Enrico Colombo


Оргия живых мертвецов
Молодой человек Сергей Чехов наследует старинный готический замок где-то в Шотландии. Он обнаруживает, что в нем проживают две женщины, молодая вдова Надя и ее дочь Мэри, а также безумный ученый, доктор Леон, занимающийся оживлением мертвецов. Вскоре в близлежащей деревеньке начинают происходить зловещие убийства. Полицейский инспектор считает, что к этому причастен новый владелец замка…
Scream of the Demon Lover
A beautiful young woman travels to a remote estate to seek employment as a biochemist for Baron Janos Dalmar. She finds herself attracted to him, so immerses herself in her work to suppress her lusty desires. A rash of rather brutal murders occurs in the area and she soon discovers that the Baron is not what he seems.
Scream of the Demon Lover
A beautiful young woman travels to a remote estate to seek employment as a biochemist for Baron Janos Dalmar. She finds herself attracted to him, so immerses herself in her work to suppress her lusty desires. A rash of rather brutal murders occurs in the area and she soon discovers that the Baron is not what he seems.
More Dollars for the MacGregors
Production Manager
Robert MacGregor and Gladys MacGregor is a marriage that is dedicated to hunting outlaws wanted by the justice. But instead of delivering them alive, kill them in order to steal from them and also collect the reward. She deceives them and he kills treason, winning the love of great gunslinger. But ambition leads them to face a cruel and cunning murderer who kills for Donna. However, a mysterious stranger appears, Ross Stewart which initially appears to be from Robert. However, when the latter's wife dies, he unveiled plans stranger ...
More Dollars for the MacGregors
Robert MacGregor and Gladys MacGregor is a marriage that is dedicated to hunting outlaws wanted by the justice. But instead of delivering them alive, kill them in order to steal from them and also collect the reward. She deceives them and he kills treason, winning the love of great gunslinger. But ambition leads them to face a cruel and cunning murderer who kills for Donna. However, a mysterious stranger appears, Ross Stewart which initially appears to be from Robert. However, when the latter's wife dies, he unveiled plans stranger ...
The Bloody Judge
Horror icon Christopher Lee, who worked with Jess Franco on several occasions, plays Lord George Jeffreys, the infamous and merciless judge and Lord Chancellor in England torn by strife between the reigning King James II and William of Orange. Convincend of doing what's necessary, the cruel judge mercilessly persecutes 'traitors', who sympathize with the King's opponent William of Orange, as well as 'witches', who are accused of being in league with the devil...
Hell Commandos
Members of a German tank crew become trapped behind enemy lines.
Битва последнего танка
Executive Producer
Пока на свете будет существовать хотя бы два человека, то всегда между ними может возникнуть война. Иногда между противоборствующими сторонами возникает зона, в которой устанавливался мир, и она называлась ничейная земля. Именно на такой ничейной земле и разыгралась история, в которой группа нацистских танкистов со своим танком под номером 71, пытается выжить. После столкновения с американскими силами, они отправились в путь, пройти который фактически невозможно. Одержав победу над гитлеровцами на ключевом участке французского фронта, американские солдаты уже собираются отпраздновать конец войны, но к их удивлению единственный уцелевший немецкий танк под командованием фанатичного лейтенанта отказывается сдаться и упорно продолжает боевые действия.
The Fighting Men
Saverio Luparello is the manager of Sicilian baron Occipinti's estate. The cunning greedy man intentionally lets the land turn into a wasteland, hoping that his employer, discouraged by its low returns, will sell his earth to him for next to nothing. His plans are thwarted by a share cropper, Diego Costa, who farms his lot zealously and to good results.