Hombre con peluca / Narrador
A metacinematic reflection on the nature of representation and the ongoing drug war in Mexico, Nicolás Pereda’s Flora revisits locations and scenes from the mainstream 2010 narco-comedy El Infierno, exploring the paradoxes of depicting narco-trafficking on film—its tendency both to romanticize and to obscure. To screen is both to project and to conceal.
A Mexican biologist living in New York returns to his hometown, nestled in the majestic butterfly forests of Michoacán. The journey forces him to confront past traumas and reflect on his hybrid identity, sparking a personal metamorphosis.
Луиза и Габино навещают своих пожилых родителей в глухом шахтёрском городке на севере Мексики. В доме царит напряжённая атмосфера — совершенно очевидно, что ни один из присутствующих не горит желанием находиться на этом "празднике жизни". Пытаясь отвлечься от семейных прений, Габино воображает параллельную реальность с полицейскими, бандитами и роковыми красотками, где каждому члену семьи уготована собственная роль...
1920 году, граница между Мексикой и Белизом. В глубине тропического леса на территории, где не действуют законы ни одной, ни второй страны, живут майя. Группа мексиканских рабочих, работающих на добыче каучука, встречает в джунглях молодую женщину из Белиза. Присутствие таинственной незнакомки будит в рабочих фантазии и желания, но они не догадываются, что вместе с этим проснулось древнее существо, которое прячется в сердце джунглей.
Maria, forced to marry a bandit, escapes into the woods with El Toro, fleeing her fate. Rosario, in love with a murdered general, watches her grave at the foot of a volcano.
Enigmatic and deceptively playful in tone, this film from Gabino Rodríguez, in collaboration with Nicolás Pereda, boldly transforms mundane, realist observations at a rural Mexican schoolhouse into fantasy and a sly comment on childhood, rituals, and race.
Enigmatic and deceptively playful in tone, this film from Gabino Rodríguez, in collaboration with Nicolás Pereda, boldly transforms mundane, realist observations at a rural Mexican schoolhouse into fantasy and a sly comment on childhood, rituals, and race.
Enigmatic and deceptively playful in tone, this film from Gabino Rodríguez, in collaboration with Nicolás Pereda, boldly transforms mundane, realist observations at a rural Mexican schoolhouse into fantasy and a sly comment on childhood, rituals, and race.
Enigmatic and deceptively playful in tone, this film from Gabino Rodríguez, in collaboration with Nicolás Pereda, boldly transforms mundane, realist observations at a rural Mexican schoolhouse into fantasy and a sly comment on childhood, rituals, and race.
Enigmatic and deceptively playful in tone, this film from Gabino Rodríguez, in collaboration with Nicolás Pereda, boldly transforms mundane, realist observations at a rural Mexican schoolhouse into fantasy and a sly comment on childhood, rituals, and race.
On the Oaxacan coast of Mexico, rumblings of previous times are never far from the surface. Tales of shapeshifting, telepathy and dealings with the Devil are embedded in the colonization and enslavement of the Americas. Characters from the Faust legend mingle with the inhabitants, while attempting to colonize and control nature through a seemingly never-ending building project. Through literature, myth and local entanglements, the frontier between reality and fiction, and the seen and unseen, no longer apply.
Verónica, a middle-aged highschool history teacher, leads a non eventful life: she has grownup children, grandchildren and a less than perfect marriage. This dynamic seems to be the only thing she can hold on to, as she battles a terminal illness. As she reluctantly accepts her fate, she meets Eva, an irreverent and misunderstood new student who unknowingly injects some life and enthusiasm back into her and provides her with the tools to deal with her destiny.
Фильм рассказывает о серийном убийце, орудовавшем в Мексике в 1942 году.
Romero, a retired fisherman and a forgotten hero by the community, lives isolated in his home, surrounded by ghosts of the life he couldn't have, spirits that materialize before him as his real family. Alcoholic and schizophrenic, surviving on a daily basis. But deep down he feels the time has come to regain what he lost several decades ago, when he brought the oil curse to his own island, the lush Ciudad del Carmen. At the same time at the mysterious Estero Pargo, the goddess Ixchel has been reborn and seeks to mate with humans in order to continue the cycle of life.
Zambrano is a young criminal with the only hope of joining the legendary prison American football team known as The Dogs of Santa Martha. His hopes end up involving him with organized crime since The Dogs, who are also known as The 4th Company, a squadron of inmates at the service of the administration that controls the jail, its vice and its privileges. Corruption and crime have no limits; they ravage the city with car thefts, bank robberies and other crimes under the auspices of the authorities, the story takes place during the López Portillo presidency and his men.
Беззаботный красавчик Элихио приходит домой под утро, а проснувшись, обнаруживает, что его жена испарилась, не оставив даже записки. Обескураженный Элихио начинает поиски и выясняет, что уставшая от его инфантильности Сусана улетела в Америку, чтобы сосредоточиться на писательской карьере. Упрямый Элихио мчится возвращать свою жену, но на этот раз одного шарма будет недостаточно. Ему придется понять, почему каждый раз, когда ему кажется, что все идет как надо, Сусана собирает вещи и испаряется...
A dysfunctional young couple argues after their sex session.
Mexican Soldier
Брат и сестра оказываются в плену сумасшедшего садиста. Он их силой втягивает в тошнотворную карусель из секса и разврата: инцест, некрофилия, каннибализм и насилие. Затейливый фильм, искажённая версия Бытия смешанного с Эволюцией, намёками, пародиями и довольно зло и антихристиански, плюс уничтожение евреев нацистами не забыли, что очень странно для Мексики, концовка не обычная, правда она ставит под сомнение всё предыдущее, плюс всё смешано в кучу, чисто по-мексикански, и реальное и нереальное. Не шедевр конечно, но явный эпатаж чисто по-мексикански. В 2016 году стал фильмом-открытием испанского фестиваля фантастических фильмов в г. Сиджес.
Minotaur takes place in a home of books, of readers, of artists. It’s also a home of soft light, of eternal afternoons, of sleepiness, of dreams. The home is impermeable to the world. Mexico is on fire, but the characters of Minotaur sleep soundly.
On his downfall from Heaven to Hell, Lucifer passes through the earthly paradise, a village in Mexico, where elderly Lupita and her granddaughter Maria live. Lupita's brother Emanuel pretends he's paralyzed so he can drink and gamble while the two women tend to the sheep. Lucifer senses an opportunity and plays the miraculous healer. He forces Emanuel to walk again, seduces Maria and makes Lupita doubt about her faith. He didn't bring bad luck, he only illuminated the line between good and evil, where it didn't exist before.
A stubborn fish collector faces his own boundaries in this maritime story.
It’s Saturday in Mexico City. A young man, Munra, works weekends in a street market that deals in heavy metal products. He finds himself in deep trouble when he has to take care of his two-year-old, Ozzy. He had Ozzy with his girlfriend, La Vamp, who’s also into heavy metal, but unfortunately, and much to Munra’s chagrin, no longer into him. When people are disappointed and in pain they can end up doing things that are thoughtless and absurd…
An old man lives alone in a shabby cabin in a remote mountainous area of Mexico. His house is set to be demolished in order to facilitate the redevelopment of the area. He doesn't know how to protect his house. Time goes by and one day a young man shows up on his doorstep. Looking exhausted, he starts his new routine here, cooking and doing laundry just like the old man.
Эмилио мечтает стать знаменитым режиссером, поэтому почти никогда не расстается со своей видеокамерой. Однажды он встречает парня, который делится с ним своей печальной историей жизни, которая так трогает Эмилио, что он решает перенести её на киноэкран, попутно стараясь помочь молодому человеку справиться с проблемами.
Insects mate, stories are born. The concept of “love” gets put under the looking glass in this captivatingly maverick film. Manuel, a lonely 36-year-old, begins an unusual friendship with the much younger Alma. A young foreign couple set out on an idyllic backpacking trip in Costa Rica. A Mexico City taxi driver visits a dive bar where he meets a sexy lounge singer. Vicente runs into an old classmate from high school and has something profound to share with her. Meanwhile, throughout the film, different couples speak about their relationships and thoughts
A famous American filmmaker travels to the Yucatán to scout locations for his last movie. The Mayan Apocalypse intercedes
A famous American filmmaker travels to the Yucatán to scout locations for his last movie. The Mayan Apocalypse intercedes
Revenge, redemption and chance are the topics that underpin José Luis Valle’s new film. A man runs his errands: cleans the house, picks up the dry cleaning, pays his debts and buys groceries. Then, inexplicably commits suicide. His death smites his wife, Elvira, who is unaware of the reasons for suicide. At another point, Ulises is assaulted and stripped of the portfolio that held the only photo he kept of her deceased daughter. He sets out to find the thief and kill him. The lives of Elvira and Ulises intersect unexpectedly.
A series of auditions is taking place in a museum-like living room. Various men improvise or deliver prepared lines, rehearse gestures and slogans, aim guns, and collapse as if mortally wounded. The theme of revolution is repeatedly invoked. In between, there are scenes of a desert landscape. Three men seeking to join the Mexican Revolution at the beginning of the last century have lost their way. Conflicts smolder among them, water is running low, and mutual mistrust is beginning to take hold. Placing the reenactment of a possible historical event alongside the preparations for it serves to underline the theatricality of every cinematic account of history. Moreover, on a kind of playful meta-meta-level, the scenes in which the actors feel their way through set pieces from a Beatles song or standard battle slogans allow the viewer to witness the simultaneous construction and deconstruction of a collective myth of revolution.
Francisco, a man with autism resides secluded, ignored and locked away. He's a burden on his brothers, and decides to flee into the forest, where he befriends a rat.
When Gabino's father returns home after a long absence, the two men awkwardly attempt to re-establish a relationship; but Gabino and his mother quickly tire of this man who has become a stranger to them and decide to kick him out, before realizing that he has already left. Gabino eventually tracks his father down and spends time with him in his rundown apartment, trying to figure out if there is any possibility for the two of them to ever truly communicate. Though Greatest Hits continues Pereda's exploration of his perennial themes of absence, masculinity and the difficulty of maintaining a family, it opens up a whole new set of aesthetic questions through a bold formal gambit: halfway through, the entire narrative reboots and starts from scratch with another actor playing one of the key characters, leading to different iterations of events already witnessed.
Summer of Goliath is a documentary/fiction hybrid that narrates various stories of the people of the town of Huilotepec in rural Mexico. Teresa's husband has disappeared and she believes he has left her for another woman. Gabino, her son, is a soldier who searches cars at the side of a country road, where very few cars pass by. He hopes one day him and Alberto, his soldier partner, will get machine guns to further intimidate the people driving by. Amalio, Nico, and Oscar are three brothers whose stories we learn through a series of interviews and reenactments. Their father left them many years ago, and their mother can barely support them. Oscar has gained the nickname Goliath after the mysterious death of his girlfriend.
The story of four teenagers: Negus, Chale, Sapo and Chata. Childhood friends living in public housing in a rundown area of Mexico City, search to trump idleness. They toy with the idea of robbing a movie theatre. Afflicted by their past and present stance, each find the motivation to complete the deed. The adventure pushes them to face their own realities and jeopardizes the only valuable possession: friendship
Sebastian is a 28 year old painter. His most recent drawings are mainly squids, scientifically known as Cephalopods (head and legs). He is particularly attracted to the gigantic squid; a monstrous almost fantastic animal about which little is known. A few months ago, Sebastian´s girlfriend died, leading him to travel to Mexico City, where he hopes to reconnect with his lost roots, which perhaps will provide him with the emotional stability that he needs to keep on living.
Jacinto Medina
Jacinto Medina, a 21 year old youth, is bored with his life as a shepherd in northern Mexico. He finds a keychain on the ground and, seeing it as a signal, undertakes a trip that will lead him to cross thousands of miles.
Jacinto Medina, a 21 year old youth, is bored with his life as a shepherd in northern Mexico. He finds a keychain on the ground and, seeing it as a signal, undertakes a trip that will lead him to cross thousands of miles.
Pancho Pantera
Бенджамин «Бенни» Гарсия, прожив 20 лет в США, депортирован в свою родную деревню на севере Мексики. Возратившись в дом, он видит картину опустошения. Все — от священника до мэра города связаны с наркоторговлей. Ему предлагают заняться тем же. Сначала он сопротивляется, но не найдя нормально оплачиваемую работу, в итоге Бенни получает «классную работу», а заодно деньги, веселье и девочек. Но вскоре Бенни понимает, что криминальная жизнь это совсем не веселье.
A young woman has to deal with her mother's degradation due to Alzheimer's disease.
When 9-year-old Abel assumes his absent father's role as man of the house, he garners his family's respect, and life resumes a comfortable rhythm -- until a man arrives at the house, claiming he's the long-lost patriarch
Friday night in Mexico City... guided by three different ways of understanding the world, 20-year-olds, Juan, Rodrigo and Christian live after-hour adventures of friendship, love, and respect in a city marked by social differences.
An itinerant mover works from the streets of Mexico City with his partner and lives with his beleaguered mother. A heightened tension within the home – by the absent older brother and unmentioned father. Gabino's casual pursuit of a career is interrupted by a series of intense and almost satirically telenovela-esque domestic vignettes.
El Scarface
Уроженка Гондураса Сайра воссоединяется со своим отцом, чтобы осуществить свою мечту о жизни в США. Переезд же в Мексику является первым шагом в важном путешествии, полном неожиданных событий…
Gabino, Luisa and Paco share a small apartment in Mexico City. With no money and nothing to do they decice to leave the city.
Согласитесь, нигде так не любят футбол, как в Мексике. Два брата — простые деревенские мексиканские парни — страстные игроки местной команды. Тато — дерзкий форвард, а Бето — беспроигрышный вратарь. Однажды на деревенский футбольный матч приезжает агент столичной команды, который разыскивает по стране талантливых игроков. Он в восторге от игры братьев, но в сборную он может взять лишь одного из них. Но кого? Все решает серия пенальти, в которых побеждает Тато.
В очень неоднозначной криминальной драме мексиканского режиссёра Поля Ледюка Питер Фонда играет роль миллионера-социопата по имени мистер Икс, живущего в Майами и получающего странное удовольствие, преследуя гуляющих женщин на своём огромном внедорожнике. Тем временем Кобрадор, бразильский шахтёр, направляется в Нью-Йорк, убивая попутно всех, кого встречает на пути.
Vicente (Gabino Rodríguez) is a young farmer in a rural village who scrapes by while taking care of his ill grandmother. Several of Vicente’s uncles intend to their ailing mother’s land without her knowledge. Vicente seeks help from the municipal president who, between shooting hoops on a desolate court, tells him that if he wants justice, he must head to the capital to meet with government officials. Although he hasn’t seen her since he was a child, Vicente sets off in search of his mother, who works as a maid in maze-like Mexico City. With the help of his mother’s employer, a sophisticated middle-aged woman, he finds the government offices where he presents his case. His situation isn’t easily resolved, especially since he does not have the deed to his grandmother’s plot of land, and Vicente finds the complexities of the legal system to be completely overwhelming.
Gabino, a very dedicated and hardworking young high school student, he is infatuated with Maty and tries to make her fall in love with him. After an incident in the school, where Gabino and his two friends are suspended for harassing Maty, she rejects him for the last time causing Gabino to plan a revenge against Maty.
It was the year of 1962 when I turned 12 and my breasts began to grow. Cecilia, my sister, went to study in Paris, I was left alone with my parents and their problems. I discovered that the breasts made men and women crazy, while mine began to draw the attention of my friends without adults realizing that I needed a bra.
At the close of a special day, family ties are shown to be fragile before the shared feeling concerning an important abscence when the sensation of absence. Uncle Manuel, a very peculiar man is determined to help his sibling's adolescent children and his brother-in-law, an unemployed union leader. Mom's house has now become a place where the family could vanish due to a world of broken dreams.
A poignant and moving urban drama, focusing on the growing problem of sexual assault in Mexico City. Director Sistach fictionalizes the true story of a friendship between two adolescent girls which is torn apart when one of them is brutally raped.
Muchacho 1