Joseph Stiglitz

Joseph Stiglitz

Рождение : 1943-02-09, Gary, Indiana, U.S.


Joseph Eugene Stiglitz is an American economist, public policy analyst, and a professor at Columbia University. He is a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and the John Bates Clark Medal.


Joseph Stiglitz


Dans le piège de la dette
Laboratory Greece
Self (archive footage)
A journey through Greece and Europe’s past and recent history: from the Second World War to the current crisis. It is a historical documentary, a look into many stories. «If Democracy can be destroyed in Greece, it can be destroyed throughout Europe» Paul Craig Roberts
Капитал в XXI веке
Главный персонаж фильма — капитализм. В мире капитала Симпсоны соседствуют с героями Джейн Остин, Уолл-стрит влияет на цены в Окленде, а причины сегодняшней инфляции берут свое начало аж в Первой мировой войне.
Цены на жилье взлетают до небес в городах по всему миру. Но не доходы.  PUSH проливает свет на новый тип безликого домовладельца, на наши все более неприспособленные для жизни города и на ширящийся кризис, который отражается на всех нас. Это не джентрификация, это другой монстр. Фильм наблюдает за Лейлани Фархой, специальным докладчиком ООН по вопросам достаточного жилья, в ее поездках по земному шару, в которых она старается понять, кого вытесняют из города и почему. «Я считаю, что существует огромная разница между жильем как товаром и золотом как товаром. Золото не является правом человека, а жильё - да», - говорит Лейлани.
The Swap
Self (voice)
The Swap is the third chapter of the PolEc Trilogy, comprising Wandering Marxwards (1998) and The Three Failures (2006). It features the same character as in the previous episodes, but now reduced to a lost, exhausted soul roaming Shanghai's cityscape from the remotest periphery to the financial district. Another narrative, spoken this one, takes us to September 2008, as gigantic bailouts put the financial system on life support instead of letting it collapse, thus seizing our reality and replacing it with a fiction tailored for the situation. These two streams end up meeting on a Shanghai dancefloor, where unresolved contradictions can finally be performed.
Огонь в крови
Шокирующее разоблачение интернациональных фармацевтических корпораций, которые пользуясь патентным правом ставят преграды на пути к спасительным лекарствам.
Four Horsemen
Documentary about the modern apocalypse caused by a rapacious banking system. 23 leading thinkers – frustrated at the failure of their respective disciplines – break their silence to explain how the world really works.
The Flaw
Self - Professor of Economics, Columbia University
The story of the credit bubble that caused the financial crash. Through interviews with some of the world's leading economists, including housing expert Robert Shiller, Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, and economic historian Louis Hyman, as well as Wall Street insiders and victims of the crash including Ed Andrews - a former economics correspondent for The New York Times who found himself facing foreclosure - and Andrew Luan, once a bond trader at Deutsche Bank now running his own Wall Street tour guide business, the film presents an original and compelling account of the toxic combination of forces that nearly destroyed the world economy.
Modern Slavery
There's 27 million slaves in the world today. We find them in the sex industry, as child soldiers, as unpaid housekeepers and in production and as shop workers. We have all a responsibility for this.