Skander Halim


Дьявол во плоти
Кимберли Джойс на редкость привлекательная и смышленая молодая особа, шокирующе жестокая и очень способная на разного рода пакости. Эта тинейджерка из Беверли-Хиллз не остановится ни перед чем по пути к славе, и будьте уверены — она ее добьется. Уверенная в том, что мир — это ее оркестр, а она дирижер, Кимберли мастерски манипулирует всем и всеми вокруг. Она знает, как доставить удовольствие и мужчине и женщине, и как использовать тех, кого она заставляет стонать от наслаждения. Она — настоящий стратег и в паутине ее интриг оказывается вся школа. Да, что там школа — в сети Кимберли попадает весь Беверли-Хиллз!Она точно знает, что она хочет. Она не знает жалости. Ее девиз: В каждой войне свои жертвы. И куда приведут крутые виражи «Гадких шалостей», знает только Кимберли…
Executive Producer
A girl working in an isolated parking booth is accosted by a wild-eyed man who demands to be let inside because there are vampires after him. The girl must determine if the man is telling the truth.
A girl working in an isolated parking booth is accosted by a wild-eyed man who demands to be let inside because there are vampires after him. The girl must determine if the man is telling the truth.
A girl working in an isolated parking booth is accosted by a wild-eyed man who demands to be let inside because there are vampires after him. The girl must determine if the man is telling the truth.
Guest Room
In order to write his Master's Thesis in a calmer setting, a university student moves in with a dysfunctional suburban family--a flirtatious housewife, a husband who can't express his emotions, and a daughter who aspires to be a poet and is having her sexual awakening. No one can give him a moment's peace.
Guest Room
In order to write his Master's Thesis in a calmer setting, a university student moves in with a dysfunctional suburban family--a flirtatious housewife, a husband who can't express his emotions, and a daughter who aspires to be a poet and is having her sexual awakening. No one can give him a moment's peace.
Family Dinner
A teen girl directs an avalanche of snark at her boorish dad and his uncaring trophy wife during a family dinner.
Family Dinner
A teen girl directs an avalanche of snark at her boorish dad and his uncaring trophy wife during a family dinner.