Umut Kurt

Umut Kurt

Рождение : 1981-04-17, Erzincan, Türkiye


Umut Kurt
Umut Kurt


Hicran runs away from home when she is forced into an engagement with Rıza by her father. Rıza, who thinks that Hicran doesn't want to be with him, doesn't care at first. But when it begins to bother him, he decides to confront the situation and embarks on a long search for her in Istanbul.
Pembe Eldiven
Baba Mustafa
Comidark Films: In Between
Working in a ferry as a waiter, Ayzek, having a defect with his front teeth, dreams to get his front teeth fixed and to marry his girlfriend, Songül. The news gets out that the ferry company is turning over the management to a new one and the whole crew is to be interviewed. When the interviewer arrives on board, Ayzek’s world is turned upside down.
Обязательная Асли
Асли, молодая мать, пытается найти няню, чтобы вернуться к работе, и встречает юную Гульнихаль. С появлением девушки, Асли сталкивается со своими тревогами, которых сама избегала.
Gerçek Kesit: Manyak
Riza, a garbage man becomes obsessed in her old mother when he finds a woman's corpse in a garbage can. But someday he meets with his new neighbor,a beautiful widow and starts to lose track of reality, stuck between his love and her mother.
Madımak: Carina'nın Günlüğü
Carina is a young Dutch woman studying anthropology who travels to Ankara to conduct reesarch.
У меня есть возражение
Efrahim Caner
В мечети происходит убийство. Имаму придётся сильно постараться, чтобы распутать это преступление самому. Ведь он теперь для полиции является главным подозреваемым.
Конец дороги в Чанаккале
1915 год. В ходе Дарданелльской операции войска Антанты стремятся проложить себе путь на Константинополь. Османская империя мобилизует все свои резервы и готовится к обороне. В числе новобранцев оказываются братья Хасан и Мухсин, которым предстоит остановить неприятеля любой ценой.
Pazarları Hiç Sevmem
A movie about life, funerals, weddings, old cars, and wills.
A massive explosion rips though a busy street in Istanbul, Turkey. 95 people are dead; 30 Americans and 5 British. The massacre sends shock waves from Turkey to London and Washington, DC. A new terrorist organization is behind the attack. The explosion is just the beginning. Labyrinth' is the code name of the operation conducted by Turkish intelligence to stop a second, more devastating attack that will plunge Turkey, the only democratic Muslim country in the region, into chaos and destroy the fragile balance of the Middle East. After the initial attack, Turkey becomes a battlefront for terrorists and Turkish, British and American intelligence officers. Everyone has his own agenda in the fight that stretches from Istanbul to Eastern Turkey and from Frankfurt to Northern Iraq.
The Crossing
Боль осени
Сын богатого землевладельца-националиста Бехчет по желанию своего отца и благодаря его связям окунается в политическую жизнь. Пусть некоторые вещи в мире и не соответствуют его моральным нормам, но в целом он находит правильной свою националистическую позицию. Бехчет верит, что турецкая нация взята в осаду Западом, ясный пример чему события на Кипре. Посреди всего этого политического, а также благодаря отцу еще и личного напряжения он влюбляется в свою соседку гречанку Элену, проститутку для чиновников высшего ранга...
Hisseli Harikalar Kumpanyası
Haydar Arikan
It is 80's Turkey, local musicians of Adiyaman are hired by the military and trained to welcome one of the forceful generals of coup regime.
Deceptive Depths
Rifat is in the preparation process of a movie about strangers chatting at bus stops, together with his long-time friend and producer, Serhat. as Rifat gets more lonely and isolated, he reluctantly asks his brother in law for financial help. Rifat, who starts to face people around him even more closely as he does not get the reactions he expected during this process, gets lost in a vicious cycle in which he keeps changing the scenario for his film.