Al Haskell


Малыш Галахад
Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Бывший солдат Уолтер Гулик возвращается на родину в Нью-Йорк. Не сумев устроиться механиком, Уолтер начинает работать спарринг-партнёром в боксёрской школе, и вскоре окружающие начинают замечать в нём серьёзный спортивный потенциал.
Holiday for Lovers
Spanish man in café
Clifton Webb as a strict, conservative father heads the cast of this 1959 comedy, about an American family vacationing in South America. Directed by Henry Levin, the film also features Jane Wyman, Jill St. John, Carol Lynley, Paul Henreid, Gary Crosby, Henny Backus, Wally Brown, Gardner McKay and Jose Greco.
Decision at Sundown
Buggy Driver
Bart Allison arrives in Sundown after a three year search for Tate Kimbrough. Although it is Kimbrough's wedding day, Allison makes it clear he blames him for the death of his wife and is out to kill him. A shoot-out in the church puts the wedding on hold and Allison and his trail-buddy hole up in the livery stable. But the reasons for his actions become increasingly unclear, while the town starts to wonder about the grip Kimbrough has over them.
Gun the Man Down
An outlaw is left for dead by his gang after being shot. A year later, he is released from jail with one thing on his mind: Revenge.
Вокруг Света за 80 дней
Fireman in Parade (uncredited)
Обогнуть земной шар всего за 80 дней? Смешно! Даже лучшие паровые корабли Ее Величества Виктории не смогут сделать это. Но точный и пунктуальный Филеас Фогг заявил, что сможет. А когда члены лондонского престижного Реформ-Клуба попросят Фогга подкрепить его похвальбу солидной денежной ставкой, мы отправимся в путешествие Вокруг света в 80 дней!
Great Day in the Morning
Barfly (uncredited)
After a card game, Southerner Owen Pentecost finds himself the owner of a Denver hotel. Involved with two women, he then has to make even more fundamental choices when, with the start of the Civil War, he becomes one of a small minority in a strongly Unionist town.
Buffalo Bill in Tomahawk Territory
Pioneer Bearded Woman (uncredited)
Story concerns the efforts of Buffalo Bill to protect the Indian's land from a gang who want to get the gold buried there. The outlaws disguise themselves as Indians and raid and plunder the settlers in order to blame the tribe.
Man in the Saddle
A small rancher is being harassed by his mighty and powerful neighbor. When the neighbor even hires gunmen to intimidate him he has to defend himself and his property by means of violence.
Abilene Trail
Jailed Cowhand (uncredited)
Whip Wilson rides again in the Monogram western Abilene Trail. Wilson and his grizzled sidekick Andy Clyde are accused of horse stealing, a hangin' offense around these here parts. Eluding the authorities, the boys take jobs at a ranch where the real crook is hiding out.
Short Grass
Steve Llewellyn hung up his guns after killing a man in self-defense, left Willow Creek and went on the drift for five years. Now he’s back. And the bad blood stirred up by his return and the violence caused by a cattleman’s grab for all the good grasslands mean Steve must strap on his sidearms again. Rod Cameron -- who became a marquee draw with a pair of espionage serials in the 1940s and went on to establish himself as a popular cowboy star -- makes Steve a hero to reckon with in Short Grass, one of the actor’s 10 films with busy shoot-‘em-up director Lesley Selander. Johnny Mack Brown, a sagebrush stalwart in his own right, plays the marshal who allies with Steve. Adding to the Western pedigree is costar Cathy Downs, who plays the title role in the iconic My Darling Clementine. Buffs will note other familiar faces, including Alan Hale, Jr., well remembered as the skipper who takes a “three-hour tour” to Gilligan’s Island.
Where Danger Lives
Postville Cowboy (uncredited)
A young doctor falls in love with a disturbed young woman and apparently becomes involved in the death of her husband. They head for Mexico trying to outrun the law.
Винчестер 73
Contest Spectator (uncredited)
Отчаянный Лин МакЭдам, преследуя убийцу своего отца, приезжает в Додж-сити со своим другом Джонни по прозвищу «Высокий клинок». Героям предстоит соревноваться в меткости на празднике города за лучший винчестер страны. МакЭдаму удается победить противника и получить дорогую винтовку, но раздосадованный враг нападает на победителя и забирает винчестер. Обозленный Лин начнет преследовать похитителя винтовки...
Огонь и стрела
Guard (uncredited)
XII век. Вся северная Италия находится год гнетом немецкого императора Фридриха Барбароссы, но горные жители Ломбардии решили сопротивляться гнету иноземного короля и одним из них стал меткий лучник Дардо, которого знают и любят все в округе, и который один в горах воспитывает сына Руди - смелого мальчишку, мать которого пять лет назад ушла от них к жестокому графу Уильриху по прозвищу "Ястреб". Однажды на дворцовой площади, меткой стрелой Дардо подстрелен любимый сокол графа Ульриха. За этот поступок, разгневанный граф приказал, отобрать сына у мятежного горца и запереть в своем замке, а самого Дардо поймать и повесить. Приспешники графа схватили парнишку, и стали преследовать отца, но к счастью ему удалось скрыться. Раненый стрелой он получил приют у друзей, где решил составить план похищения сына из плена, отмщения ненавистному графу Ульриху, и освобождения родной Ломбардии от немецкого гнета...
Яркий лист
Tobacco Worker (uncredited)
В 1894 году Брант Роял возвращается в южный город, который он вынужден был оставить с отцом из-за Синглтона, крупнейшего и богатейшего предпринимателя табачной отрасли. Роял, среди прочих планов, собирается жениться на дочери Синглтона, Маргарет, и принять в качестве приданного шикарный особняк «Яркий лист». Брант получает финансовую поддержку и возможность конкурировать с продукцией Синглтона. Наводнят ли рынок сигареты Рояла? Выберет он любовь или холодный расчет?
False Colors
Poncho Townsman
Before he was killed by Mark Foster's men, Bud Lawton willed part ownership in his ranch to Hoppy and his two pals. When the three arrive they find a fake posing as Lawton. When they expose the imposter, Foster gets the Sheriff to jail them for Lawton's murder.
The Kansan
Wounded while stopping the James gang from robbing the local bank, a cowboy wakes up in the hospital to find that he's been elected town marshal. He soon comes into conflict with the town banker, who controls everything in town and is squeezing the townspeople for every penny he can get out of them.
Wolves of the Range
Bank Customer
Dorn is after the rancher's land and is trying to stop Banker Brady from helping them. When his man Hammond kills Brady, there is a run on the bank. When Rocky volunteers to ride to the next town for money, he is ambushed by Dorn's men, loses his memory, and is jailed for supposedly stealing the money.
Дикая пленница
Безумный ученый становится одержим идеей превратить самку гориллы в человека... даже если это будет стоить человеческой жизни.
Western Cyclone
Henchman at Window
Billy the Kid is framed for murder.
Edge of Darkness
Townsman (uncredited)
The film pivots around the local Norwegian doctor and his family. The doctor's wife (Ruth Gordon) wants to hold on to the pretence of gracious living and ignore their German occupiers. The doctor, Martin Stensgard (Walter Huston), would also prefer to stay neutral, but is torn. His brother-in-law, the wealthy owner of the local fish cannery, collaborates with the Nazis. The doctor's daughter, Karen (Ann Sheridan), is involved with the resistance and with its leader Gunnar Brogge (Errol Flynn). The doctor's son has just returned to town, having been sent down from the university, and is soon influenced by his Nazi-sympathizer uncle. Captain Koenig (Helmut Dantine), the young German commandant of the occupying garrison, whose fanatic determination to do everything by the book and spoutings about the invincibility of the Reich hides a growing fear of a local uprising.
Land of Hunted Men
When a gang of outlaws led by Faro Wilson starts swiping payrolls and terrorizing the residents of a small Western town, courageous Range Busters Crash, Denny and Alibi gallop onto the scene to set things straight.
The Kid Rides Again
Billy the Kid has been wrongfully arrested for robbing a train. In order to prove his innocence, the Kid breaks out of jail and hits the trail to search for the real robbers. Along the way, he discovers that an outlaw band has been impersonating upstanding ranchers.
Dawn on the Great Divide
Buck Roberts is leading a wagon train of railroad supplies and Jim Corkle and his henchman Loder are out to stop them by using white men dressed as Indians for the attacks.
Northwest Rangers
Casino Patron
Boyhood friends grow up into different professions: one a dedicated Canadian Mountie, the other a notorious gambler.
Undercover Man
A bandit who robs both Americans and Mexicans is causing each side of the border to blame the other. Hoppy has to settle matters.
Vengeance of the West
Anita Morell arrives by stagecoach in a small California town to find her father murdered and his property being stolen by two unscrupulous townsmen. She receives help from a sympathetic lawman and from a masked rider known as "the Black Shadow" whose whip-scarred back is evidence of his own grudge against the townsmen.
Texas Trouble Shooters
The Range Busters are together again to try and stop a swindle.
In Old California
Boston pharmacist Tom Craig comes to Sacramento, where he runs afoul of local political boss Britt Dawson, who exacts protection payment from the citizenry. Dawson frames Craig with poisoned medicine, but Craig redeems himself during a Gold Rush epidemic.
The Son of Davy Crockett
Dave Crockett (Bill Elliott) comes to the aid of ranchers living on the Yucca Strip, who want their area made part of the United States. A greedy land baron, however, wants the property as his own.
Riders of Death Valley
The Saturday matinee crowd got two cowboy stars for the price of one in this lavishly budgeted western serial starring former singing cowboy Dick Foran and Buck Jones. The latter contributed deadpan humor to the proceedings, making Jones perhaps the highest paid B-western comedy relief in history. The two heroes defend the Death Valley borax miners from an outlaw gang headed by Wolf Reade. An extraordinarily strong cast -- for a serial, at least -- supported the stars, headed by Charles Bickford as Reade, Leo Carillo, Lon Chaney, Jr., and silent screen star Monte Blue. Leading lady Jeanne Kelly later changed her name to Jean Brooks and starred in the atmospheric RKO thriller The Seventh Victim (1943). Universal claimed to have spent $1 million on this serial and made sure to get their money's worth by endlessly recycling the action footage in serials and B-westerns for years to come.
Wrangler's Roost
The notorious outlaw Black Bart has reappeared and the Range Busters are sent to investigate. When they find that Black Bart is now a respectable citizen and that someone is impersonating him, they set a trap for the robber.
Sheriff of Tombstone
The mayor has sent for a gunslinger who, though appearing to clean up the town, is really to be the mayor's means of taking the town over. When Roy and Gabby arrive in Tombstone, Roy is mistaken for the gunslinger. Just as Roy is ready to expose the mayor, the real gunslinger shows up.
Border Vigilantes
Saloon Gambler
A town bedeviled with outlaws sends for Hoppy, Lucky and California after their own vigilante committee fails to solve the towns problems. Hoppy discovers that the bad guys are led by the town boss, and so are the vigilantes.
The Kid's Last Ride
Dealer Blackie
The fifth film in the 24-film Range Busters series finds "Crash", "Dusty" and Alibi, on their way to Gopher City to become the town's peace officers. In the saloon, young Jimmy Rowell is losing money in a crooked poker game to saloon owner Bob Harmon. Harmon and his henchman Bart Gill are in reality wanted-outlaw brothers Jim and Ike Breedon seeking revenge against Jimmy and his school-teaching sister Sally as their father, a circuit judge in Nebraska, had sentenced their brother Bud to be hanged. Harmon involves Jimmy, because of his gambling debts, in a robbery of a rancher known to keep large amounts of money at his ranch. The Range Busters break up the robbery, Bart is killed, as is Rancher Fleming, and Jimmy is wounded but escapes. Harmon, setting a trap for Crash, tricks Sally and Jimmy to his hideout, and Crash follows them.
Robin Hood of the Pecos
Soldier (uncredited)
Robin Hood of the Pecos is a 1941 American film starring Roy Rogers and directed by Joseph Kane. Following the Civil War, the South still faced many dangers not the least of which were the armies of carpetbaggers that descended on impoverished towns, intent on making a fast greenback at the expense of the local populace.
Billy the Kid's Gun Justice
Escaping from the law once again, Billy, Fuzzy, and Jeff ride to the ranch of Jeff's uncle only to find another family living their. They soon learn of Cobb Allen's scheme where he sells a ranch, makes sure the rancher can't pay off his note, kicks him out, and resells the ranch. But Billy has a plan to recover the ranchers' money and he sends Fuzzy to town with a fake map to a gold treasure.
Young Bill Hickok
Bill Hickok, assisted by Calamity Jane, is after a foreign agent and his guerrilla band who are trying to take over some western territory just as the Civil War is coming to a close.
Billy the Kid in Texas
Barfly Watching Fight
In the second of the "Billy the Kid" series from PRC that starred Bob Steele, Billy the Kid is being held on a trumped-up murder charge in a Mexico jail. He escapes and meets his pal, Fuzzy Jones, in Corral City, Texas, which is taking a holiday to allow the cowpunchers of the Lazy A Ranch their periodic spree. In the saloon, Billy is recognized by Dave Hendricks and Flash, two the Lazy A's bed men, as the rider who had held them up after they had robbed the express wagon a few hours earlier. Outside, Billy is ambushed and slightly wounded, and is taken to the express office by Jim Morgan where Mary Barton, the local agent, agrees to tend him until the doctor arrives. Billy turns over the loot he took from the outlaws and he is appointed sheriff, with Fuzzy as his deputy. The Lazy A gang brings in a noted gunfighter, Gil Cooper, who turns out to be Billy's brother. Billy, Gil and Fuzzy eventually rout the outlaw gang, and Gil remains behind with Mary as Billy and Fuzzy ride off.
Under Texas Skies
The story opens as Stony returns to his home town, only to discover that his sheriff father has been murdered by person or persons unknown. The new sheriff (Henry Brandon) resents the arrival of the Mesquiteers, going so far as to frame Tucson on a murder charge.
Kit Carson
Frontiersman Kit Carson fights off Indian attacks on the trail to California.
The Ranger and the Lady
While Sam Houston in in the nation's capital trying to get Texas into the Union, his aide is trying to impose a self-serving tax on the use of the Santa Fe trail. The lady owner of a wagon train is using the trail, and a Texas Ranger comes to her assistance.
Stage to Chino
Prospector (uncredited)
To investigate a gold-shipping scam, a postal inspector goes undercover and tries to infiltrate the gang he believes is responsible.
Winners of the West
Beyond Hell's Gate Pass is territory controlled by a man who calls himself King Carter; he uses a variety of schemes to prevent the railroad from being built, for fear it will finish his control of (what he considers) his land.
Зов крови
Насыщенный американский вестерн, события которого развиваются накануне Гражданской войны. Все ведет к конфликту, а в Канзасе уже начались первые бои. Со всех мест на юг под лозунгом «все в Канзас» съезжаются янки, отбирающие землю у Южан. В числе приезжих — два приятеля Боб Сетон и Эндрю Док. Они путешествуют на фургоне, оказывая различные услуги населению — лечат зубы, ремонтируют часы. При этом здоровяк Боб вступает в драки с местными жителями, а Эндрю лечит их. Авантюристы живут припеваючи, но после того, как заезжают в провинциальный город Лоренс, все меняется. Там Боб встречает красавицу Мэри и влюбляется без памяти. Фильм «Зов крови» — снят по роману Уильяма Бернетта.
Young Buffalo Bill
It's 1860 and the old Spanish land grants are being surveyed. Montez is after part of Don Regas' rancho and gets the surveyor to alter the boundary. But Don Regas still has the original grant written on a bandanna. Montez sends Indians after it but Bill Cody and Gabby fight them off and a wounded Gabby unknowingly ends up with the missing million dollar deed wrapped around his arm for a bandage.
Guerrilla (uncredited)
1864 год, Гражданская война в США подходит к концу. Сторонники южных штатов решают использовать последний шанс. В помощь своей истекающей кровью армии, они решают доставить $5 миллионов в золотых слитках из Вирджиния-Сити. Везти золото через вражеские штаты поручено капитану Ирби, у которого есть хитроумный план. Помешать этому пытается Керри Брэдфорд, капитан военной разведки союзной армии. Но о золоте узнал и главарь местной банды Маррелл. Три стороны сцепились в смертельной схватке…
Циско Кид и леди
Harbison Henchman
В фильме «Циско Кид и леди» главный герой — неуловимый грабитель банков и почтовых карет, но он защищает грудного ребёнка погибшего золотоискателя и крепко наказывает другого грабителя, имеющего среди городка благопристойную репутацию, но не имеющего совести. Словом — мотив популярной у всех народов темы благородного разбойника, Робин Гуда.
Cowboys from Texas
Cowboys from Texas is a 1939 American Western "Three Mesquiteers" B-movie directed by George Sherman.Texas has opened up land for homesteaders. Clay Allison wants their land and has his men led by Plummer try to start a range war between them and the ranchers. With each side suspecting the other of their problems, the Mesquiteers realize someone else is responsible. Stony suspects Plummer and fakes leaving the Mesquiteers to join Plummer's gang hoping to find out who it is.
Desperate Trails
A young boy helps a marshal in his battle against outlaws.
Frontier Pony Express
In the midst of the Civil War, Lassiter has a plan to get control of California. Working out of St. Joseph, he plans to send forged messages to the troops on the west coast via Pony Express. First he attempts to bribe Pony Express ride Roy Rogers. When Roy refuses he turns to the outlaw Johnson and his gang and this leads to trouble.
Rough Riders' Round-up
Roy Rogers is a cowboy who joins the Border Patrol, only to have his buddy Tommy get killed at a local saloon. Determined to get revenge at any cost, Roy and Rusty cross the border in search of Arizona Jack, the man responsible for Tommy's death.
Gold Is Where You Find It
Farmer (uncredited)
Colonel Ferris, a wealthy farmer in northern California, is strongly opposed to hydraulic mining, a new method developed during the gold rush of the 1870's, which is flooding the area's prosperous farmlands. Despite Ferris' political stance, Jared Whitney, a mining engineer from the East, becomes friends with the colonel's son Lance and falls in love with his daughter Serena. Family tensions deepen when the colonel's brother Ralph gives up farming to go to San Francisco to work for his wife Rosanna's father, Harrison McCooey, a leader in the mining venture. When Lance follows Ralph, the colonel, focusing his anger on Jared, forbids him to see Serena.
North of the Rio Grande
Hoppy's brother has been murdered and he is on the trail of the murderers. To get them he makes himself seem to be a wanted man.
Two-Fisted Sheriff
This is a remake of Columbia's 1932 "Cornered" that starred Tim McCoy. Bob Pearson saves the life of his friend, Sheriff Dick Houston, who has captured two stagecoach bandits and is about to be shot from ambush by a third. Bob is found a few days later near the murdered body of cattleman Herrick with a gun in his hand.
Mummy's Boys
Native Cop
Wheeler & Woolsey comedy about two moronic ditch diggers, recruited for an archaeology expedition, getting mixed up with jewel thieves and an ancient Egyptian "curse."
Gun Play
Rebel Soldier / Dance Brawler / Sound Track Musician (uncredited)
A cowboy comes to the aid of a lady rancher threatened by Mexican bandits who believe there is a treasure buried on her land.
Я слишком много мечтаю
Wagon Driver (uncredited)
Аннет Манард обучается своим дядей, который хочет из нее сделать оперную певицу, а девушка так молода, что не помышляет об оперной карьере, а хочет жить сейчас и сегодня. А сегодня — карнавал. Суровый дядя грозиться запереть ее в монастырь, но девушка сбегает вечером через окно, чтобы напоследок насладиться воздухом свободы и, в буквальном смысле слова, сваливается на голову молодому дарованию Джонатану, который мнит себя будущим великим композитором. После небольшой перепалки молодые идут вместе гулять, не пропуская по дороге ни одно питейное заведение, в результате чего, проснувшись на следующий день Джонатан увидел в своей комнате спящую девушку, которая оказалась его женой…
Moonlight on the Prairie
A singing medicine-show cowboy and his magician partner catch a killer.
Arizona Bad Man
The daughter of a notorious cattle thief falls for a stranger at a dance. The stranger is really a lawman who is after her father.
Terror of the Plains
Cowhand Musician
A ranch hand sets out to prove his father is innocent of murder in this B-movie Western starring cowboy hero Tom Tyler. Disguised as an outlaw, Tom Lansing (Tyler) takes up with a motley crew hiding out in a ghost town to catch the true killer. This 1934 classic co-stars Frank Rice as Lansing's sidekick, Banty, and Roberta Gale as Bess, a beautiful young captive of the outlaw gang who is in desperate need of a hero.
The Brand of Hate
Accordion Player
Trouble starts when Bill Larkins and his two sons move in with his brother Joe. They start rustling cattle and then kill Rod's father with Joe's gun. The Sheriff and Rod think they did it and are after proof.
Thunder Over Texas
Deputy / Guitar Player
A cowboy tries to protect a young woman whose father was murdered because he had railroad maps that showed the location of a proposed new line. Now the killers are after her because they think she has the maps.
Smoking Guns
Accused of a murder he did not commit, Ken leaves the country. Three years later Evans finds him in the jungle. When Evans dies, Ken seeing the resemblance, assumes his identity and returns to clear his name.
Gordon of Ghost City
A cowboy is hired to track down a gang of rustlers, but gets involved with a beautiful girl trying to run her grandfather's gold mine and other outlaws who are trying to stop her.
South of Santa Fe
Stone kills Thorton but only gets one half of the map to Thorton's gold mine. Tom arrives and, trying to help Thorton's daughter Beth, sets out after Stone and the half of the map.
The Voice from the Sky
Henchman 'Patch-Eye'
A crazed scientist calling himself The Voice from the Sky broadcasts his voice all across the globe, and threatens to suspend all energy in the earth's atmosphere and turn day into night unless the world immediately destroys all arms and vehicles of warfare. U. S. Secret Service agent Jack Deering is sent to Arizona to investigate