Víctor Parra

Víctor Parra

Рождение : 1920-01-10, Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico

Смерть : 1994-02-20


Víctor Parra Reyes (10 January 1920 – 20 February 1994), better known simply as Víctor Parra, was a Mexican actor and producer of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema. During his career, he won three Ariel Awards.


Víctor Parra
Víctor Parra


Inspector Calzonzin
Executive Producer
Mexico's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1974
El bastardo
Germán Lobos
Hombres de roca
Cowboy drifter goes home for a visit, gets into trouble messing around with another man's woman.
La muerte en el desfiladero
Masked horseman avenges the deaths of family members and resolves questions about a contested inheritance. One of four in a series ("Relampago").
Nostradamus: The Genie of Darkness
In order to stop a vampire from terrorizing the countryside, some locals decide to break into his coffin at night and steal his ashes. Complications ensue.
El asaltacaminos
Young man puts on the Black Mask Of Vengeance to solve some tangled legal problems concerning a contested inheritance and several murdered family members. It took him four feature-length movies to do it. (Series: "El Relampago.")
The Blood of Nostradamus
Vampire hunters track down a vampire and attempt to steal the ashes from his coffin in order to stop him from reviving nightly.
Herencia trágica
Masked horseman avenges the deaths of family members and resolves questions about a contested inheritance. One of four in a series ("Relampago").
El jinete negro
Juan Ramírez Romero / Luis
Masked horseman avenges the deaths of family members and resolves questions about a contested inheritance. One of four in a series ("Relampago").
La máscara de carne
Mexican feature film
El caudillo
Bad-hat townsfolk want to dispossess local Indians of their tribal lands; priestess and white ally fight back. One of four in a series.
Secuestro diabolico
Alma de Acero
Inspired by Alexander Dumas's novel The Corsican Brothers, Alma de Acero presents a delightful spin on the classic story of twin brothers (both played by Luis Aguilar) and their contrasting lives. As a singer in a nightclub, one brother has chosen a life of peaceful simplicity; the other, however, has chosen a troublesome lifestyle that leads to numerous run-ins with the law, forcing the vocalist to risk his own life to save his sibling.
One son takes after mom, one son takes after dad. They don't get along, and the family splits into two households.
El túnel 6
Engineering crew excavating a tunnel through a mountain, are trapped by a landslide.
Мокрые спины
Mr. Sterling
Главный герой Рафаэль — как и множество других мексиканских безработных — тайком, рискуя жизнью, в поисках работы перебирается через мексиканско-американскую границу при помощи Фрэнка Мендосы, партнера американской компании Sterling, в которой работают нелегальные мигранты. Но и в Америке найти работу не так-то легко. Рафаэль пытается вернуться на родину. Он встречается с Марией Консуэло — мексиканкой, родившейся в США. Фильм рассказывает о том, какую роль сыграла эта встреча в жизни Рафаэля, как сложились отношения молодых людей…
La sospechosa
Young woman returns home from her travels and discovers that her mother's new husband is up to no good.
Don Ignacio Santos
With the purpose of using barbasco roots in the production of cortisone, a pharmaceutical company sends a scientist to investigate the possibilities of exploitation in Veracruz, but the man gets lost in the jungle and lives a strange romantic adventure in a remote location called Paradise.
Los Fernández de Peralvillo
Mario Fernández
A young man fails as a seller of household goods and his sister, tired of poverty, elopes with a criminal.
Roberto Garibay, reporter
Reporters compete for cash prize awarded for biggest scoop on New Year's Eve.
Frontera norte
El baby
Two brothers: one's a cop, one's a gangster.
The Devil's Money
El Gitano
Los dineros del diablo (The Devil's Money) is a Mexican drama film directed by Alejandro Galindo. It was released in 1953 and starring Amalia Aguilar and Roberto Cañedo.
Prisionera del recuerdo
Refugee from Spanish Civil War deals with PTSD and a romantic triangle while trying to find her father's murderer.
La hija del ministro
A young bureaucrat's career takes off when it's believed he's keeping company with the daughter of a higher-ranking official.
El Suavecito
Roberto Ramírez "El Suavecito"
The playboy Roberto "El Suavecito" takes very comfortable working relationship with Lupita, despite his constant infidelities. One night in a ballroom, "El Suavecito" fight with the driver Carlos. After making peace, "El Suavecito" invites the betting parlor Carlos "El Nene", a dangerous gangster. There he commits a crime and Carlos is wrongly accused. Coward, "El Suavecito" sells his silence to "El Nene", but regrets not allow you to keep your promise for long.
Adventures of a New Rich Man
La fe en Dios
Criminal on the lam assumes the identity of a dead priest and takes his place in a rural parish.
Cuatro contra el mundo
Paco Mendiola
This dazed Mexican-melodrama-cum-boozer-heist-noir cuts a dark swath over a border nominally dominated by the hardboiled likes of Chandler and Hammett. Employing many of the classic tropes of Mexican noir (blood-tainted money, hothouse betrayals, the entrapped yearnings of dark hearts), we follow the slow demise of a gang who hole up in an attic in the wake of a fatal robbery. Galindo liberally dashes in lashes of the smokiest amour mort, gradually whittling it down to an ill-fated if rapturous coupling of gangster’s moll and underling. Starring Leticia Palma and Víctor Parra.
Ángeles de arrabal
Manuel Sánchez, el Suavecito
Small-time crooks and bargirls, and also their mothers, get involved in a situation over some stolen jewels.
Yo maté a Juan Charrasqueado
Everybody at the ranch adjacent to Juan C.'s has a reason to hate him, because he's a bad bad man.
El vengador
Something's rotten in the state of Puebla.
El último chinaco
1880s-1890s rural adventure on horseback.
El cuarto mandamiento
David Gonzalez
A Mexican family drama.
El muchacho alegre
Boisterous young charro has to prove to his girlfriend's parents that he's ready to settle down and be a responsible adult... but then somebody frames him for a murder and he has more immediate problems to deal with.
Los Cristeros
When the government places restrictions on the Catholic church's autonomy, an armed uprising takes place. Disagreements over the new laws create conflict within the protagonist's family.
La niña de mis ojos
Classic movie of Mexican cinema.
Champion Without Crown
Joe Ronda
A young ice cream vendor, Roberto Terranova, witnesses a child being beaten and comes to his aid by physically overpowering the aggressor. His strength and natural ability catches the eye of a well-known boxing trainer. Considering him a diamond in the rough, he aims to put Roberto in the professional ring. But Roberto finds that his personal challenges must be overcome before he can achieve professional greatness.