Vass Anderson

Vass Anderson

Рождение : 1933-09-16, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Смерть : 2015-04-04


Vass Anderson was born on September 16, 1933 in Glasgow, Scotland, UK. He was an actor, known for Superman (1978), The Tripods (1984) and Father Ted (1995). He died on April 4, 2015 in London, England, UK.


Vass Anderson


Ужасы грайндхауса
Boss Hogan
Грайндхаус сложно назвать идеальным местом для жизни: в городе, в котором практически не осталось ни одного законопослушного человека, процветает преступность и криминал. Каждый горожанин озабочен лишь собственными потребностями и желаниями, поэтому не обращает внимание на проблемы окружающих. Даже представительница церкви здесь — не обычная монахиня, а женщина верхом на мотоцикле, способная убить. В этом месте рады гостям, однако выбраться живым и невредимым сможет далеко не каждый. И совершенно неясно, случайно ли такое количество преступников оказались на одной территории и что с этим городом не так.
GrindHouse 2wo
Boss Hogan
2 films MAN HUNT & Stripper with a Shotgun. One cartoon and a set of trailers that can only belong to the retro world of 70's grindhouse cinema. This is a walk back in time.
Katherine of Alexandria
The life of Katherine of Alexandria. Constantine joins the Roman army to find his missing childhood friend. Once alerted to his friend's whereabouts, he prepares for an all out war between the East and the West. Contains the last film role of Peter O'Toole, who died before the film was released.
The Mayor
Стэнли и Оливер Розенблюмы, незадачливые еврейские артисты, едут на очередное выступление в затерянный в калифорнийской пустыне легендарный городок Эльдорадо. Туда же направляется стриптизёрша Джессика, стащившая у мужа чемодан денег и подавшаяся в бега. Путь до желанного посёлка долог и полон встреч с разными эксцентричными типами, да и жители самого Эльдорадо на поверку оказываются кровожадным сборищем каннибалов.
Night Junkies
The Grey Man
In the seedy London underworld of junkies and prostitutes, a vampire stalks women. When a stripper, Ruby, is bitten, she is determined not to give in to her blood addiction, no matter what.
Irish Jam
Mr. Pettikreep
Upon discovering that their town is up for sale, crafty Irish villagers scheme to raise the money to prevent the buy-out. They hold a poetry contest with a tempting grand prize -- the deed to their local pub. But what could happen when a duplicitous American rapper emerges as the best poet around?
The Low Down
Pub Landlord
Frank is a restless young man in his late twenties whose life revolves around his friends and his work. When he becomes involved with Ruby, her optimistic and fresh approach to life and its problems begins to have a dramatic effect on him.
Wallace White
A squad of police cars responding to an emergency call races through the streets of Atlanta. Upon arrival at the crime scene, they see complete desolation. Dead bodies are everywhere. And they apparently just missed the killer, though one of his victims, the head of New York's Russian mafia, survived. The family's crime operation then comes to London, but unknown to them, the assassin has also moved there and is working for the police as a pathologist. And while the family is still hunting the assassin, he is on his own mission of revenge.
Ben Moran
Nothing's fair in love and war. Based on short story by John McGahern. A powerful story of the relationship between father and son, John and Eamon Doyle. It is set in rural Ireland during the 1950’s, a period of mass emigration and social change. Young Irish emigrants, on arriving in America, have been enlisted and sent to fight in the Korean war. One of those emigrants, Luke Moran, dies in Korea and his home village is awash with rumours about the compensation the Moran family received on Luke’s death. John Doyle hears the rumours but remains silent. Ben Moran is John’s arch-enemy, a feud traced back to the Civil War. Eamon comforts and falls in love with Una Moran. His father feeling betrayed, blames Ben Moran for everything and is prepared to sacrifice Eamon in seeking vengeance as a contemporary Romeo and Juliet story unfolds.
Куда боятся ступить ангелы
Mr. Abbott
Фильм о скрытой и необузданной сексуальной жизни британского высшего общества. Во время отпуска в Италии вдова-британка сначала флиртует, а затем выходит замуж за молодого тосканца.
Shoot To Kill
Shoot to Kill is a four-hour drama documentary reconstruction of the events that led to the 1984–86 Stalker Inquiry into the shooting of six terrorist suspects in Northern Ireland in 1982 by a specialist unit of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), allegedly without warning (the so-called shoot-to-kill policy); the organised fabrication of false accounts of the events; and the difficulties created for the inquiry team in their investigation.
Lucky Sunil
Stipendary Magistrate
Young, handsome and alone in London at the start of a great career. But will Sunil's luck hold out against the seductions of pretty girls, the wiles of con-men and a hundred temptations of the great city?
Защита империи
Честолюбивый репортер Ник Маллен раскапывает историю о депутате парламента, который пользуется услугами той же девушки по вызову, что и агент КГБ. Несмотря на то, что связь между британским политиком и КГБ выглядит сомнительной, газета Ника публикует сенсационную статью, чем вызывает скандал. Ветеран журналистики Вернон, друг Ника, уверен, что депутата подставили. И после внезапной смерти Вернона Ник начинает понимать, что какие-то влиятельные люди не хотят, чтобы кто-либо отыскал правду об этой скандальной истории. Рейтинг фильма
The Comic
George Ellington
In a future police state, a stand-up comic murders a competitor for a job, then gets mixed up with a stripper.
The Aerodrome
In the future England is ruled by a fascist government, and one day the leaders begin the construction of a heavily guarded, mysterious airport. BBC adaptation of Rex Warner's 1941 novel of the same name. A stereotypical village in a somewhat alternative England is taken over wholesale by 'The Air Force.' Living in the village is young Roy, who has just learned he is not who he thought he was. Attempting to forge a new sense of identity, he joins the dashing Air Force, seduced by its dynamism and direct and brutal ways.
Сделано в Британии
Canteen Manager
Скинхэд Тревор типичный английский гопник, идущий в никуда, нюхающий клей и тупо, зло бунтующий против навязываемых правил. Он просто не знает, что делать, поэтому тырит машины и изредка гадит добропорядочным английским гражданам, скатываясь всё ниже. Перед судом его социальный работник в надежде спасти парня и поставить на рельсы общественной жизни приводит Тревора в учреждение, где должны сделать вывод о том, на что он годен, реабилитировать его. Но реабилитироваться Тревор не хочет, называет всех окружающих идиотами и требует карманных денег, огрызаясь на вялых, толстых и уродливых женщин, перемещающихся по коридорам с облупившейся краской. Игры закончились. Действительно жизнь в обществе, честность в понимании общества — это чёткое соблюдение правил. Тревор не знает, как свалить Систему, он просто расшибает о неё лоб.
Breaking Glass
Breaking Glass is the story of punk singer Kate and her meteoric rise to stardom. Starting out in the rock pubs of London, Kate, assisted by her manager Danny, becomes a huge star overnight. Once at the top the pressure is immense as Kate's band are squeezed out and she is left to cope alone in the spotlight.
Murphy's Stroke
Bank Manager
The horse Gay Future is at the centre of an Irish betting syndicate in 1974 which saw trainer Antony Collins present a poor performing horse at his stables. The betting stakes were subsequently raised, before the real horse was entered in the race.
3rd Elder (uncredited)
Цивилизация планеты Криптон стоит на грани гибели. Ученый Джор-Эл, чтобы спасти своему ребенку жизнь, отправляет его на Землю. Маленький мальчик вырастает и открывает в себе неземные возможности. Он — Супермен! Огромная сила и способность летать помогают ему в борьбе с любыми проявлениями зла. И когда коварный злодей Лекс Лютор строит зловещие планы, угрожающие всему человечеству, только Супермен может помешать ему…
Dinner at The Sporting Club
John Thaw plays Vinny Mathews a small time boxing promoter who struggles with his conscience as to whether or not to provide a fighter for a Sporting Club promotion, a fighter he knows is unfit against an opponent who is way out of his league. However Mathews needs sponsorship and this would be the ideal opportunity to mix with the "frilly shirted" sportsmen who enjoy their lavish lifestyle as fighters slug it out as the steak is served!
After 18 years as a friar, Peter is no longer sure of his vocation. It is a happy life, maybe too much so, and now he has met Clare. Will his doubts run away with him? Runaway friars are officially "fugitives" who must be persuaded back to their order. Author Sean Walsh fled the Franciscan order to become first a journalist, then a playwright and is now a radio drama producer in Ireland.
The Love-Girl and the Innocent
A BBC television adaptation of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's novel. The prisoner Nemov is an honest man serving a term of 10 years for violations of Article 58. Nemov falls in love with Lyuba, who is having sex with the camp doctor Mereshchun, in exchange for better food and living conditions.