Sofía García

Sofía García

Рождение : 1983-06-30, Santiago, Chile


Sofía García


Vidas recicladas
Working in a recycling factory, a group of people come together and decide to restart their lives finding themselves through love and self-improvement.
Ана — молодая женщина, которая только что получила стипендию для учёбы в другой стране. Она решает отпраздновать это со своими друзьями за городом. В дороге, помогая раненой женщине, они оказываются похищенными странной семьёй.
Santiago Violenta
Carla Hormazabal
Mauro, Noel and Broco have been an inseparable group of friends since grade school. All grown up, their lives are not what they hoped they would be. Life has become so routine that they do nothing more than wait for the weekends to drink themselves into oblivion. One night, a chance encounter leads the group on a wild and deadly chase from Santiago's most dangerous crime boss... Forced to make increasingly risky decisions, their frantic, adrenaline fueled desperation brings them closer to a violent, life-changing end where the friendship will be changed forever.
Принесите мне голову пулемётчицы
Shadeline Soto
В туалете клуба DJ случайно подслушивает разговор хозяина клуба Че Лонганы со своими головорезами о некоей пулеметчице, которая хочет убить Че Лонгану, и за голову которой он объявил награду в 300 миллионов. Обнаружив DJ в кабинке они решают убить его, но он обещает Че Лонгане, что приведет к нему пулеметчицу. Че Лонгана дает ему на это 24 часа.
Детский душ
Четыре бывшие одноклассницы собираются в загородном доме, что бы отпраздновать беременность одной из них…
Patricio wants time alone with Francisca while she tries to forget her recent heartbreak. Sofia, a sexy hitchhiker, just wants a little distraction on her aimless journey. In a beautiful beach house on the Chilean coast, three twentysomethings are about to get much more than they expected.
Time Off
Theater Dancer
When Camilo and his girlfriend, Pola, start to struggle in their relationship, she asks for a week away from him to assess the situation. Although Camilo agrees, he feels confused, as his undemanding life is made uncomfortable for the first time. Soon he meets Mikela, a disaffected teenage girl whom he befriends. However, when Camilo discovers Mikela's past diagnosis as a schizophrenic, he begins to worry about her safety.
XS - la peor talla
"La peor talla", a Chilean play on words meaning both "the worst size" and "the worst joke"... Upper middle class teens give the big guy with small penis a hard time, so to speak.