"Голоса извне" - одна из поздних удач большого мастера фильмов ужасов Лючио Фульчи ("Седьмые врата ада", 1981). Здесь есть увлекательная детективная интрига, непременные гниющие трупы и живые мертвецы, а также впечатляющие спецэффекты, особенно в сцене в склепе, где на одного из героев нападают зомби. Сам режиссер появился в этой картине в роли врача-патологоанатома. Преуспевающий политик попадает в больницу в тяжелом состоянии. Врачам не удается его спасти, но родственники не особо огорчены - они начинают делить наследство. И только дочь скорбит по покойному отцу. Через некоторое время душа отца входит с ней в контакт и просит расследовать обстоятельства его гибели, поскольку все случившееся было результатом спланированного заговора. У каждого члена семьи обнаруживаются свои причины желать его смерти. Времени на расследование у девушки мало - душа отца может с ней общаться, пока не сгниет тело...
The master of Italian horror, Lucio Fulci, stars as... Lucio Fulci, a filmmaker with a reputation for gruesome horror films. His body of work has started to plague his mental state, and he is haunted by the grotesque set-pieces his mind has conjured up during his career. His psychiatrist, Egon Schwarz, uses a hypnotised Fulci as an avatar to carry out his own disturbed fantasies, in hopes of ruining the master’s reputation once and for all.
A farming community make their money through kidnapping children and selling their vital organs on the black market.
Anne is convinced she has found her husband's corpse, but Dr. Mark can only find out that the man has gone home. When he comes back, his wife does not trust Mark, who believes she suffers from schizophrenia.
As part of a science experiment, a man has spent a record-breaking length of time alone down a hole, but an hour before he's due to re-emerge, something goes wrong and his colleagues have to go in to rescue him.
A prostitute is brutally killed by the road side by a maniancal killer. Nearby a horror film is being produced but the director is worried that the script is too passé for a modern audience and so he plans to include a séance scene - he hires a real medium to carry out a ceremony with the cast and crew to help inspire the script but she is attacked by an evil spirit. Meanwhile members of the cast are being picked off one by one and police detective Walter is desperate to stop his girlfriend, the lead actress Jennifer, becoming the next victim...
Добропорядочная семья из четырех человек решила посетить забытую тетушку, и наладить пошатнувшиеся родственные связи. После долгой дороги они приезжают в дом, но тетушки там нет. Согласно оставленной записке, любимая родственница приедет только утром. Но, вот, вопрос - доживет ли семья до утра, чтобы порадоваться долгожданной встрече?
The spirits of Nazis who were killed by bombs while having an orgy return 50 years later to terrorize a group of six teens who stumble upon the house of their death site.
The financially strained and increasingly desperate, Lester Parsons concocts a brilliant get-rich-quick scheme; cruise the lonely hearts adds for rich women to fleece. Too bad then, that Lester’s also a psychotic cannibal who enjoys mutilating these lovelorn souls, via his trusty chainsaw, and using their flesh for his dinner. When a copycat killer threatens to bring him down, Lester must do all he can to prevent this new killer’s sloppy work from ruining them both.
Production Supervisor
Два галактических контрабандиста, Стелла Стар и Актон, сосланные на каторгу, освобождены, чтобы сражаться против злого захватчика Зарта Арна, который обладает разрушительной космической станцией. Сначала они должны отыскать пропавшего сына императора Галактики…
A glamorous playboy thug's brutal trail of murder, terrorism and sexual blackmail across Las Vegas, Rome, Paris and London quickly wins him a prominent place in the Rome syndicate loosely run by an aging and decrepit Mafia Don. He even wins over the Don's much younger wife.
Associate Producer
D'Artagnan and his musketeer comrades must thwart the plans of Cardinal Richelieu to usurp King Louis XIII's power. Animated film directed by John Halas.
In a small Scottish village, horribly murdered bodies keep turning up. Suspicion falls upon the residents of a nearby castle that is haunted by a curse involving a killer cat.
A comedy based on fourth novel out of "Decameron" by Giovanni Boccaccio.
During a banquet, the diners begin to tell various stories to be happy. All the novels speak of betrayals and erotic adventures
The writer, Geoffrey Chaucer, finds himself in an inn, together with pilgrims who are going to Canterbury. Since the bad weather prevents departure, the men entertain themselves by telling each other spicy stories.
The Benson brothers, who are smuggling guns across the Mexican border, kill King's brother and rape his wife. King must stop their illegal activities, find who is behind them and gain revenge for his family.
Doc and Chapagua are two rogues who acquire a large stash of gold before the Civil War. They agree to hide it together, blindfolding each other on the way so they'll need each other to find the hiding place. After the War, double-crosses abound as Doc and Chapagua not only have to deal with the army, but with the seductive, gold-hungry Moira as well.
Production Secretary
The daughter of a noble man is sold into slavery, only to be later rescued by the film's hero. Repackaged from an original Sword-and-Sandal italian film.
Executive Producer
The daughter of a noble man is sold into slavery, only to be later rescued by the film's hero. Repackaged from an original Sword-and-Sandal italian film.
Production Manager
General Gutierrez, the evil governor of Mexico, terrorizes the people and demands high taxes. The young Ramon Martiney, after discovering that his father was murdered by Gutierrez, dons the mask of Zorro and starts fighting against the injustice.
В африканской пустыне терпит крушение вертолет. Трое друзей, выживших после катастрофы, пытаются добраться до людей и попадают в таинственную и загадочную Атлантиду, погребенную в песках. Правит этой страной принцесса Антинея.
Production Manager
Production Manager
Mario and Fabrizio are two boxer friends who fall for the same girl and become enemies because of her. As time goes by things get better between the two men but... tragedy looms behind the corner.
Production Manager
A businessman is wrongly accused and convicted for the murder of his associate.