Jarl Kulle

Jarl Kulle

Рождение : 1927-02-27, Ekeby, Malmöhus län, Sweden

Смерть : 1997-10-03


Jarl Lage Kulle was a Swedish stage and screen actor, director and singer. He graduated from the Royal Dramatic Theatre's acting school in 1949, was subsequently employed at the theatre and was a member of the ensemble till 1995. In total, Kulle played in 76 plays at the Royal dramatic Theatre in Stockholm. In 1959 he appeared as Henry Higgins in the musical "My Fair Lady" at Oscarsteatern, Stockholm. Thirteen years earlier, in 1946, Jarl Kulle made his film debut in a minor role. Ten years later he was offered major parts as first lover and prince charming. Internationally he's probably most known for his performances in Ingmar Bergman's "Smiles of a Summer Night" and "Fanny and Alexander".


Jarl Kulle


Jag Kulle
Interview with Jarl Kulle cut together with a summary of his career.
A tribute to Swedish film, which was made to celebrate the 100th anniversary of film in 1995 and consists of about a hundred clips from Swedish film history with many of its stars.
Immanuel Nobel
The life of the Swedish engineer Alfred Nobel. How he invented dynamite and later in his life founded the Nobel-Prize.
Oscar II
Swedish painter Anders Zorn gained notoriety for his nudes. His works are currently worth millions. The film is set in the time when Zorn, already respected for his art, was commissioned to paint a portrait of the Swedish king. Though an excellent painter, Zorn's personal life is dreadful. A boozer and a womanizer who frequently cheats on his wife, Zorn constantly seeks approval for his art. When he travels to the U.S. for a tour he meets Emilie Bartlett the wife of sculptor Paul W. Bartlett with whom he begins a sporadic affair. After Paul commits suicide, Zorn and Emilie move to Sweden. Zorn disregards his wife's feelings and openly displays his affections for Emilie.
Minns ni?
A quick overview of Swedish film history, featuring a breathtaking cavalry of scenes from about 170 films.
The Telegraphist
Set against the beautiful backdrop of northern Norway, this film tells the story of a telegraphist in a very small community at the turn of the century.
"Herman", based on Lars Saabye Christensen's novel of the same name, tells the story of the young boy Herman who suddenly loses his hair and becomes bald at the age of eleven. It follows him through what is a very difficult period in his life, through big mood swings and irrational behaviour until he finally learns to accept himself for who he is.
Пир Бабетты
Gen. Lorens Löwenhielm
В семью только что скончавшегося Лоренца Лёвенхьельма, который воспитал в истово протестантском духе двух своих дочерей — Мартину и Филиппу, названных так в честь Мартина Лютера и его соратника Филиппа Меланхтона, приезжает из Франции в качестве домоправительницы женщина по имени Бабетта. На самом-то деле, она была вынуждена бросить всё и сбежать из Парижа, охваченного революцией 1871 года, захватив с собой только лотерейный билет, который ежегодно проверял её друг, пока не сообщил через 14 лет, что Бабетта выиграла солидную сумму — 10 тысяч франков. Решив вернуться на родину, Бабетта захотела на прощание отблагодарить сестер за их добросердечность и великодушие…
Фанни и Александр
Gustav Adolf Ekdahl
История семьи Экдаль, увиденная глазами двух детей — сестры и брата Фанни и Александра. Пока семья едина и неразлучна, дети счастливы и без страха могут предаваться чудесным мечтам. С потерей близких людей в них растет чувство горечи и неприязни к миру. Но там, где Фанни пытается сохранить чистую душу, Александр замыкается в тёмном и жестоком внутреннем мирке.
Hilding Lif
История о приключениях мальчика Расмуса, сбежавшего из приюта, и его друга — странствующего поэта Оскара. Действие происходит в Швеции в начале XX века. Расмус — мальчик, который живёт в приюте. Не выдерживая тюремных порядков и придирок управляющей фрекен Хёк, он убегает из приюта и присоединяется к бродяге и барду по прозвищу Оскар Перекати-поле. Они начинают вместе путешествовать по стране. Ему предстоит пережить немало неожиданных и таинственных приключений и наконец обрести счастье домашнего очага. По мотивам одноименной повести Астрид Линдгрен.
Around the World in 80 Days
Phileas Fogg
The immortal story of Phileas Fogg and his servant Passepartout.
The White Carnation
An absent-minded University teacher lives a double life as an impostor. His butler helps him find victims.
The White Carnation
An absent-minded University teacher lives a double life as an impostor. His butler helps him find victims.
The White Carnation
An absent-minded University teacher lives a double life as an impostor. His butler helps him find victims.
Karl XII
Karl XII
Ture Sventon - Privatdetektiv
Ture Sventon
Private detective Ture Sventon is visited by his friend Mr. Omar of the Arabic desert. Sventon decides to travel with Mr. Omar on his flying carpet to Paris. However, Sventon almost exclusively lives on cream puffs, and to transport these across the continent, he needs a portable fridge. He pays a visit to Stockholms foremost fridge inventor and are introduced to a new fridge which shrinks and deshrinks the food. The inventor is afraid his new invention will be stolen, and thus Sventon brings it to Paris where it gets stolen.
Good-Bye Nana
A film that questions the right of parents to force their children into the adult world's rational behavior. A 6-year-old revolt by going to a lawyer and ask for a divorce from their parents.
Good-Bye Nana
A film that questions the right of parents to force their children into the adult world's rational behavior. A 6-year-old revolt by going to a lawyer and ask for a divorce from their parents.
Good-Bye Nana
A film that questions the right of parents to force their children into the adult world's rational behavior. A 6-year-old revolt by going to a lawyer and ask for a divorce from their parents.
Miss and Mrs Sweden
Leif Mix
To increase sales of the magazine Veckohatten, the management decides to invest heavily in the beauty contest Miss Sweden. A communist cell is planning to sabotage the competition, because it is sexist.
The Bookseller Who Gave Up Bathing
A sleepy village around 1910. Jacob, the owner of a book store in a small town is a member of a club who baths together every Sunday. He is uninterested in women until Amelie Arbel moves into the town. She is both rich and seductive and he marries her. After the marriage he discovers that she can be very troublesome.
The Bookseller Who Gave Up Bathing
A sleepy village around 1910. Jacob, the owner of a book store in a small town is a member of a club who baths together every Sunday. He is uninterested in women until Amelie Arbel moves into the town. She is both rich and seductive and he marries her. After the marriage he discovers that she can be very troublesome.
The Bookseller Who Gave Up Bathing
A sleepy village around 1910. Jacob, the owner of a book store in a small town is a member of a club who baths together every Sunday. He is uninterested in women until Amelie Arbel moves into the town. She is both rich and seductive and he marries her. After the marriage he discovers that she can be very troublesome.
Постель для брата и сестры 1782
Baron Carl Ulrik Alsmeden
Действие фильма происходит в Швеции XVIII века. Молодой дворянин Якоб возвращается домой из Франции. Он вступает в кровосмесительную связь со своей сестрой Шарлоттой, которая собирается выйти замуж. Шарлотта обнаруживает, что беременна от брата, и просит его бежать из дома вместе с ней. Однако Якоб не хочет менять привычный образ жизни. Кроме того, ему известно, что дети от подобной связи рождаются не вполне здоровыми. Поэтому после размышлений он решает отказать сестре, оставив её наедине с проблемами.
Are You Crazy?
Hans Ringmar
Lawyer Hans is having an affair with his secretary Anni and is trying to get his wife to meet another husband. When his wife falls in love with another man, Hans instead becomes jealous and realizes his true love for Ellen.
Dear John
John Berndtsson
Divorced skipper John meets Anita, a single mother, at a port and spends the weekend with her.
Dansen kring Guldbaggen
Filmed during the first ever Guldbaggen awards it was edited and developed that night and shown for the first time to the guests at the after party.
Swedish Wedding Night
Hilmer Westlund
A wealthy butcher, fond of liquor and women is about to marry a much younger woman. The woman's father has locked himself in the attic and refuses to come to the wedding.
Не говоря о всех этих женщинах
Претенциозный критик Корнелиус пишет биографию известного виолончелиста. Он решает провести небольшое исследование его жизни, и приезжает погостить к музыканту в дом на несколько дней. У Корнелиуса никак не получается взять интервью, однако разговаривая со всеми женщинами, которые живут в доме прославленного музыканта, биографисту удается создать подлинную картину личной жизни виолончилиста. Тогда Корнелиус решается шантажировать звезду написанным материалом…
The Girl and the Press Photographer
Bastian and Lene are a good couple, as a journalist and press photographer. They take turns to get ideas for how to get a scoop for the magazine "Tit og Lyt". They agree to play husband and wife so that Bastian can get an apartment. Lene is deeply in love with Bastian why she gets their mutual friend Soren to send a man from the housing authority. He says that they most have one child to stay in the apartment.
Kort är sommaren
Thomas Glahn
Lieutenant Glahn arrives in a small village in northern Norway. He wants to live in peace in the company of his dog. The young Edvarda stirs emotions in the lieutenant.
Чудесное путешествие Нильса Хольгерсона
Mårten Gåskarl (voice)
Из мести гном сильно уменьшает Нильса Хольгерсона, и мальчик совершает увлекательное путешествие на гусе из Швеции в Лапландию и обратно.
Милое семейство
Действие происходит в Копенгагене. Богатый купец и судовладелец Якоб Фрийс удачно, с его точки зрения, выдав двух своих старших дочерей замуж, ищет «блестящую» партию для своей последней, младшей дочери Иды. Он мечтает о том. чтобы мужем её был человек с графским титулом. Но события сложились таким образом, что Ида в конце концов выходит замуж за своего кузена Вальдемара, с которым её с детства связывает дружба.
Lita på mej, älskling!
Karl Särner
Anna and Karl are a young couple in Stockholm, unable to find an apartment of their own. However, they play matchmakers to make their friends Fredrik and Ulla to get together, getting an apartment of their own that way. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Do You Believe in Angels?
Jan Froman
Jan Froman is a young man with great plans for the future. He gets a job as an assistant janitor at a bank, but with inherited money he starts to buy and sell real estate which eventually increases in value. He falls in love with Margareta, whose father is a naval officer. Margareta is slighted by her fiance and follows Froman on a sailing trip in the archipelago. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Дьявольское око
Don Juan
Целомудренная девушка для дьявола, в буквальном смысле, что бельмо на глазу. Чтобы избавить себя от этой напасти, властитель ада призывает Дон Жуана. Великий грешник должен соблазнить 20-летнюю дочь пастора, очаровательную Бритт-Мари прежде, чем она выйдет замуж и потеряет девственность. В распоряжении распутника всего лишь день и ночь…
Av hjärtans lust
Baron Patrik Sinclair
The Baron of Qvinnevad Castle has financial problems and is forced to show the estate to tourists. The baron finds out that an unknown person is trying to acquire the castle.
Johan Jacob Wenkel
Rich socialite must deny persistent rumours that she has an affair with a poor author.
Miss April
Osvald Berg
The banker Marcus falls in love with the young ballet-dancer Maj who works at the opera. To meet her he takes a job there but Maj is in love with Osvald Berg, the big star of the opera. To wake Osvald's interest for her she asks Marcus if he could play deeply in love with her. Plot summary by nL.
Ingen morgondag
Viktor Aaltonen
It is in a battlefield in Karelia, Finland during the Continuation war (1941-1944). Intensive shooting between Finnish and Soviet troops takes place. The Soviet occupation is strong, and on the Finnish side it is ordered to withdraw. But Captain Viktor Aaltonen does not listen to the order but wants to shorten a wounded companion's suffering. Aaltonen is taken to the Soviet prison camp, Vorkuta, where he will spend a decade.
En drömmares vandring
Dan Andersson
Portrait of the Swedish poet Dan Andersson (1888-1920). Brought up during poor conditions he finds work as a temperance preacher and educator. Bored by this he travels to Stockholm to try to get his poems published. On the train he meets a rich, sophisticated art patron who encourages him and grinds his literary and philosophical formation.
Song of the Scarlet Flower
Olof Koskela
Olof is driven from home when he wants to marry the wrong girl. He takes a job as a log driver and his reputation as a womanizer goes far and wide.
Last Pair Out
Ernst Farell
About the life of the student, Bo Dahlin. Bo's parents are divorced. Both have been unfaithful. Bo is engaged to Kerstin, but only has eyes for Anita. Anita is filled with self-disgust.
Улыбки летней ночи
Count Carl Magnus Malcolm
Стареющий адвокат Фредрик Эгерман мечется между добродетелью и вожделением. Он боготворит свою юную жену Анну, но втайне ищет встреч со своей бывшей возлюбленной – актрисой Дезире Армфельт. Его сын от первого брака учится на богослова и скрывает свой интерес к неискушенной мачехе. Еще один соперник Фредрика, воинственный любовник Дезире – единственный, кто не испытывает угрызений совести. Однако и его положение победителя уязвимо. Пока мужчины состязаются друг с другом, женщины решают восстановить разрушенное счастье…
Karin Månsdotter
King Erik of Sweden
Karin does not belong to the nobility but nevertheless marries the mentally ill king Erik XIV and becomes queen of Sweden. The king's skilled counsellor Göran Persson wants a royal policy supporting the people and supported by it. But in relation to the nobility the king oscillates between provocative strength and unpredictable weakness. Göran arranges that some very powerful noblemen are killed. Subsequently the king tries to have them convicted of high treason by the parliament. He forgets the manuscript, mixes up all facts, and the noblemen are acquitted. But Göran speedily gathers another parliament and has them convicted. Meanwhile Erik apologises because of the unjust murders. Hence Erik is dethroned and imprisoned. Göran is executed. Karin is restricted to a castle in Finland. In the prison Erik believes that he is still the king and gives the guards presents such as all fishes in the Baltic Sea.
Leper at Death Valley
The story about the thief who didn't get crucified because Jesus was choosen to take his place.
The 69th, the sergeant and me
Two hairdressers are summoned by the Army, which they do not like. They both try to make life as hard as possible for their Sergeant.
Женщины ждут
Ракель, Марта, Карин и Аннетт замужем за четырьмя братьями. Ожидая своих супругов в летнем коттедже, каждая из них рассказывает свою историю.
Leva på 'Hoppet'
Directed by Göran Gentele
Kvartetten som sprängdes
Ture Borg
A small Swedish town just after WW1. An accountant and his two journalist friends have entered the stock market. The result is not as good as expected.
Ungdom i fara
A young man with a messy background stands trial for car theft. He gets away with a suspended sentence. With the help of a social worker, he gets on the right side of life — until a criminal friend shows up.
Swedish TV movie based on the Hjalmar Bergman play.