Warren Vanders

Рождение : 1930-05-23, San Fernando Valley, California, USA

Смерть : 2009-11-27


Человек, который разорвал тысячу цепей
Америка, 20-е годы. Заключенный Роберт Бернс бежит из каторжной тюрьмы. Бернс встречает Эмили, которая помогает ему сделать карьеру. Но узнав о прошлом Бернса, Эмили начинает его шантажировать для того, чтобы женить на себе. А Бернс тем временем встречает свою единственную любовь.
Father of Hell Town
Roy Bean
In this pilot to the short-lived "Hell Town," Robert Blake plays a scrappy, ex-convict-turned-ghetto priest in an impoverished inner-city parish.
Child Bride of Short Creek
Jay Jacobs
A dramatization of the true account of a fundamentalist sect in Arizona that practices polygamy, and a returning Korean War veteran's rebellion against his father when he learns that the latter plans to increase his stable of wives by adding the 15-year-old girl with whom his son is romantically involved.
Горячий свинец и холодные ноги
Boss Snead
Основатель города на Диком Западе умирает. Теперь контроль в городе должен взять кто-либо из его сыновей, один из которых – бандит, не выпускающий из рук револьвер; другой же – добропорядочный добрый семьянин, воспитывающий двух славных детей. Свою способность удержать порядок в городе они должны доказать в опасном и тяжелом соревновании, которое делает еще более тяжелым и более опасным бывший мэр города, желающий прибрать к рукам и городок и казну…
Mayday at 40,000 Feet!
Glen Meyer
The co-pilot and engineer of a passenger jet struggle to keep the plane airborne after a marshal onboard, transporting a murderer to prison, has a heart attack and the killer uses his gun to shoot the captain and blow out the hydraulics.
In the Glitter Palace
The ex-girlfriend of a laywer, who left him for a lesbian lover, asks him to defend her lover in a murder case.
Рустер Когберн
Беспощадные бандиты похитили груз взрывоопасного нитроглицерина и устроили резню в деревне, в результате чего погибли многие местные жители и священник. Дочь священника, Юла Гуднайт, полна решимости отомстить бандитам. Когберну поручено выследить шайку. К его большому неудовольствию оказывается, что Гуднайт намерена составить ему компанию…
Nevada Smith
Red Fickett
A half-breed gunslinger and a friend he hasn't seen in years join together to escort a shipment of explosives across Utah.
The Last Day
The Dalton gang is riding again, forcing a retired gunman to use his weapons once more.
The Tribe
A family tribe of Cro-Magnons faces hardships, such as hunger, animal attacks, Neanderthal attacks, and death from injuries as they migrate to find a more bountiful land to live on.
Twice in a Lifetime
A tugboat operator and a waterfront cafe owner clash with a dock foreman who is trying to change the way things on the piers have been done.
The Revengers
The life of peaceful rancher John Benedict is torn apart when his family is massacred by a gang of marauding outlaws and his farm is destroyed. He assembles a team of mean, lawless convicts to act as his posse as he pursues the gang responsible for the deaths of his loved ones.
Cutter's Trail
The Marshal of Santa Fe returns home to find his town almost wiped out by Mexican bandits and enlists the help of a young Mexican boy and his mother to track them down.
The Price of Power
Arthur McDonald
In 1881 Dallas, an ex-Union soldier attempts to expose a conspiracy of Southerners that killed his father, his friend and President James A. Garfield.
Ограбление кассы стадиона было спланировано очень тщательно и прошло успешно, но похищенные деньги куда-то пропали. Бандиты начинают разборку между собой…
Держись подальше, Джо
Hike Bowers
Joe Lightcloud persuades his Congressman to give him 20 heifers and a prize bull so he and his father, Charlie, can prove that the Navajos can successfully raise cattle on the reservation. If their experiment is successful, then the government will help all the Navajo people. But Joe's friend, Bronc Hoverty, accidentally barbecues the prize bull, while Joe sells the heifers to buy plumbing and other home improvements for his stepmother.
Rough Night in Jericho
The only business in the Wild West town of Jericho that corrupt sheriff Alex Flood doesn't control behind the scenes is the stagecoach owned by tough-willed widow Molly Lang and her right-hand man, Hickman. Former marshal Dolan, recently hired by Lang and Hickman as a driver, wants to stay out of the mess, but when he sees Flood's henchman Yarbrough assault Lang, he steps up to fight the corruption.