Director of Photography
Welcome to Luminarias-where hot spicy dish gets served up with a Latin twist by four successful friends from East LA...with very discriminating taste in men! When separated divorce attorney Andrea finds herself guilty of falling for her white and Jewish opposing council, her three single friends choose sides in the ongoing and often hilarious debate over race and sex. As they discover just how much negative stereotypes color their relationships with men-and even with each other-it becomes clear that the search for Mr. Right is not exactly black and white! Written by Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
Director of Photography
Popstar dies by accident, and Heaven's bureaucrats send her back to earth to inhabit a different body.
Director of Photography
Three stories about three high middle class women from Mexico City who are unfaithful to their partners. 1) Julieta is a married with Eduardo, a publicist addicted to work. 2) Clara is a capricious and fickle girl who is committed to marry Ricardo, a lawyer, until she meets Alfonzo, the architect in charge of remodeling the apartment where the couple will live when they get married. 3) Mariana and Rafaela are married for 10 years and have a daughter, but she is dissatisfied with their marriage until she decides to contact Armando, a man much older than her, through a magazine contact.
Three moments in the life of Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas; his youth encounter with the natives; his resignation in maturity to lands and encomiendas to evangelize and defend justice and dignity against the cruelty of the Spanish and his reflections at the end of his life
Director of Photography
A young man completing an assignment for his film class invites Marieda, a middle-aged woman, over to his aunt's house to rehearse for a drama she believes they will eventually record. But she doesn't realize that she is being videotaped since her arrival.
Director of Photography
Two reformatory kids grow up and become movers in the drug trade.
Director of Photography
A beautiful woman is abandoned by her husband during their honeymoon, she stays alone in the hotel where she meets other guests and listen to their stories.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Alicia Conde is famous and successful cabaret singer is going to marry Octavio and quit her career. But this Octavio turns to be a gambler and in a few months he loses all family's fortune. Alicia decided to come back to that cabaret and sing again. The cabaret owner Don Lalo wants her to be his love and his girlfriend Elena finds out about it. She kills him and makes people and police think that Alicia is guilty for this murder. Being imprisoned Alicia must find a prove that she's innocent. And the only prove is a VHS with the record of that murder which was stolen from Elena by her ex-lover. Alicia goes through beatings, humiliation, takes drugs and finally faces with Elena and her ex-lover to get the prove of her innocence...
Director of Photography
George Trent, a British spy, has gone incommunicado in Ibiza. Appleton Porter (Donald Sutherland) is sent to find out what happened to Trent. Porter settles into a small hotel with several busybody guests. He probes them for information about Trent, their former neighbor. Meanwhile, the spy survives several attempts on his life as he attempts to solve the mystery.
Director of Photography
Rudy, an American of Hispanic descent, whose south-of-the-border looks show him no mercy during an immigration raid in a migrant worker factory. As his luck goes, he is caught with neither money nor his ID and is deported to Mexico - without speaking a word of Spanish!
Director of Photography
Полицейский Ник Берзек и его напарник Хэзелтайн вместе составляют отличную комбинацию горячей головы и холодного разума. Полицейские идут по следу наркоторговцев, и интуиция подсказывает им, что сбытом наркотиков занимается сам местный мэр Де Коста.
Director of Photography
Продолжение фильма «Копи царя Соломона». Герой возвращается в Африку в поисках своего брата, идущего по следам затерянного белого племени.
Director of Photography
У Патриции Гудвин есть карта, которая может привести к золотому кладу ацтеков. Но в одиночку хрупкой женщине с такой миссией не справиться! Поэтому она нанимает двух дюжих авантюристов, готовых за золотые посулы пройти вместе с ней сквозь огонь и воду. Это Макс и его приятель Лео. Троица охотников за древностями отправляется в путь, который будет полон и опасностей, и препятствий, и смешных моментов! Если их дерзкий план будет осуществлен, трое друзей вернутся домой богачами!
Director of Photography
Прославленный и нестареющий Чарльз Бронсон играет Джека Мерфи, детектива из Лос-Анджелеса, «крутого парня», немногословного, сурового и решительного. И вдруг он становится мишенью… женщины-убийцы, поклявшейся уничтожить его и действующей, как настоящий профессионал.
Вскоре выясняется, что не только эта психопатка желает Мерфи смерти: на хвост ему села гангстерская группировка… как всегда у Ли Томпсона, все очень динамично, много стрельбы, драк, погонь, крови. Выполнено все это на высоком качественном уровне, захватывает и не отпускает до самого конца.
Director of Photography
Отец главной героини отправляется на поиски бриллиантовых копей царя Соломона и пропадает без вести. Очаровательная Джесси Хьюстон затевает рискованное сафари для его спасения. Кто же будет ее проводником? Легендарный солдат удачи, известный как Куотермейн. Чтобы добраться до сокровищ и опередить кровожадного соперника, им приходится преодолеть множество препятствий: от голодных каннибалов и гигантских пауков до зыбучих песков и озер бурлящей лавы. Но нет преград, способных остановить любящие сердца!
Director of Photography
Margo is an ex-stripper who meets her long, lost father in Mexico. She looks after him in the waning days of his life, with the help of a traveling projectionist. The father passes away, telling of the loot from a botched bank robbery that he buried years earlier. The two get jobs in town as their relationship grows and they search for the treasure on the weekends. But while the treasure seems to bring them together, it also seems to be tearing them apart.
Director of Photography
Evil Nerd Menlo wants to get revenge on some surfers by selling a bad batch of soda called Buzz Cola which turns people into mutant zombies. Its up to Jocko, Chuck, Bob and their surfer buddies to save the day.
Director of Photography
Cristina Carver (Angelica Maria) finds herself in dire straits after she arrives to spend some time with her TV-reporter husband (Dean Stockwell) who is visiting a Latin American country run by a military dictator. After a car accident one day, Cristina brings the helpful Col. Kostik (Donald Pleasence) home and then kills him in self-defense when he violently attempts to rape and murder her. Terrified, she covers up her act and hides the body, yet in spite of her husband's efforts to protect her, a local police detective starts to figure out what really happened.
Director of Photography
To maintain his powers, the evil wizard Traigon must sacrifice his firstborn child to the god Caligara. His wife, however, has other ideas and runs away after giving birth with her twin daughters. Before dying, she hands the girls over to the warrior Krona who promises to raise them as great soldiers. Twenty years later, Traigon returns and begins hunting down his daughters once again. Will the twins, with the help of the Barbarian Erlik and the Viking Baldar, be able to defeat their father?
Director of Photography
Президент компании нанимает сыщика, чтобы разыскать его дочь, пропавшую во время путешествия по Мексике. Ему в помощь он даёт своего сотрудника, такого же "человека-катастрофу", как и она, полагая что это поможет быстрее напасть на след. В поисках девушки "невезучие" переживают массу умопомрачительно смешных приключений.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Задолго до нашего времени. Во время ритуала в пещере двое воров пытаются украсть из алтаря священный предмет в виде кисти, но их замечают и ловят. Мужчину убивают сразу, а женщине отрубают кисть руки. Кисть ожила и попыталась ретироваться, но её запрятали в металлический футляр. Наши дни. Дженнифер Бэйнс приезжает к своему мужу Марку на рудник в Мексику. Она находит потайную пещеру внутри которой стоял алтарь. Марк вместе с Дженнифер поехал домой. Вдруг, мы видим подземный храм, он озарился светом, и в нём проявилась кисть, которая в мгновение ока уже перенеслась в дом Бэйнсов. Она схватила ногу Дженнифер, когда та мирно спала. Женщина закричала, и её муж схватил дьявольскую конечность, но после кратковременной схватки, отродье исчезло. Зато муж изменился. Стал себя странно вести. Убить носителя такой конечности будет мало, ведь рука сразу находит себе нового. Для этого ей достаточно подержаться за руку другого человека, как тот сразу становится одержимым убийствами.
Director of Photography
A shy, lonely film buff embarks on a killing spree against those who browbeat and betray him, all the while stalking his idol, a Marilyn Monroe lookalike.
Director of Photography
Гифф Хойт — владелец кафе в Кабобланко, Перу, после Второй мировой войны оказывается зажатым между ищущими убежища нацистами и их противниками. После убийства в море исследователя затонувших кораблей, представленного коррумпированной местной полицией как несчастный случай, Гифф становится подозрительным. Шеф полиции также запугивает новоприбывшую Мари и Гифф вмешивается, чтобы помочь ей. Гифф подозревает Бекдорфа нацистского беглеца, живущего в том же регионе. Как выясняется, Бекдорф ищет способ выявить затонувшие сокровища.
Director of Photography
War veterans visit a lakeside cabin for a week of shooting, drinking, etc. but find the cabin being looked after by a young caretaker named David. When David's status as a war deserter is revealed, all hell breaks loose.
Director of Photography
Vito gets out of jail after serving ten years and tries to find out who killed his younger brother.
Director of Photography
Авантюрная комедия о страховом агенте, который должен выехать в Акапулько, чтобы расследовать таинственную смерть одного магната. Чтобы сохранить свое инкогнито, он нанимает нью-йоркскую модель, которая должна изображать в этой поездке его жену. В Мексике красотка большую часть времени проводит на пляже, в то время, как ее фиктивный муж упрямо продолжает расследование, которое вполне может стоить им обоим жизни...
Director of Photography
A group of teenagers drive out into the desert in search of sex, beer, and general good times. When their van breaks down, they find a group of prospectors who welcome the kids and offer them a place to stay until they can get help. It soon becomes evident, however, that there is more to these prospectors than they claim, and soon the teens are fleeing for their lives.
Director of Photography
An abusive sexual relationship between a white spinster schoolteacher and a young black janitor in 1956 Kansas complicates her struggle to come to grips with her sexuality and emotions.
Director of Photography
The film dramatizes the life of Isabel "la Negra" Luberza Oppenheimer. Pablo, a Caribbean peasant, and Isabel, a politician's mistress, open a brothel that becomes internationally famous. Though they gain wealth and power, the one thing that Isabel seeks continues to elude her.
In 1809, a woman participates in the conspiracy for the independence of Mexico and her husband blames her for infidelity.
Director of Photography
In the context of a visit by the President of the United States to Mexico, there is a threat that China will attack his life. Policeman Filiberto is commissioned to avoid it, at any cost. His searches in the Chinatown will lead him to endanger his life, while he will find love in the young Marta.
Director of Photography
When a worker is found murdered on the construction side, the investigation swiftly turns from things criminal to the political circumstances surrounding the building itself. Widespread corruption and neglect by the builder himself are seen to have brought the situation about. Much of the movie is filmed using hand-held cameras, and the majority of the dialogue is in the difficult-to-understand and very slangy Spanish dialect of Mexico City's bricklayers.
In the middle 70's in the mexican state of Guanajuato, authorities discover a clandestine burial ground, the corpses were from murdered prostitutes. The suspects are three sisters known as "Las Poquianchis".
Director of Photography
Kalimán: Women want to be with him, men want to be him! That old adage fits this character. The superhero was huge in Mexico, the subject of comic books and a radio show that was as popular as the Shadow's was in the States. He's a very philosophical, peace loving man who uses his brains and heart as well as brawn in his capers.
Director of Photography
In Mexico City's infamous Lecumberri prison, three drug-addicted convicts celebrate getting drugs from one of their the mothers. They are found out and locked up in the "apando," the dreaded punishment cell. Protests over the treatment of those held in the cell lead to a bloody confrontation.
Director of Photography
Sam Longwood, a frontiersman who has seen better days, spies the gold-mine partner, Jack Colby, who ran off with all the gold from a mine they were prospecting fifteen years earlier. He tells his other partners from that time, Joe Knox and Billy, and they confront Colby demanding not only the thousand dollars he took but an addition fifty-nine thousand for their trouble. After being thwarted in this attempt, they, and a would-be named Thursday, hatch a plan to kidnap Colby's wife, Nancy Sue, who is coincidently Sam's old flame, but find that Nancy Sue is not the sweet girl that Sam remembers.
Director of Photography
Мексика 1960-х годов. Группа студентов отправляется в небольшой город Сан-Мигель Каноэ. Там их по ошибке принимают за коммунистов-подстрекателей, из-за чего они становятся жертвами травли невежественных местных жителей.
Director of Photography
A Romanian aristocrat retreats to a desert isle with his wife and servants on the eve of World War II.
Director of Photography
Стив Престон возвращается домой во время начинающейся сильной бури. Неожиданно его лицо начинает растекаться под дождем, а он начинает что-то лепетать о какой-то священной книге и о неком сатанинском культе. Стив умирает, его жена исчезает, а Марк, один из его сыновей, оказывается в плену у Джонатана Корбиса - лидера секты поклонников Сатаны, ждущих вот уже три столетия, чтобы воцарить своего повелителя в этом мире.
Director of Photography
Englishman Robinson Crusoe, stranded alone on an island for years, is overjoyed to find a fellow man, a black islander whom he names Friday. But Crusoe cannot overcome the shackles of his own heritage and upbringing and is incapable of seeing Friday as anything other than a savage who needs Crusoe's brand of cultural and religious enlightenment. Friday attempts to share his own more generous and unashamed culture, but ultimately realizes that Crusoe can never see him as anything but an inferior being. With that awareness, Friday sets out to turn the tables on Crusoe.
Director of Photography
A husband, wife and their son are stranded on a remote island with no way off; as the son grows older, sexual tensions emerge.
The life of the Mexican muralist José Clemente Orozco and his quest to create a career in New York.
Director of Photography
Американец Бенни, заброшенный богом и судьбой в занюханный мексиканский городок, работает тапером. Все его проблемы могут решить деньги, которых нет. Но однажды ему предлагают приличную сумму — 10 тысяч долларов. Для этого он должен всего-навсего доставить крупному мексиканскому землевладельцу голову некоего Альфредо Гарсиа — человека, от которого беременна его дочь.
Director of Photography
A mechanic takes his family to a car race and a series of events occur which brings problems, betrayals, violence and the unexpected death of an elderly person.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A woman is dissatisfied with her husband and resorts to another woman.
Director of Photography
A man becomes more and more infatuated with his childhood sweetheart leading to a haunting encounter with horror.
Director of Photography
Сюжет разворачивается в 1920-х годах в неназванной латиноамериканской стране, похожей на Мексику в период восстания кристерос. Троица иностранцев - ирландский авантюрист Эммет Кеог в компании с грабителем банков Ван Хорном, который переоделся в священника, и с обманувшим их контрабандистом Дженнингсом - вынуждены в обмен на помилование от расстрела согласиться свергнуть местного сумасшедшего деспотичного лидера.
Three interwoven stories where the characters experience deception, passion, love and rejection.
Director of Photography
Дикий Запад. Гражданская война только что закончилась и чернокожие получили долгожданную свободу, а вместе с ней и право на владение собственной землёй. Человек по имени Бак занимается тем, что проводит бывших рабов через опасные территории к заветной земле. Это совсем не нравится вчерашним рабовладельцам, поля которых опустели от дешевой рабочей силы. Дабы вернуть чернокожих обратно, они нанимают бандитов. Бак встречает человека, зовущего себя Проповедник, вместе с которым он будет противостоять головорезам.
Director of Photography
Shmuck makes a superhero costume, rides his bike to crime scenes. He gets involved with something big involving US capitalists taking over local Mexican businesses.
Director of Photography
A surreal romantic comedy
Director of Photography
Debauched playboy has a hypochondriac streak and an unscrupulous doctor that profits from it.
Director of Photography
This is the story of a man, Emiliano Zapata, and of a revolution, the Mexican Revolution.
Director of Photography
A man goes on a trip and then returns to his village pretending that everything went well for him.
A Dominican friar finds himself wrapped in tangled skirts because he is mistaken for his twin brother, a womanizer.
A young woman falls in love with a classical pianist and has problems with her friends from high society.
Director of Photography
A movie divided in two segments, the first "La puerta" (The Door) is about a high society gathering in which a door inside the mansion leads to a bizarre corridor where a naked and menacing human figure appears. The second "La mujer del carnicero" (The Butcher's Wife) is set during the Mexican revolution and is about horrifying hallucinations felt by a lieutenant after committing a murder.
Director of Photography
The story of the 65th Infantry Regiment of the US Army composed almost entirely of Puerto Ricans and who participated in the Korean War, suffering heavy casualties.
Director of Photography
Ángel Maura, a seminarian with an innate talent, has an ideal voice for singing. Offers of work and money arise, but Ángel rejects them because he wants to continue his preparation as a priest. His cousin of the same name, however, decides to impersonate him in order to gain fame and fortune. A fan of the singer begins to go out with him, but soon discovers that she is in love with the wrong person.
Director of Photography
The beautiful Agent 00 is sent by the girlfriend of a mafia boss to catch his band of miscreants.
Director of Photography
Two little poor kids, who work selling chewing gum in the streets, must face the true nature of the horror surrounding them
Director of Photography
Anthology movie, three cynical "contes cruels."
Director of Photography
The daughter of an American marriage in Puerto Rico forces her parents to find a doll that her father mistakenly sent in a box of aid during a flood.
Camera Operator
То Джексон (Джон Уэйн) выходит из тюрьмы. Его выпускают через 3 года досрочно за хорошее поведение. Отправил его в тюрьму некий мистер Пирс, который при этом захватил в свое владение земли и ранчо Джексона, начав на этих землях добычу золота. Пирс опасается мести со стороны Джексона и нанимает стрелка Ломакса (Кирк Дуглас), чтобы тот убил Джексона, но "по закону", т.е. спровоцировав на драку или перестрелку
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The Blue Demon faces a murderous satanic hypnotist.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Manuel, the manager of the (real-life) Hotel Condado Beach in San Juan, and his assistant Paquito decide to promote their establishment by offering free "honeymoons in Puerto Rico" to newlywed couples.
Director of Photography
Jíbaro Machuchal inherits a piece of land in Condado Beach. When he arrives, he finds a hotel has been built on his land.
Wrestler vs mad-scientist with werewolf serum.
Director of Photography
After the Civil War, a southern boy, aged 12, runs away from his foster home, wanders the countryside, and meets various odd characters along the way, including Milo, a mysterious drifter who may or may not be the vengeful "Fool Killer" of folklore.
Director of Photography
A sailor decides to marry his girlfriend, but her boss is in love with her and orders a beating for her boyfriend. Once the sailor regains consciousness, he is accused of murder and must flee. Once he gets to the port, however, he is beaten again, losing his memory as a consequence.
Director of Photography
A popular singer is suspected of being involved with a notorious drug dealer, el Tiburón (the Shark). Meanwhile, a friend of the singer is recruited by Interpol to find the criminal's real identity.
Director of Photography
In a New York hospital, a man is cured of heroin addiction after a grueling three-month treatment. Although no longer an addict, he has complete amnesia: the only clues to his past are an expensive ring he was wearing when admitted, and a book of matches from a Puerto Rican nightclub. He pawns the ring and buys clandestine passage on a boat to Puerto Rico in search of his identity.
Director of Photography
The spectacular beauty of María awakens the most hot and crazy passions among all the men of the island, including Jorge and Roberto. The two fishermen will vie for her love, by any means necessary.
Director of Photography
Маленький Хуанито обладает абсолютным музыкальным слухом, из-за чего с трудом выносит обычную какофонию индейского пуэбло, в котором мальчику не посчастливилось родиться. При первой возможности он убегает подальше от людей, туда, где существует только музыкальное птичье пение, которому Хуанито вторит на самодельной скрипке, сделанной из доски и натянутых жил. Но однажды мать взяла его на рынок, чтобы купить выходной костюм, и там малыш впервые услышал звуки настоящей скрипки, на которой играл одинокий чудаковатый старик по имени Янко. С этой минуты у пожилого скрипача появился верный ученик, на лету схватывающий все музыкальные премудрости. Но век Янко подходил к концу, и однажды Хуанито нашел на дверях хижины своего учителя черный бант. А волшебная скрипка, подарившая мальчику столько счастливых минут, повисла мертвым грузом в лавке местного коммерсанта…