Ginger decide to investigate who is behind the blackmail racket.
A Hong Kong mobster's sister is working with authorities on their investigation into her own brother's plot to assassinate the Queen.
John Hersey
A beautiful woman, Kate (Tina Grenville), is released from a sanatorium unaware that while she was away her husband John (George Lazenby) has begun an affair with her sister Marianne (Wendy Hughes). The two sisters live together in a creepy apartment block while John is away, and find themselves stalked by some mysterious strangers.
Jack Wilton
Australian authorities arrest a man believed to be connected to the Sydney criminal underworld and send for Inspector Fang Sing Leng (Jimmy Wang Yu) from Hong Kong to question him. After the alleged criminal is assassinated, Inspector Leng and the Sydney police try to hunt down those responsible and hope to solve their case along the way.
Joseph Stoner
An Australian cop heads to Hong Kong to head off the supply of a new designer drug which raises the sexual appetite of anyone who takes it.
Australian stuntman Grant Page travels to Hong Kong to find Bruce Lee's successor and looks at the cultural phenomenon that Asian martial arts has become in the West. He talks to actors such as Angela Mao, Stuart Whitman and George Lazenby - who were all making movies in Hong Kong at the time - and fights Carter Wong twice.
This documentary tells the story of Bruce Lee and his unsuccessful efforts to start a acting career in the U.S., he returned to Hong Kong where he became an international star, and his death at age 32.
David Adler
David Adler is an operator. He strips assets, other men's wives, and his oldest friend's soul - anything for a cool million.
Franco Serpieri
Маленькая дочь известного скульптора пропадает среди сырых венецианских улочек. Некоторое время спустя ее труп вылавливают из канала. Отец пытается выяснить причину трагедии. Известно лишь, что последний раз девочку видели в компании старухи, облаченной в черное.
A life-long mercenary commander and weapons expert is commissioned to train an army for an exiled African leader. But as his conscience finally catches up to him, he is seen as a threat to the powers behind the operation.
James Bond
Идя по следу своего старого врага Блюфельда, Бонд оказывается в Португалии, где он безумно влюбляется в необыкновенно красивую девушку, которая ко всему прочему является дочерью короля преступного мира. Используя связи своего потенциального свекра, он обнаруживает секретную лабораторию, замаскированную под частную клинику, где Блюфельд разрабатывает новый смертоносный вирус. Возлюбленная Бонда попадает в лапы к негодяю и теперь одним махом Бонд может спасти человечество от вымирания, доказать девушке серьезность своих отношений, свести счеты с Блюфельдом.
A short documentary produced by the Ford Motor Company about the stock car rally on ice sequence in On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969).
A short documentary about the groundbreaking aerial photography filming of On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) and the pioneer work of the late great cameraman John Jordan.
Documentary short about the making of On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) in Switzerland with a particular focus on the principal actors and the Piz Gloria mountain top setting.
US President
July 4th 2015 the world was invaded by zombies. Humanity was put to the test in a small town in Colorado, where it all began.