Mons. Paul Marcinkus
Cardinale Feltin
This is a two-part Italian television mini-series directed by Giorgio Capitani and broadcasted in April 2002 on Rai Uno. It is the life story of Pope John XXIII, nicknamed "the good Pope".
Dr. Van Kleest
As every year, German brewery tycoon Karl Schneibel spends the summer holiday on an Italian island with his beloved grandson Christian, near the children's home run by his ma, Dr. Gioia. This year however, Christian's heart isn't in his summer fling but his lover at home, Anna, daughter of Karl's general manager Dr. Werner. Christian has a bad eye in Veronica, the woman who became Karl's much younger lover 'by travel fate', the first thing soon proved untrue. But by then, the Schneibel firm and estate have been taken over according to an elaborate conspiracy, which Christian takes on with some help from his friends.
Principe Bassompierre
In 17th century France, a theater troupe is allowed by its patron to go to Paris to produce an erotic play. The head of the troupe dreams of fame while his wife, the leading actress, and a new leading girl fall for each other.
Дарио и Лючиана, молодая супужеская пара, живут в тихом районе. Дарио большую часть дня проводит дома, работая за компьютером. На этой же лестничной клетке живёт также молодая семья, Карла и Доменико, на первый взгляд, очень приветливые и приятные люди. На самом деле они ведут двойную жизнь. В нужное время они становятся киллерами, которые работают на преступные организации, убирая неудобных свидетелей. Когда Дарио и Лючиана узнают об этом, они сначала не знают, как себя вести в данной ситуации, но потом решают самостоятельно разоблачить преступников, тем самым подвергая свою жизнь опасности.
The President
On June 30, 1990, in Rome, Marie Christine is getting ready to take her son Pietro and Paolo to their father for the weekend. As the Football World Cup is taking place in Italy, Rome is flooded with supporters; the traffic is chaotic and French-born Marie Christine, who works as a translator, finds a bag that belongs to Miriam, who must leave the next day. Marie Christine decides to find her to return her passport, but one Giuliano Ferrini tries to prevent this. So Marie Christine finds herself navigating through a hot Roman night in a city she doesn't know, among people she never dreamed could inhabit the same city.
Dr. Wargnier
Serious, logical Martha (Barbara Sukowa) and dreamy, superstitious Anna (Stefania Sandrelli) have been best friends. That is, until Martha's lover Victor (Sami Frey) decides he'd rather be Anna's lover. Mortified, Martha flees to Africa, leaving the field clear for her ex-friend. When Anna comes down with cancer, she pleads with Victor to get her to come back and somehow put this rupture in their friendship behind them. Curiously, Martha does come back, and after some understandable tension and a few bitter words, they manage to reestablish their friendship, though it is now on a different basis.
Don Guglielmo
Купец и махинатор дон Арпагоне, чтобы избежать нежелательного брака с сестрой кардинала, должен немедленно жениться. В качестве свахи для поиска невесты он призывает пронырливую Фрозину, которая управляет принадлежащим опять-таки Арпагону подпольным казино-борделем. Фрозина устраивает для престарелого жениха кастинг невест - и где бы вы подумали? В церкви! Кардинал решает покарать строптивого Арпагона и лишить его самого ценного в жизни - золота и богатств, хранящихся в знаменитом сейфе купца. Однако его высокопреосвященство не знает, что хитрый дон Арпагоне уже давно нанял швейцарских механиков-часовщиков, чтобы они сделали для него защиту от воров - а также от глупых и самонадеянных церковников.
Dr. Marc Duvivier
Anne is convinced she has found her husband's corpse, but Dr. Mark can only find out that the man has gone home. When he comes back, his wife does not trust Mark, who believes she suffers from schizophrenia.
A young man lies in a hospital suspended between life and death. The police know nothing about him. The patient, in his rare moments of consciousness, only remembers his gang’s involvement in a robbery of a rare painting, and the mysterious Madame Jacno who commissioned Fabrizio, the gang leader, to steal the work of art. But someone is still trying to kill the patient, and as his life is continually threatened, his memory slowly comes back to him…!
Gen Guillaume
Действие фильма происходит в Италии в конце Второй мировой войны, после высадки там американских войск.
Presidente club piscina
Italian tearjerker about an up and coming swimming star struggling with a serious illness.
Dr. Ben-Joseph
The viscous conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is now a generation old. For many of the children of the region, the terrorist war has been going on for their entire lifetimes, killing their family and friends, and overshadowing their lives. They are the Children of Rage
A war film based on the novel "Journey into the Vertigo" by Evgenija Solomonovna Ginzburg
Matty Smith
A Harlem drug dealer and his girlfriend retire to Rome, where he joins an African revolution.
Major Taussig
Рок Хадсон в роли американского офицера, объединяющего свои силы с итальянцами, спасшими его от немцев, в напряженной драме о Второй мировой войне.
Paul Giroux
A veteran secret service officer from Britain hijacks a government shipment of $15 million of gold out of an irritation for never being knighted.
Maj. Sanders
Северяне уже вовсю теснят по всем фронтам южан, общая победа предрешена, но война ещё не окончена.. Одного из пленённых южан Гэри Диамонда, которого сыграл героический Джулиано Джемма, просят в качестве проводника довести двух северян до форта Юма…
A scepter is stolen, and it's hunted for by various groups of international robbers and spies, for various reasons - in a parody of 007 movies.
A scepter is stolen, and it's hunted for by various groups of international robbers and spies, for various reasons - in a parody of 007 movies.
Западный Берлин. Перебежчик из СССР неожиданно погибает, успев передать союзникам лишь часть секретной информации…
Nicholas 'Nick' Mann
An Interpol agent is tasked with investigating the deaths of several other agents.
Maj. Bobrinski
История о мужестве и борьбе за жизнь военных и дипломатов, в 1900 г. попавших в западню в закрытой зоне Пекина. С молчаливой поддержки императрицы Китая, их осадили тысячи восставших против иностранцев китайских фанатиков. Разногласия забыты перед лицом опасности, забыта и борьба за сердце прекрасной, русской графини. Все вовлечены в ужасные события…
Tenente Fiorelli (uncredited)
Два простака завербовываются в итальянскую армию во время Первой Мировой войны и по чистой случайности умудряются помочь выиграть важное сражение.
The decurion Randus holds himself so well in the command of his troops, that Caesar promotes him to centurion. He is subsequently sent to Egypt, to keep Cesar informed on the actions and intentions of co-triumvir Marcus Licinius Crassus - a man too rich, and ambitious, for Caesar's comfort. A fateful sea trip from Egypt to Rome forces Randus in captivity by mercenary troops, and leads a revolt by which he gets freedom for himself, and all the other slaves. Through an amulet he received from his late mother, a man who had fought by Spartacus' side, identifies the young man as Spartacus' and Varinia's son. At first reluctant to accept this story about his origins, Randus will be forced by the circumstances to repeat the feat of his father, twenty years later.
Twin brothers were raised by wolves, revolt against tyranny in pre-Roman Italy and then come to a parting of the ways as they lead their people toward the founding of a new city, the founders of Rome.
Caius Vinicius
A Roman soldier falls in love with the daughter of a Greek city's anti-Roman leader.
A Roman nobleman, Horatius leads an imperial legion during the long and bloody war between the Romans and the Albans. A desperate arrangement is agreed on how to settle the war. Three valiant brothers are chosen from each side to fight one last fierce and bloody duel...
Maciste's village is attacked by pirates. The women, including Maciste's fiancee Guja, are carried off to Salmanak, where dwells the lair of the blood drinking Kobrak. Maciste vows to rescue them.
Jefferson Thompson
Tony Meneghini
A young impoverished aristocrat and struggling writer falls for the charms of an aspiring starlet, whose amoral nature and hungry curiosity drives her from one adventure to another.
После набега одного из монголо-татарских племен на стойбище своих врагов в живых осталась только маленькая девочка с типично татарским именем Таня. Вождь орды, одно из селений которого подверглось набегу, подобрал ее и воспитал в духе воинов. После гибели своего воспитателя, которого звали еще одним исконно монгольским именем Игорь, Таня встала во главе орды и повела ее в набег на богатые китайские земли. Но вождь племени, что когда-то вырезал весь род нынешней повелительницы татар, хоть и признал над собой власть Тани, но явно замыслил недоброе…
A group of people are trapped in a theatre and one of them is a killer.
During the 3rd century B.C. a horde of barbarians are hired by the Phoenian city of Carthage to fight against the Roman empire, but when the city's ruler is unable to fulfill the promised payment made to the mercenaries, they attack the African settlement, where Salammbô --the king's daughter and high priestess of goddess Tanit- tries to settle the matter when the Barbarian leader who has fallen for her steals the sacred veil of Carthage from the temple, without taking into account the evil schemes of a powerful member of the council of wise men.
The star
Журналист Марчелло — наблюдатель и участник всех эпизодов жизни итальянской элиты конца 50-х годов. Женщины как тени сменяют друг друга, не задевая его чувств, даже явление американской кинодивы Сильвии, воплощения сексуальности и порока, не выводит его из ступора. Внезапное самоубийство его друга Штайнера, пришедшего к мысли о бессмысленности их жизни, приводит Марчелло к катарсису, но надолго ли…
Marco Valenti
An actor fails to find success in the film world but falls in love with a theatre manager's daughter.
Julianus, Roman Centurian
Царица Пальмиры Зенобия восстала против власти Рима. Ее армии удается разбить легион консула Марка Валерия и пленить самого командующего. Но с помощью оставшихся на свободе легионеров тому удается бежать. Вместо того, чтобы вернуться в Рим, Марк Валерий тайно пробирается в Пальмиру и предлагает свои услуги Зенобии. Тем временем, Рим отправляет в Сирию два новых легиона, и одновременно на страну готова напасть Персия, чьим шпионом является ближайший советник царицы Земанзий.
Bob Lebel
There is a lot of excitement in the high society of Venice: An Arab prince, who always travels incognito, is said to be in the city. By chance, the elegant Isabella gets to know the handsome heir to the throne - and it does not take long for her to fall madly in love with him. Isabella has no idea that her dream man is really the impostor Gérard, who looks remarkably like the prince and was hounded by the sleazy crook Alfredo on Isabella to steal their precious jewelry.
The Baron, leader of the escapees
Карло со своей сестрой Анной и её двумя подругами отдыхают на Эльбе. В это время из тюрьмы убегают пятеро заключённых. Угрозами и насилием преступники пытаются заставить молодых людей помочь им убежать с острова..
Ссора молодого нобиля Федерико с командиром гвардейцев Чезаре Борджиа Асторре обратила на себя внимание всесильного герцога. Ему понравилась дерзость юноши и его умение обращаться со шпагой. Не замечая недовольство своего подчинённого, Чезаре берёт Федерико к себе на службу. Вскоре нового гвардейца замечает любвеобильная сестра герцога, Лукреция. Однако молодой человек отказывается от чести стать любовником герцогини, что не уберегает его от ревности со стороны Асторре. В довершение несчастий Чезаре Борджиа обращает своё внимание на невесту Федерико Диану д’Альва. Не сумев добиться благосклонности девушки, он приказывает Асторре похитить её…
Ghino Perticari
Gérard Sandret
A bossy count has trouble marrying off any of his six sons. When one of them, Adam, finally makes wedding arrangements, something happens to his bride to be: she develops amnesia after an accident.
The god Zeus sends Venus, the goddess of love, to Earth to find her own true love.
Carlo De Montel
In the military academy of the Nisida Air Force a new course begins which sees among the new recruits called "chicks": Giorgio, forced by his father after he squandered millions at the gaming table; De Montel son of a general, Mario who wants to follow in the footsteps of his father who died in combat; Antonio who declares himself Neapolitan while coming from the province and Ugo who comes from the north.
Prince Paris of Troy, shipwrecked on a mission to the king of Sparta, meets and falls for Queen Helen before he knows who she is. Rudely received by the royal Greeks, he must flee...but fate and their mutual passions lead him to take Helen along. This gives the Greeks just the excuse they need for much-desired war.
Captain Guy Bertrand
Arriving in IndoChina by parachute, Captain Guy Bertrand and his comrades make a courageous stand against the Communist forces. Jump into Hell is one of the first films to deal with the ongoing conflict in Vietnam or, as it was still known in 1955, French IndoChina.
An Italian woman has a son with an African American soldier after World War II ends.
Giovanni Belloni
The story takes plays during the annual Good Friday pageant in a tiny Italian village. Local priest Don Vincenzo faces a crisis when the girl selected to play the Virgin Mary shows up pregnant.
Roberto aka Roby, Lucia's Husband (segment "Amore 1954")
Six episodes (adapted from as many short stories: Gozzano, D'Annunzio, Guido Rocca, Marino Moretti, Alba de Céspedes and Oreste Biancoli), six love stories set in different moments in italian recent history.
An Italian Air Force officer is pursued and captured by the Allied police and is charged with the bombing of a hospital ship. Through the efforts of his sweetheart, a witness is found who proves the bombing was not intentional but the result of being hit by enemy fire. A four-way romantic involvement is also part of the mix that includes an Allied officer and Viennse beauty Lida. The latter was once in love with the accused and has a child by him.
A group of illegal immigrants find a job in a French mine and organizes strikes to improve their working condition.
An undercover policeman infiltrates a criminal gang.
Count Giorgio Danieli
After her father commits suicide, a young woman asks for help to the son of a Countess and they fall in love.
A landowner loves a good girl, but is ensnared by another richer woman who is actually aiming for her fortune. This she will be able to temporarily make the two young men go away but the man makes his girlfriend understand that her is true love; he realizes that he has been the victim of a scam and will bring the woman he has always loved to the altar.
Blaise d'Orliac
Set in a tiny village near the Riviera, the story concerns a diverse group of has-beens and losers.The Countess (played by Denise Vernac,Von Stroheim's secretary and constant companion in real life) entertains her jaded guests by screening dirty movies. Failed writer Blaise (Jacques Sernas) is saddled with an alcoholic wife (Dora Doll). And idealistic young Violaine (Etchika Choureau) is slowly dying of tuberculosis. The lives of all these people become intertwined through a sudden -- but not unexpected -- act of violence.
The plot concerns a songwriter, played by Jacques Sernas who leaves his sweetheart and publisher when he learns that he is going blind.
Carlo Dazzeni /Roberto Dazzeni
I figli non si vendono (literally, Children must not be sold) is a 1952 Italian melodrama film by Mario Bonnard
The story of Giuseppe Garibaldi's 1849 campaign to free Italy from Austrian domination.
Piero is the leader of a group of university students who lead a carefree life. Finding himself in trouble and in need of money, he turns to criminal means—receiving aid from Daniela, the daughter of a rigid magistrate.
Just before wowing international critics and moviegoers with his adventure romp Fanfan la Tulipe, director Christian-Jaque dashed off the lampoonish Barbe-Bleue. Ostensibly the story of the famed wife-killing potentate Bluebeard (Pierre Brasseur), this lighthearted costumer begins as the title character is poised to march down the matrimonial aisle for the eighth time. Barbe-Bleue's newest spouse Aline (Cécile Aubry) is kept in line by her husband's claims of murdering her predecessors. But when Aline opens the famous locked door to the equally famous hidden room, both she and the audience are in for quite a surprise. The frivolous nature of Barbe-Bleue is underlined by its pleasing utilization of the French Gezacolor process.
Paolo Silvestri
Two young men from the Navy fall in love with an actress.
Daniele, a 16 year old boy, runs away from boarding school after a catastrophic bombing, only to find his home destroyed and his parents dead. Alone in the world he meets Tullio, a disbanded boy who lives in an abandoned area with some girls, Carla, an eighteen year old girl who works as a prostitute, Giulia, younger and sick of tuberculosis, and a girl, Maria.
An archaeologist stumbles into the territory of an evil crime syndicate and struggles to set things right.
The title of this Italian melodrama translates to Pact with the Devil. However, His Satanic Majesty does not appear in the film. Rather, this expensively produced period piece is more along the lines of Romeo and Juliet, with young love threatened by warring families. In his first Italian film, Hollywood veteran Eduardo Cianelli goes through his usual villainous paces as the scheming father of the male lead (Jacques Francois). The most fascinating performance is rendered by Umberto Spadaro, as the village idiot, or is he? Patto col Diavolo makes the most of the visual dynamics of Italy's mountainous Calabrian region.
Salvatore Barra
Returning home after a night of love spent in a woodman's hut with Orsola, Pietro is arrested by the police for a crime he did not commit. His mother and youngest sister, Rosaria, go to Orsola begging her to provide Pietro with the alibi that will clear him. But Rocco, Orsola's brother, dreading a family scandal, constrains Orsola to silence. Condemned despite his innocence, Pietro escapes from prison, but the police track him down and kill him, and his mother, before the eyes of Rosaria. Years pass, and one day Rocco stumbles upon a half-frozen young woman lying in the snow. He takes her home and confides her to the care of Orsola. Later, yielding to the pleas of Orsola, Rocco and Rocco's son, Salvatore, the girl stays on in the house, and Salvatore falls in love with the beautiful stranger, who is careful to keep the family members from learning she is Rosaria, the grown up sister of Pietro seeking revenge for the deaths of her brother and mother.
In the Po Valley during the 19th century, a rich girl engaged to a well-to-do farmer ends up penniless and is forced to work for her fiancé’s relatives. Peasant unrest, carried to extremes by both workers and landowners, leads to violence and tragedy.
Marceline is pretty but inconstant. She has a brother, eccentric as well as invading, who serves as a go-between between the fickle young woman and her lovers. She has been the mistress of Richard for a while when Jeff, an engaging but but unrepentant dreamer, falls madly in love with her. Marceline first turns him down but finally accepts him after she breaks up with Richard. But the coquette has not given up her escapades to which the young florist, nicknamed "Jean de la Lune" for his naivety, turns a blind eye. Little time after their wedding , Marceline becomes infatuated with the good looks of a superficial young man, Alexandre. But Jeff, who has developed a fondness for Jean, intervenes to save the couple.
The ordeal of Françoise who, deceived by her husband, sees her dying child. After a few events in the backdrop of a festival, the husband returns, she pushes him away, driving him to suicide. Another man she thinks she loves is already married.
Stefano Manfredi
In impoverished post-war Rome, a gang of young thieves is lead by Stefano, the son of an illustrious professor. The police suspects that the criminals are actually university students; inspector Mariani, a young World War II veteran, enrolls and tries to find out more. He falls for a pretty fellow student, Luisa, but she is the sister of the gang leader...
Коррумпированный менеджер берёт молодого боксера Люка Фонтана под своё крыло и делает его чемпионом. Но однажды Фонтана узнаёт, что тренер организовывал его бои с самого начала их сотрудничества, а победы были инсценированными. Когда молодой человек узнаёт правду, он признаётся прессе в произошедшем и возвращается к безвестной жизни, какой он жил прежде.
Portrait of a two-faced man. By day he is rich, brilliant and respectable financial officer Lussac; at night, he becomes "Mirror", a ruthless gang leader in Marseilles.