Phoebe Waller-Bridge

Phoebe Waller-Bridge

Рождение : 1985-07-14, London, England, UK


Phoebe Mary Waller-Bridge (born July 14, 1985) is an English actress and screenwriter. As a creator, head writer, and star of the comedy series Fleabag (2016–2019), she won three Primetime Emmy Awards, two Golden Globes and a British Academy Television Award. She received further Emmy and Golden Globe nominations for writing and producing the spy thriller series Killing Eve (2018–2022). Waller-Bridge has also created, written, and starred in the comedy series Crashing (2016). She has also acted in the comedy series The Café (2011–2013), in the second season of Broadchurch (2015), and in the films Albert Nobbs (2011), The Iron Lady (2011), Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017), and Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018). She has since contributed to the screenplay of the James Bond film No Time to Die (2021) and starred in the adventure film Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023).


Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Phoebe Waller-Bridge


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In a near-future Boston, an amateur stand up comedian with memory problems struggles to maintain his sobriety as he falls for his transgender best friend. After she rejects his affection, he hears of a company that can give him another chance with her. Introducing NuYou: a business that creates human clones for the modern day consumer.
A man can see and talk to people's imaginary friends, befriending those that have been forgotten or discarded. However, some imaginary friends, lacking love and friendship, turn to the dark side and must be stopped.
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The Fringe, Fame and Me
The Fringe, Fame and Me is the story of how a small Scottish arts festival that began 75 years ago this year became a national institution – a crucible where new stars are forged, careers made, and sometimes, dreams dashed. Told by the stars who first found fame at the Edinburgh Fringe, this is the inside story of what it takes to make a name here, from those who enjoyed overnight success to those who slogged for years to make it. Through their triumphs, favourite jokes, and sometimes painful failures, we’ll discover a hidden history of British comedy – revealing how the gags we find funny and the comedians we love reflect our changing culture.
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National Theatre Live: Fleabag
Fleabag may seem oversexed, emotionally unfiltered and self-obsessed, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. With family and friendships under strain and a guinea pig café struggling to keep afloat, Fleabag suddenly finds herself with nothing to lose.
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Billy believes his friends and family have been replaced by doubles. His psychiatrist believes this is a delusion. Meanwhile, Billy's carrying out an experiment to prove it's no delusion.