The Palestinian terror group Black September had hijacked the craft and separated passengers into groups of Jews and non-Jews. They declared that they would blow up the plane if Israel did not release hundreds of Palestinians serving prison terms for charges of terrorism.
When Mooky is fifteen, his beloved father dies a sudden death, and his place is taken by Yanek - an impulsive, rough, yet generous man who is regarded as a controversial figure due to his doings in the Holocaust in the Zonder Commando. He brutally invades Mooky's life and turns it upside-down. During Mookys teenage years, which are affected by his seductive mother Tinka, he deals with unfulfilled love for one girl and a dominated relationship with another. One day Mooky returns to his mother's home, deranged, and does something from which there is no turning back. Twenty years later, Mooky must decide whether to attend his mother's funeral and re-open his wounds of the past.
Октябрь 1973 года, за неделю до войны Судного дня. Пятеро юношей и одна женщина стоят на пороге перемен, перед лицом новых вызовов, перед началом новой жизни. Vulcan Junction — это ностальгическое путешествие в последние дни невинности, последние дни высокомерия, последние мгновения перед тем, как целая страна будет охвачена войной, которая изменит ее навсегда.
Israeli short films mini-series.
Adventures of an Israeli soldier who is mistakenly identified as the brother of one of Israel's leading soccer players.
Based on real life story of Israeli oriental singer Zohar Argov, who grew up in a poor family, became rich & famous but the drugs brought him down.