Joan Potau

Joan Potau

Рождение : 1945-02-03, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Смерть : 2015-02-03


Joan Potau was born in 1945 in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain) as Joan Potau Martínez. He was a writer and actor, known for El rey pasmado (1991), No respires: El amor está en el aire (1999) and Belle Epoque (1992). He was married to the actress Carme Elias. He died on February 3, 2015 in Barcelona.


Joan Potau


Haz conmigo lo que quieras
Do all men want the same thing? Nestor, recently widowed, runs a bakery near Barcelona, has a bank account and a bad heart, and swims in the sea every day. He also has a daughter and a two-timing son-in-law. Nestor's maid asks him to hire her 20-something daughter, Maribel, as a shop assistant.
Manolito Four Eyes: The Mischievous Holidays
This is a hilarious look at contemporary Madrid from the point of view of ten year old Manolito. Witty, funny and moving, the film has crossed-over from Spain to become a classic family entertainment.On this particular occasion, Manolito is in the middle of Chrismas break and ready to celebrate the holidays with his nutty family: his mother, Cata, his father, Manolo, Grandpa and Imbecile. This year holds a big surprise: Uncle Nico, his mother's brother who lives an works in Oslo as a waiter. Uncle Nico shows up in an unbelieveable motor home to spend Christmas Eve with the family. He is accompanied by his flashy Norwegian fiancée, Trudi Bergenkoklass, who is something like part fairy, part Viking and part Pippi Long Stocking. This lady immediately catches Manolito's eye.
Manolito Four Eyes: The Mischievous Holidays
This is a hilarious look at contemporary Madrid from the point of view of ten year old Manolito. Witty, funny and moving, the film has crossed-over from Spain to become a classic family entertainment.On this particular occasion, Manolito is in the middle of Chrismas break and ready to celebrate the holidays with his nutty family: his mother, Cata, his father, Manolo, Grandpa and Imbecile. This year holds a big surprise: Uncle Nico, his mother's brother who lives an works in Oslo as a waiter. Uncle Nico shows up in an unbelieveable motor home to spend Christmas Eve with the family. He is accompanied by his flashy Norwegian fiancée, Trudi Bergenkoklass, who is something like part fairy, part Viking and part Pippi Long Stocking. This lady immediately catches Manolito's eye.
San Bernardo
San Bernardo
No respires, el amor está en el aire
No respires, el amor está en el aire
Между ног
Hombre Crock
Следователь, ведущий дело об убийстве, не может и предположить, что улики выведут его на человека, который на самом деле является любовником его жены. А его жена, как выяснится, имеет проблемы, о которых он и не догадывался…
Those Who Love
A secret and deep passion marks the life of a young doctor, and threatens the existence of those around him.
Spanish Fly
A woman journalist, Zoe, knows better than to go into a story with her mind already made up. But that's exactly what she does when she heads off to Spain to write about its men and their macho take (as she sees it) on relationships. As she tries to prove her thesis, she soon realizes that she doesn't know as much about the male sex as she thought. She also finds herself involved in relationships with the wrong men.
Soul Ache
Aitor is a director making a film about a lonely man looking for love, called “Soul Ache.” While he uses his auditions to meet women, he really longs to cast actress Myriam Mezieres in the film.
Подушка с дурманом
Dos Barros
Парень — маменькин сынок решает жениться, но теряет обручальное кольцо после ночи в борделе. Поиски потерянного кольца, наркомафия, проститутки с золотым сердцем, автогонки и взрывы сменяются на экране с головокружительной скоростью…
What Makes Women Laugh?
Luci, Graci and Mar­, three sisters that make a comedy trio, go to the wedding of their father with a woman who is 45 years younger than him. During the feast Luci's husband dies in an accident. Despite the tragedy, the trio have to fulfill their commitment acting during August in Benidorm. The widow discovers thanks to a notebook that her husband cheated on her, so she decides to flirt with everyone.
Antonio, a taxi driver, his wife, and two chidren arrive one fine afternoon at a solitary beach, looking for sea-shells. However, they will find more than expected: namely, Ombasi and Yambo, two illegal African immigrants, apparently thrown back to the ocean from where they came, in search of a better life in Spain. The sun sets, and the evening, night and morning which follow see other bizarre characters entering the scene, before the Africans' and the other characters' fates are finally decided.
La mujer gafe
A woman brings ill luck to the man that loves her.
La mujer duende
The goblin woman.
All Men Are the Same
Three divorced men who share a flat live together without trouble until they hire a cleaning lady.
Tales of the Stinking Military Service
¡Semos peligrosos! (Uséase Makinavaja 2)
As soon as he is released from prison, Maki goes to look for his friend Popeye. Together they rescue the grandfather from a dangerous form of "Russian roulette" played in the asylum, and decide to take a vacation at the beach.
Изящная эпоха
Начало 30-х годов. В Испании Гражданская война. Юный красавчик Фернандо дезертировал с фронта. Он остался всего лишь на одну ночь в доме престарелого художника. Но когда сюда приехали четыре дочки художника, он понял, что задержится здесь надолго…
Makinavaja, el último choriso
A movie based on the Spanish comic strip of the same name.
The Dumbfounded King
Secundino Mirambel
Spain, under Philip IV (1621-1665). The film is based on a novel by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. The King is stunned to see the naked body of Marfisa, the most beautiful prostitute of the town and Court. After that, he also wants to see the Queen naked. However, the King, despite the opposition and the scandal of the Church, will not stop until he reaches his wishes.
Don Juan in Hell
While the last remnants of the Empire are extinguishing and King Philip II (1559-1598) is dying in the shadow of lost splendor, a man, defying the divine and human justice, turns his passions into fate and his will into law. His fame is as great as his pride. His conviction, eternal. His name, a legend: Don Juan. Free adaptation of "Don Juan" by Moliere.
Too Old to Die Young
Two friends just find any temporary jobs to get by. One of them quits his job as a waiter to move to work as a messenger; the other is working as a taxi driver. The messenger, in his comings and goings at night, go through many offices, private homes and bars and will be in the most varied situations: some of them dark, sometimes sinister and pathetic and some even pleasant.
Barrios altos
Veronica, divorced with a son, begins to organize her life and adapt to the new situation. Her problems are relegated to a second term when Carlos, her masseur, is murdered. Knowing himself in danger, Carlos left a message on Veronica's answering machine: she had to pick up a package hidden in the toilets of a railway station. From that moment, Veronica will not know the calm.
Jaume Velat (uncredited)
Leopoldo Contreras, a professor emeritus of Roman law has serious economic problems. His translations of classical authors do not give enough money to live and had to sell even their floor. To remedy the situation is offered as a slave to a former student in exchange for room and board.
The film tells the story of two writers in love with the same woman. For years, they have worked together. One day they separate. Ten years later and Ditirambo meets up with Rocabruno, at the very least to tell him his latest story. An epilogue that closes what they together have opened.
Южнее Барселоны
Traficante de armas
Одержимая поисками своего бывшего парня, 25-летняя Гумер выходит из тюрьмы в Барселоне, одном из самых популярных портовых городов Европы за незаконный оборот наркотиков и проституцию. Чаро, ее лучший друг, пытается ей помочь, хотя она не свободна, так как зависит от своего сутенера «Тони». Но Гумер уговорит Чаро бросить Тони и вместе с другими друзьями сформировать группу, чтобы начать собственное дело.